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Barclay of Knotts Green and Higham |
David Barclay had seven children by his first marriage and ten by his second, and although all those who lived to maturity seem to have led interesting and successful lives, the most significant of them was probably the younger surviving son of his second marriage, David Barclay (1729-1809). He seems to have been associated with both his father's linen merchant house and with the Freame & Barclay bank, but when he became concerned that Britain's worsening relationship with her American colonies would damage the linen business, he at first he attempted to mediate between Benjamin Franklin and the British government to find a compromise acceptable to both sides, and when this failed, managed the firm's gradual withdrawal from the export trade. The firm ceased trading altogether in 1783, but by then he had taken up a partnership with the bank. He inherited a plantation in Jamaica and its slave population, and in line with his Quaker principles he freed the slaves, paid for them to be taught a trade or handicraft skills, and resettled them on his property in Pennsylvania. He was also one of the close family members who put up the capital to enable his nephew Robert Barclay (1751-1830) to buy the Anchor brewery and establish his highly successful business there. In 1768 he became the first member of the family to own a country house (Youngsbury (Herts)), although it was just a small villa in an unfinished landscaped garden when he acquired it, and he enlarged it considerably and improved the setting. In 1793 he began to feel his age and sold it again, downsizing to live in villas at Edmonton (Middx) and Walthamstow (Essex).
David Barclay (1729-1809) left a good deal of his property to his grandson, Hudson Gurney (1775-1864), whose paternal family were also Quakers with banking and brewing interests, and became closely interconnected with the Barclays over succeeding generations. He was succeeded as a partner in the family bank, however, by his nephew, Robert Barclay (1758-1816) - the son of his brother John (1728-87) - who was a leading figure in the Society of Friends. He lived in a substantial five-bay house at Clapham (Surrey) - now a hospice at 30 Clapham Common North Side - and was friendly with many of the leading figures in the Clapham Sect whose reformist social and political views he generally shared, even if his religious views were different. He was also one of several members of the family to have had a keen interest in astronomy, and he had an observatory built within the grounds of his house at Clapham. He was succeeded at Clapham and also as senior partner in the bank by his eldest son, Robert Barclay (1787-1853), who in 1814 married Elizabeth Gurney. As part of their marriage settlement he acquired the Higham estate near Bury St. Edmunds (Suffk), which he esteemed particularly for its game shooting. This estate, which is still valued for its shooting, remains in the family today and is now centred on Desnage Lodge, a former farmhouse. Rather remarkably for an estate that has been in the same family for more than two hundred years, no country house has apparently ever been built on this property, although Desnage Lodge is now quite a substantial house.
In about 1820, Robert Barclay moved from Clapham to Knotts Green House at Leyton (Essex), a larger villa standing in its own grounds in what was then a village well beyond the suburban spread of London. This passed, together with his role as senior partner in the family bank and the Higham estate, to his only surviving son, Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98). Like his predecessors, Joseph was a lifelong Quaker, and he remained senior partner of the bank until it became a limited company in 1896. In some ways, Joseph is the central figure in this story, for he was by a considerable distance the wealthiest of the Barclays (leaving £900,000 at his death, excluding real estate), and it was he who sought to establish his sons as landed proprietors on a more considerable scale than any members of the family had achieved since David Barclay sold Youngsbury in 1793. For himself, he bought the Brent Pelham Hall estate in 1865 and a holiday house at Cromer in Norfolk called The Warren. In 1871 he probably assisted his eldest son, Robert Barclay (1843-1921), to buy High Leigh at Hoddesdon (Herts), and he may also have helped his second son, William Leatham Barclay, to buy The Briars at Reigate.
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Herne's Close (now Sutherland House), Cromer: built in 1886 by E.J. May for Joseph Gurney Barclay. |
In the next generation, Robert Barclay (1843-1921) of High Leigh also inherited the Higham estate. He left the Quakers and joined the Church of England, in which he became a leading lay figure. He left his properties to his son, Robert Leatham Barclay (1869-1939), who shared his religious and philanthropic interests, and who gave High Leigh to a company he had established to own and manage Christian conference centres.
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Gaston House, Little Hallingbury: home of R.L. Barclay and his widow from 1906-49 |
Joseph's third son, Henry Albert Barclay (1858-1947) lived at Bletchingley (Surrey) until in 1900 his father's trustees bought him the Hanworth Hall estate in Norfolk. Like several of his brothers, he abandoned the Society of Friends for the Church of England and once established in Norfolk in 1900 he threw himself enthusiastically into a career in the volunteer movement, raising a regiment and commanding it until 1913. When he died in 1947, Hanworth passed to his grandson, Maj. Michael Barclay (1913-2002), and it remains the property of his son, Mr. M.H. Barclay (b. 1938).
Joseph's fourth son, Edward Exton Barclay (1860-1948), inherited the Brent Pelham estate from his father in 1898. Although he was briefly a partner in the family bank, he retired, like his father, when the bank became a limited company in 1896, and his increased leisure enabled him to devote his whole time to hunting. He was successively Master of the North Norfolk Harriers and the Puckeridge Foxhounds continuously from 1878 until his death in 1948, which may be some sort of record, and his passion for hunting was communicated so effectively to his successors that his son, grandson and great-grandchildren have held the Mastership or joint mastership of the Puckeridge continuously since 1896. The Brent Pelham estate descended to his son, Maj. Maurice Edward Barclay (1886-1962) and grandson, Capt. Charles Barclay (1919-2002), but after the latter's death his children sold the house and a small acreage while retaining the bulk of the estate.
One other branch of the family needs to be explored. Ford Barclay (1795-1859) was a younger son of Robert Barclay (1758-1816), who became a stockbroker rather than entering the family bank. He lived at Tooting (Surrey) and later at Walthamstow (Essex), although his houses have not been identified with certainty. His son, Henry Ford Barclay (1826-91) lived at, and perhaps built, a subtantial mid 19th century house at Woodford (Essex) called Monkhams. This seems to have been sold after his death and was given a remarkably ornate late Victorian interior by the next owner, Arnold Hills, who founded West Ham Football Club. H.F. Barclay's eldest son, Henry Gurney Barclay (1851-1936), who became vice-chairman of Barclays Bank, rented Colney Hall near Norwich from 1887, and in 1900 bought the freehold. His passion was for ornithology, and he rented the Farne Islands to protect the wild birds there at a time when they were under threat from egg collectors and others. He was succeeded at Colney Hall by his son, Capt. Evelyn Hugh Barclay (1886-1956), but after his death his widow sold the estate, and the house was greatly reduced and remodelled. H.F. Barclay's fifth son, Charles Theodore Barclay (1867-1921), who was a stockbroker and company director, leased Fanshaws near Hertford from 1909, and the lease was continued by his son, Christopher Gurney Barclay (1897-1962), but given up in 1963 after his death.
It is remarkable that a family which for two hundred years controlled such a powerful wealth-generating machine as Barclays Bank, should not have been more successful in sustaining a country house lifestyle through the troubled 20th century. Of all the houses recorded in this article, only Hanworth remains in family possession, although the Higham and Brent Pelham estates are also Barclay owned. The reasons for the family's pattern of acquisition and disposal must be complex, but relevant factors would seem to be the close attention to business of some members of the family and the philanthropy of others who had a strong social and religious conscience. The family offers scope for a fascinating case-study of the relationship between the elite and the country house for anyone who could gain access to the relevant archives and who can study the topic in more depth than is possible here.
Youngsbury, Standon, Hertfordshire
Youngsbury was the manor house of the manor of Youngs in the parish of Standon, which took its name from a family that owned the lands in the 13th and 14th centuries. The predecessor of the present house is thought to have stood on a site some 300 yards further east, but it seems unlikely to have been much more than a farmhouse as it was not mentioned in Chauncy's History of Hertfordshire (1700). In the early 18th century the estate belonged to John Bird (d. 1732), who left as his co-heiresses his four nieces, Jane, Elizabeth, Martha and Abigail. In 1740, Jane Bird bought out the shares of Elizabeth and Martha, and after she was married in 1744 to David Poole (d. 1762), a lawyer who rose in his profession to be King's Serjeant, he bought the last share from the heirs of Abigail. 1745 was therefore both the year in which the estate was reassembled and also the year (according to an inscription 'DP 1745' cut into the string course of the house and confirmed by Clutterbuck, the county historian) in which the present house was built.
In 1771, when the indefatigable agronomist Arthur Young visited the place, he recorded that the house was 'built by Mr. Paine', that is James Paine, who was by then one of the country's leading architects. The attribution to Paine is stylistically very plausible. Although it is perhaps not quite true that 'no other English architect practising in 1745 designed houses whose entire width was spanned by a pediment' as Richard Hewlings has asserted, there were certainly none for whom it became such a design staple as James Paine, as he designed six, chiefly in the 1750s, when his country house practice was at its height. Against this stylistic evidence, however, is the supposed date of 1745. If the house is so early, it would be one of Paine's first independent works, and it is necessary to explain how Paine might have come by the commission. The answer may be that David Poole came from Pontefract (Yorks WR), just five miles from Nostell Priory where Paine was working as clerk of works and site architect from 1737 onwards. Such a geographical link would clearly allow the two men to have met early in a number of ways, and makes it less remarkable that Youngsbury should have been one of Paine's earliest commissions. Another possibility is that, since incised dates sometimes refer to ownership rather than building, the assumed date of Youngsbury is too early, and that it actually belongs to the 1750s, when Paine's other houses of a similar form were being constructed.
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Youngsbury: the front of the house in c.1876. |
The house that was built by Paine was strikingly neo-classical in style, and also remarkably small, since originally only two bays lay behind the three bay two-and-a-half storey south elevation, with its deeply projecting pedimental gable carried on prominent paired brackets across the whole width of the front. The shallow depth of the house as first built is shown by a straight joint in the brickwork of the east front and a corresponding change in the colour of the brickwork on the west front, and is confirmed by the footprint of the house shown on a landscaping plan by Capability Brown (below). Apart from its pediment, the house was severely plain, with widely-spaced windows, and just a single stone sill band and shallow blind arches around the central first-floor window and the flanking ground-floor windows to relieve the severity.
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Youngsbury: Capability Brown's undated plan for landscaping the grounds. Image: Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies A2845. |
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Youngsbury: the east front in 1972, showing the straight joint in the brickwork that marks the division between the original building and David Barclay's extension of c.1770. Image: Historic England. |
David Barclay (1729-1809) was a linen merchant and banker who became extremely rich, but he was also a Quaker of the strongest moral and social principles. According to Clutterbuck, he 'very much improved and increased the mansion and estate', and a comparison of estate plans of 1768 and 1793 shows that it was he who enlarged the house and built the adjoining stables and brewhouse. The enlargement increased the depth of the house from two to five bays, and must have involved the replanning of the interior. The creation of a central top-lit staircase probably dated from his time, although it has been replaced at least once and probably twice since. No architect is recorded for these works, but the severity of the completely plain exteriors is perhaps accounted for by Barclay's Quaker principles (which led him to insist his family adhered to plain Quaker dress even when King George III and his family visited his London house in 1761). The attractive stable block is actually slightly more ornamental than the addition to the house, with its pedimented centre crowned by a tall cupola and a turret clock of 1770 by Charles Penton set into the pediment.
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Youngsbury in c.1889, showing the enlarged window, incongruous porch and single-storey addition. |
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Youngsbury in 2012: the south and east fronts of the house after the removal of the pediment and top floor. |
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Youngsbury: the staircase from Chiswick House imported as part of the reconstruction of the house after 1948. |
Descent: John Bird (d. 1732); to nieces, of whom Jane bought out her co-heirs and married David Poole (d. 1762); sold 1768 to David Barclay (1729-1809); sold 1793 to William Cunliffe Shaw; sold 1796 to David Giles (d. 1800), Governor of the Bank of England; to son, David Giles (d. 1831); to nephew, Benjamin Giles King (d. 1840); to sister, Louisa (1772-1857), widow of Sir Christopher Puller (1774-1824), kt.; to son, Christopher William Puller (later Giles-Puller) (1807-64); to son, Arthur Giles Giles-Puller (1833-85); to brother, Rev. Charles Giles-Puller (1834-92); to widow, Emmeline Giles-Puller (d. c.1903); to son, Christopher Bernard Giles-Puller (1875-1933); to brother, Francis Charles Giles-Puller (1877-1957), who perhaps sold the estate 1946 to F.W. Parrish and house c.1948 to Robert Cecil Byng (1904-84), 7th Earl of Strafford (alternatively Byng may have been a tenant); sold c.1953 to Cmdr. Godfrey Wigram Arkwright (1901-54); to son, John Loftus Henry Arkwright (1931-2017), who sold 1958 to John Ormiston Fitzgerald; sold 1969 to The Hon. Charles Anthony Savile (1934-2018); sold 2013 to Jeremy Langmead & Simon Rayner; sold 2017 to Mr & Mrs James Pearce.
Knotts Green House, Leyton, Essex
The estate probably originated in a small freehold property 'at Diggons Cross' first mentioned in 1537-38. The first house at Diggons Cross of which anything is known was assessed at 11 hearths in 1662, and at 12 in 1670 and 1674. By 1786, this house had some years since been pulled down and replaced by a 'capital modern built house', presumably built by Charles Jackson. The new house was a plain two-storey building of yellow brick with a mansard slate roof. From a brick dated 1791 it appears that Gilbert Slater built the bow-windowed extensions on each side. In contrast to the plain exterior the interior was elaborately decorated, possibly by Slater. The entrance hall had moulded plaster panels, and other rooms were enriched by plaques, mouldings, and Adam-style ceilings, and by mahogany and satinwood doors. The first-floor landing had an open-columned screen, and open, oval balustraded gallery. Slater, a keen gardener, planted the grounds with rare items collected from China, the East Indies, and America. Robert Barclay added an east wing to the house after 1821, and from then on the house was alternatively known as Barclay House. An astronomical observatory was built in the grounds for Joseph Gurney Barclay in 1854.
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Knotts Green House: the house in the late 19th century. |
Descent: William Johnson (d. 1631); to son, Thomas Johnson; sold 1649 to Thomas Hopkins; to widow, Sarah Hopkins (fl. 1670-74); to daughter Alice, wife of Sir Thomas Lee, who sold 1698 to Peter Cartwright... Richard Burbidge sold 1786 to Charles Jackson (who had leased it since 1768); to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Gilbert Slater (d. 1793); to son, James Slater, who sold 1815 to John McTaggart (he and his father (d. 1810) had been the lessees since 1798); sold 1821 to Robert Barclay (1787-1853); to son, Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98); estate sold for development and house given 1900 to Livingstone College for Missionaries, which moved 1947; sold 1951 to Leyton Borough Council and leased as offices until demolished 1961. The house was leased to a Mr Johnson in 1755 and he was succeeded by George Stow, who was the tenant until Charles Jackson came in in 1768.
Brent Pelham Hall, Hertfordshire
There was a mansion house belonging to William Brooke at Brent Pelham in 1556, which was subsequently sold to Lord Morley. It was large and grand enough for him to put up Queen Elizabeth for two nights in 1571, but nothing seems to remain of this building. The present two-storey house is apparently early 17th century in origin (the VCH in 1914 recorded a timber lintel in the garden dated 1608, which may be indicative of the date) and was built for Edward Newport, who bought the estate in 1597 and 'built a slight but well contrived house in this manor'.
The original building may have been timber framed, but had brick chimneystacks. Those at either end of the house which have clusters of octagonal shafts appear to have survived subsequent alterations (although it has recently been suggested that they may be early 19th century replacements). The hall chimneys are of more elaborately carved brickwork and may form part of the mid 17th century changes made by Francis Floyer senior who 'adorned this House... furnisht it with all things, that nothing was wanting to make it pleasant and delightful' according to Chauncy. If the house was originally timber-framed, it was encased in brick towards the end of the 17th century, when it was given a fine nine bay red brick south-west front with a red tiled roof and a wooden modillion eaves cornice. This was presumably done for Francis Floyer (d. 1722) after he inherited in 1678. The two bays at either end of his new front project slightly as wings with hipped gables, and the central three bays break forward even more shallowly under a pediment containing a blocked oval lunette. The windows are excellently proportioned double hung sashes with glazing bars, and the two floors are divided by a plain brickwork band. The central doorcase (at one time obscured by a porch of c.1900 with a broken pediment) has Ionic pilasters to either side supporting a modillioned cornice. Drapentier's view of the house in 1698 shows it in very much the same form as today, although it has lost its dormer windows at some point.
The plan was originally L-shaped, with a cross-wing projecting to the north from the eastern end of the main block. This is also encased in brick, and bears evidence in the form of blocked windows of various dates of much change over the years; it also has a later porch attached to the centre of the ground floor. In the late 19th or early 20th century a four-bay two-storey balancing wing was built at the western end of the main range. This has the same modillion cornice and hipped roofs as the main range, but simpler chimneys.
The interior of the house is essentially of three phases: the original early 17th century decoration; the changes made when the house was encased and modernised in the late 17th century, and the antiquarian-inspired alterations begun in 1896, when all evidence of post-17th century changes to the interior was stripped out. After 1900, a number of chimneypieces and a great deal of panelling was imported from another large house in the parish called Beeches, which had been acquired by E.E. Barclay.
The original entrance hall, which occupies the five bays between the wings on the south-west front, is the best-preserved early 17th century room. It has a stone fireplace with moulded four-centred arch and an early 17th century oak overmantel with two broad arched panels between the framing pilasters which look as though they have lost inset paintings or decoration. The panelling in the hall and drawing room is of the same date, but the dining room at the north end of the house has later 17th century fielded panelling and a stone fireplace bearing the Floyer arms which might be a mid-17th century introduction by the elder Francis Floyer. A staircase was built in the angle between the hall block and the south wing as part of the late 17th century alterations, but the present staircase seems to date from c.1900, although it is rather convincingly in late 17th century style. It has three elaborately turned and twisted balusters on each step, richly carved tread-ends, and a carved panel set into the balustrade on the first-floor landing depicting the arms of Floyer impaling Boothby. Several other rooms, including the later entrance hall in the south wing, the study and one of the bedrooms have mid 17th-century oak panelling brought from Beeches.
After the house was sold in 2003, a further restoration was undertaken for the new owners which appears to have concentrated on reviving the outbuildings and stable court, although no doubt the house has been spruced up too. A new 12-acre formal garden was laid out in c.2010 to the designs of Kim Wilkie, which is occasionally open to the public under the National Gardens Scheme.
Descent: Henry Parker, Lord Morley, sold 1597 to Edward Newport; to son, John Floyer, who sold 1626 to Francis Floyer (d. 1678); to grandson, Francis Floyer (d. 1722); to son, Thomas Floyer (d. 1743); to daughter Mary (d. 1773), later wife of Thomas Halden... John Halden (d. 1839); sold after his death to George Hallam of Furneux Pelham; to son, George Walsh Hallam (d. 1859); sold to William Heygate, who sold 1865 to Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98); to son, Edward Exton Barclay (1860-1948); to son, Maurice Edward Barclay (1886-1962); to son, Charles Geoffrey Edward Barclay (1919-2002); sold after his death to Michael Carrell (b. 1963), software developer, and his wife Alexandra.
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Brent Pelham Hall: the mid 17th century moulded brick chimneys of the hall range. Image: Historic England |
The original building may have been timber framed, but had brick chimneystacks. Those at either end of the house which have clusters of octagonal shafts appear to have survived subsequent alterations (although it has recently been suggested that they may be early 19th century replacements). The hall chimneys are of more elaborately carved brickwork and may form part of the mid 17th century changes made by Francis Floyer senior who 'adorned this House... furnisht it with all things, that nothing was wanting to make it pleasant and delightful' according to Chauncy. If the house was originally timber-framed, it was encased in brick towards the end of the 17th century, when it was given a fine nine bay red brick south-west front with a red tiled roof and a wooden modillion eaves cornice. This was presumably done for Francis Floyer (d. 1722) after he inherited in 1678. The two bays at either end of his new front project slightly as wings with hipped gables, and the central three bays break forward even more shallowly under a pediment containing a blocked oval lunette. The windows are excellently proportioned double hung sashes with glazing bars, and the two floors are divided by a plain brickwork band. The central doorcase (at one time obscured by a porch of c.1900 with a broken pediment) has Ionic pilasters to either side supporting a modillioned cornice. Drapentier's view of the house in 1698 shows it in very much the same form as today, although it has lost its dormer windows at some point.
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Brent Pelham Hall: the house as recorded by Drapentier in 1698 for Chauncy's History of Hertfordshire. |
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Brent Pelham Hall: the main front in 2003, before the creation of the modern garden. |
The interior of the house is essentially of three phases: the original early 17th century decoration; the changes made when the house was encased and modernised in the late 17th century, and the antiquarian-inspired alterations begun in 1896, when all evidence of post-17th century changes to the interior was stripped out. After 1900, a number of chimneypieces and a great deal of panelling was imported from another large house in the parish called Beeches, which had been acquired by E.E. Barclay.
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Brent Pelham Hall: former entrance hall, with panelling and overmantel of the early 17th century. Image: Historic England. |
The original entrance hall, which occupies the five bays between the wings on the south-west front, is the best-preserved early 17th century room. It has a stone fireplace with moulded four-centred arch and an early 17th century oak overmantel with two broad arched panels between the framing pilasters which look as though they have lost inset paintings or decoration. The panelling in the hall and drawing room is of the same date, but the dining room at the north end of the house has later 17th century fielded panelling and a stone fireplace bearing the Floyer arms which might be a mid-17th century introduction by the elder Francis Floyer. A staircase was built in the angle between the hall block and the south wing as part of the late 17th century alterations, but the present staircase seems to date from c.1900, although it is rather convincingly in late 17th century style. It has three elaborately turned and twisted balusters on each step, richly carved tread-ends, and a carved panel set into the balustrade on the first-floor landing depicting the arms of Floyer impaling Boothby. Several other rooms, including the later entrance hall in the south wing, the study and one of the bedrooms have mid 17th-century oak panelling brought from Beeches.
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Brent Pelham Hall: the re-ordered later 17th century staircase. Image: Historic England |
Descent: Henry Parker, Lord Morley, sold 1597 to Edward Newport; to son, John Floyer, who sold 1626 to Francis Floyer (d. 1678); to grandson, Francis Floyer (d. 1722); to son, Thomas Floyer (d. 1743); to daughter Mary (d. 1773), later wife of Thomas Halden... John Halden (d. 1839); sold after his death to George Hallam of Furneux Pelham; to son, George Walsh Hallam (d. 1859); sold to William Heygate, who sold 1865 to Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98); to son, Edward Exton Barclay (1860-1948); to son, Maurice Edward Barclay (1886-1962); to son, Charles Geoffrey Edward Barclay (1919-2002); sold after his death to Michael Carrell (b. 1963), software developer, and his wife Alexandra.
High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
There was a farmhouse on this site known as High Grounds in the 18th and early 19th centuries. This was bought in about 1850 by Charles Webb, a wealthy lace maker, who built a neo-Tudor country house on the site to the designs of an unidentified architect in 1853.
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High Leigh, Hoddesdon: entrance front. |
The new house was constructed around three sides of a courtyard which was dominated by a tall and rather spindly porch tower in the centre of the middle range. The house was built of brick, and had two storeys with attics and dormers, but the facades to the courtyard were irregular and somewhat wilfully composed. On the garden front the house has a variety of one and two-storey bay windows, which give it a slightly more relaxed air, but it still lacks rhythm and is busy with fussy detail. The house was given its present name after it was acquired by Robert Barclay in 1871, and has been a Christian conference centre since his death in 1921.
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High Leigh, Hoddesdon: garden front. Image: Charles Hind Postcard Collection. |
The grounds of High Leigh are perhaps of greater note than the house, for successive 19th century owners ornamented them with the products of the Pulham & Co. factory, which stood only a mile or so away. A plan of 1859 shows what may have been a Pulham fountain, and a description of 1865 clearly describes a rock arch which survives in the grounds. After the sale to Robert Barclay in 1871, arable land was converted to parkland with a lake and bridges across the Spitalbrook, a carriage drive and lodge, and a new rockwork feature south west of the parterre, with a grotto, cave, and cascades. Part of the park was gifted to the people of Hoddesdon as a park in 1935.
Descent: built for Charles Webb (d. 1862); sold after his death to Duncan Kay; sold 1871 to Robert Barclay (1843-1921); to son, Robert Leatham Barclay (1869-1939), who gave it to First Conference Estate Ltd., which remains the owner and operates it as High Leigh Conference Centre.
Colney Hall, Norfolk
The house now known as Colney Old Hall was probably built in the 16th century as the manor house, and it was evidently still the centre of the property in the mid 17th century, when grand, if slightly rustic, Artisan Mannerist gatepiers were erected as a new entrance to the property. A new house - the present Colney Hall - was built on a different site further west in the 18th century. According to Armstrong's History of Norfolk (1781), this was built for Jeremiah Norris, who inherited in 1767, but the three-storey seven by two bay brick house looks a generation earlier than that. The facade was articulated originally only by rusticated pilaster strips defining the three bay centre and the angles on the two main fronts, and the house would be more typical of the 1740s.
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Colney Hall: garden front shortly before reduction in 1958. Image: Historic England. |
By the time of the earliest photographs, the house had acquired two storey projecting bays on the garden front, with Venetian windows on the ground floor and tripartite windows above. These late 18th or early 19th century changes were followed by more extensive and less tactful additions made after 1834 for Joseph Scott and around 1900, probably for H.G. Barclay.
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Colney Hall: garden front and grotto after recent restoration, 2010. Image: Caters News Agency. |
In 1957 the Barclay family sold the estate to R.G. Lawrence, a local property developer, who made drastic alterations to the house, including the demolition of a large part of the original house. The small fragment that remained was coated in white stucco and given limp and unconvincing neo-Georgian details including a veranda and a pedimental gable above a tripartite window on the garden front. The house was sold for commercial use in 1976 and was in very poor condition by the time it was bought in 1996 by the Boddy family, who restored it.
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Colney Hall: interior of the orangery, 2010. Image: Caters News Agency. |
A small park containing landscaped grounds existed around the house by 1834, and probably earlier. The landscaping was augmented after H.G. Barclay acquired the property in 1887. A walled formal sunken garden was laid out by Edward Boardman, and a rose garden enclosed by yew hedges was created. More unusual for its date was the grotto set into the slope below the house, a dark curving tunnel of Pulhamite stonework, which was echoed in the orangery of c.1900 attached to the house, which has splendid tufa rockwork. The orangery and grotto happily survive and have, like the house, recently been restored.
Descent: built for Jeremiah Norris (fl. 1767-91); sold c.1790 to John Patteson, who let and sold c.1798 to Jehosophat Postle, who sold c.1834 to Joseph Scott (d. 1873); to son, Joseph Scott, who sisters lived at the house; sold 1880 to trustees of John Nigel Gurney, who let it to tenants; from 1887 the tenant was Hugh Gurney Barclay (1851-1936), who bought the freehold in 1900; to son, Capt. Evelyn Hugh Barclay (1886-1956); to widow, Phyllis Barclay (1890-1982), who sold 1957 to Ronald George Lawrence, who reduced and remodelled the house; sold 1976 to Robert & Eileen Harrington; sold 1985 to Mrs Yoko Sugiara Conlan; sold 1996 to Anthony & Sharon Boddy.
Hanworth Hall, Norfolk
The manor house of the Doughty family at Hanworth, assessed on 10 hearths in 1662-65, seems to have burned down in the late 17th century. It was rebuilt by Robert Doughty, whose father had augmented the family fortune through trading activities with Barbados but died shortly after returning home in 1673. Robert (d. 1742), who lived well into his 80s, commissioned a plain but finely-built double pile house in the years around 1700, reputedly after a fire had destroyed the previous house. It forms a rectangular block of red brick, two storeys in height and nine bays by four, with a three-bay pediment on the east front and a hipped roof rising behind a plain parapet. The chimneystacks visible on the entrance front are symmetrically disposed, to ensure the perfect symmetry of the facade, but on the west side the fenestration and the dormer windows in the roof are irregular. The entrance doorcase on the east front has brick pilasters under stone Tuscan capitals, and a big bulgy frieze. Between the floors there is a platband, but there are no quoins or architraves to the windows. The windows were perhaps sashes from the start, and preserve their original sash boxes, if not their original glazing.
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Hanworth Hall: the entrance front and side elevation, c.1910. from an old postcard. |
The interiors of c.1700 are remarkably well preserved, except in the first-floor drawing room. The front door leads into a large (30x20') entrance hall occupying the middle three bays of the facade, and has doorcases and a fireplace with the same bulgy frieze as the entrance doorcase. North and south of the hall lie the dining room and morning room respectively, finely panelled with dado, chair rail and a simple cornice. The original and perhaps rather old-fashioned staircase of c.1700 is preserved, and has a broad handrail and a balustrade with a single quite elaborate twisted baluster with a bulbous lower part to each step and a closed string; the large square newels are plainly panelled. The staircase takes the visitor up to a first-floor drawing room which has the same dimensions and much the same layout as the hall beneath, but which was remodelled in c.1742-43 by the elder Matthew Brettingham (d. 1769) for Robert Doughty (1717-70), the grandson of the builder of the house, to whom it was transferred on his coming of age in 1738. Brettingham must have been responsible for the fine carved wood overmantel with an open pediment enclosing remarkably frilly plasterwork decoration of foliage and fruit, similar to one at nearby Gunton Hall, where he was working at the same time.
In 1789-90, Humphry Repton, who lived at Sustead Old Hall in the next village, provided some pro bono advice on landscaping the park at Hanworth to Robert Lee Doughty (1749-1819), and helped him stake out the line of a new approach drive and a walk from the house to the kitchen garden. He also made two watercolours, now in the Colman Collection at Norwich Library, one of which (with his characteristic flap) illustrates his proposal for opening up the view from the east front. He also included an engraving of the house in Peacock's Polite Repository for 1793, when work was probably complete or approaching completion.
R.L. Doughty was married but had no children, so on his death he left the estate jointly to two of his nephews, Philip Mayow and Admiral W.F. Lukin (later Windham). The latter also inherited Felbrigg Hall nearby. Windham's share descended to his son, W.H. Windham, who reunited the estate by also purchasing the Mayow share in 1845. It descended to his son, W.F. Windham (known as Mad Windham) who ran up large debts. His widow inherited the house and added a new service wing at the rear in 1881, which cannot have helped with the bills. In the end, the patience of the mortgagees was exhausted and they foreclosed on the estate and sold it to the trustees of Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98) for the use of his third son, Henry Albert Barclay (1858-1947), and it remains the property of his descendants. The house and grounds are much as they were in 1900, the only significant later alterations being the enlargement of the lake in about 1900.
Descent: Thomas Doughty (b. c.1500)... William Doughty (d. 1653); to son, Robert Doughty (d. 1669); to half-brother, William Doughty (d. 1673); to son, Robert Doughty (c.1656-1742); to grandson, Robert Doughty (1717-57 or 1770); to son, Robert Lee Doughty (1749-1819); to nephews, Philip Wynell-Mayow and Admiral W.F. Lukin (later Windham); to W.H. Windham (who inherited one share from his father and purchased the other in 1845); to son W.F. Windham (d. by 1880); to widow; sold by mortgagees to Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98) for his son Henry Albert Barclay (1858-1947); to son, Rev. Humphrey Gordon Barclay (1882-1955); to son, Henry Michael Barclay (1913-2002); to son, Michael Humphrey Barclay (b. 1938).
Barclay family of Youngsbury, Knotts Green, Higham and Colney Hall
Barclay, David (1682-1769). Second son of Robert Barclay (1648-90) of Urie House and his wife Christian, daughter of Gilbert Mollison, born 1682. He moved to London in about 1698 and bound himself apprentice to James Taylor, linen draper, with whom he was later associated in business. He became a member of the Drapers Company (Freeman, 1706; Assistant, 1729) and paid fines to be excused serving his turn as Warden in 1746 and Master in 1756. He established a successful linen import-export business buying German, Scottish and Irish linen for export to the colonies in North America, and in due course he was joined in this concern by his sons Alexander (who went to Philadelphia in 1749 and managed the American end of the business) and John. He married 1st, 12 June 1707, Anne (c.1689-1720), daughter of James Taylor of London, and 2nd, 8 August 1723, Priscilla (1702-69), daughter of John Freame of London, banker, and had issue:
(1.1) James Barclay (1708-66) (q.v.);
(1.2) Robert Barclay (1709-12), born 5 August 1709; died young, 17 November 1712;
(1.3) Alexander Barclay (1711-71) [for whom see the previous post on the Barclays of Bury Hill and Eastwick Park];
(1.4) Elizabeth Barclay (1714-45), born 21 April 1714; married, 8 September 1735, Timothy Bevan (1704-86), banker, and had issue three sons and one daughter; died of consumption, 30 June and was buried at Bunhill Fields, 3 July 1745;
(1.5) Christiana Barclay (1715-31), born 7 August 1715; died unmarried, 'according to the report of two neighbours, of Fitts', 24 September and was buried at Bunhill Fields, 28 September 1731;
(1.6) Anne (aka Jane) Barclay (1716-85?), born 21 January 1716; married, 10 August 1739 at St John's Chapel, Bedford Row, London, as his second wife, James Collinson (1695-1762), banker, partner in Brown, Collinson & Tritton, and had issue one daughter; possibly the Jane Collinson buried at the Countess of Huntingdon's Connection burial ground, Spa Fields, 29 April 1785;
(1.7) Patience Barclay (1718-81), born 29 November 1718; married 1st, 1745 (licence 9 May), John Stedman and 2nd, 11 August 1757 at Tottenham (Middx) Monthly Meeting, Thomas Weston, but had no issue; died 6 June 1781 and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 14 June 1781; will proved 14 July 1784;
(2.1) Priscilla Barclay (1724-25), born in or after May 1724; died in infancy, 12 February 1724/5 and was buried at Bunhill Fields;
(2.2) Katherine Barclay (1727-84), born 1 March 1727; married, 17 April 1750 at Tottenham Monthly Meeting, Daniel Bell (1726-1802) of Tottenham (Middx), coal merchant, son of Daniel Bell of Tottenham, and had issue ten children; died 19 October 1784 and was buried at Winchmore Hill;
(2.3) John Barclay (1728-87) (q.v.);
(2.4) David Barclay (1729-1809) (q.v.);
(2.5) Robert Barclay (1731-47), born about 1731; died 16 October and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 20 October 1747;
(2.6) Richenda Barclay (c.1733-1800), born about 1733; married, 13 March 1755 at Enfield (Middx), Nathaniel Springall (1732-1803) of Norwich, weaver, and had issue one son and five daughters; died at Tottenham, 7 January 1800;
(2.7) Caroline Barclay (c.1734-69), born about 1734; married, 4 October 1757 at Tottenham, John Lindoe (1726-95) of Norwich and had issue two sons and two daughters; died 22 October 1769 and was buried at Norwich;
(2.8) Christiana Barclay (c.1735-96), born about 1735; married 1st, 2 September 1755 at Tottenham, Joseph Gurney (1729-61), and had issue two daughters; married 2nd, 1767, her cousin, John Freame (1729-70); and married 3rd, c.1772, Sir William Watson (1744-1824), kt., of Bath, physician and naturalist; died 25 December 1796 and was buried at Exeter Quaker Burial Ground, 1 January 1797;
(2.9) An unnamed son (b. & d. 1736), born September 1736; died aged about two weeks, 9 October and was buried at Bunhill Fields, 12 October 1736;
(2.10) Lucy Barclay (1737?-57), said to have been born in 1737; married, 3 June 1756 at Tottenham Monthly Meeting, Robert Barclay (1732-97) of Urie (who m2, 2 December 1776, Sarah Ann, daughter of James Allardice of Allardice and had further issue three sons and five daughters), son of Robert Barclay of Urie, and had issue one daughter; died 23 March and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 29 March 1757.
He lived opposite St Mary-le-Bow at 107-108 Cheapside, London, a fine late 17th century house built after the Great Fire of London. It had a first-floor panelled drawing room with a balcony commanding a fine view along Cheapside, from which the royal family are recorded as watching civic processions in 1671, 1689, 1708 and 1761. The house was demolished in 1861 and the panelling is said to have been removed to Gregynog Hall in Wales. In later years David Barclay also had a house at Bush Hill, Edmonton (Middx), which he inherited through his second wife from her grandfather, John Freame, and which he bequeathed to his youngest son, David.
He died 18 March and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 23 March 1769; his will was proved 15 April 1769 (wealth at death £100,000). His first wife died 3 December 1720. His second wife died 9 October 1769.
Barclay, James (1708-66). Eldest son of David Barclay (1682-1769) and his first wife, Anne, daughter of James Taylor of London, linen draper, born in Cheapside, 5 July 1708. He became the first member of the family to take up banking in London, in partnership with John and Joseph Freame as Freame & Barclay. He married, 1733, Sarah (1708-69), daughter of John Freame, and had issue:
(1) Joseph Barclay (1733-97), born 19 February 1733; lived at Lancaster (Lancs) and latterly at Brook Green, Hammersmith (Middx); died unmarried and without issue, 28 February, and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 6 March 1797; by his will, proved 1 February 1798, he left most of his property to Mary, daughter of the portrait painter Thomas Hickey of Dublin;
(2) Alexander Barclay (b. 1735), born 21 January 1734/5; died without issue;
(3) Anne Barclay (c.1737-57); married, 7 April 1756, James Allardice of Allardice (Kincardines.) and had issue one daughter (Sarah Anne, who married 1st, Robert Barclay of Urie, and 2nd, John Nudd); died July 1757;
(4) Jane Barclay (c.1738-50), born about 1738; died 1 July and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 5 July 1750.
He lived at Bush Hill, Edmonton (Middx).
He died of tuberculosis in London, 20 February and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 27 February 1766. His widow died in 1769.
Barclay, David (1729-1809). Youngest surviving son of David Barclay (1682-1769) and his second wife Priscilla, daughter of John Freame of London, banker, born 1729. Merchant in London and partner in the Barclay, Bevan & Co. bank from 1776. He inherited an estate in Jamaica with many slaves, all of whom he emancipated and instructed in trades and handicrafts before resettling them in Pennsylvania. In 1774, motivated by the damage to Anglo-American trade caused by the struggle for American independence, he attempted to mediate a compromise between Benjamin Franklin and the American colonists and the British government, but this was ultimately unsuccessful. He had wide-ranging charitable interests, founded a House of Industry at Youngsbury, and was a trustee of the Quaker School at Ackworth (Yorks). He married 1st, 6 July 1749 at Enfield (Middx), Martha (c.1724-63), daughter of John Hudson of London, hop merchant, and 2nd, 15 October 1767, Rachel (d. 1792), daughter of Sampson Lloyd, banker of Birmingham, and had issue:
(1.1) Agatha Barclay (1753-76), born 13 October 1753; married Richard Gurney (who m2, Rachel Hanbury) of Keswick Hall (Norfk), and had issue one son; died 31 May 1776.
He lived at Walthamstow (Essex) until 1768, when he bought the Youngsbury (Herts) estate from Jane Poole. He enlarged the house, built the stables and probably completed the landscaping of the site c.1770, but sold Youngsbury again in 1793 when his health began to deteriorate, and moved to the family house at Bush Hill, Edmonton. He seems also to have had a house (perhaps the one he had occupied before 1768) at Walthamstow, where he died in 1809.
He died 30 May and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 6 June 1809; his will was proved 19 June 1809. His first wife died 20 April and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 28 April 1763. His second wife died 12 June and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 19 June 1792.
Barclay, John (1728-87). Elder son of David Barclay (1682-1769) and his second wife Priscilla, daughter of John Freame of London, banker, born 1728. He at first joined his father's linen export business, but after this was wound down during the American War of Independence, he devoted more of his time to the Barclay, Bevan, Barclay and Benning bank, of which he became a partner by 1781 at the latest. He was also one of the parties to financing the purchase by his nephew, Robert Barclay (1751-1830) [for whom see my earlier post on the brewing Barclays], of the Anchor brewery in Southwark. He had an option to become a partner in the brewery if he so wished, which he did not exercise. He married, 16 February 1756 at Devonshire Square Meeting House, London, Susanna Willett (1739-1805), and had issue:
(1) Mary Barclay (1756-1827), born 18 October 1756; married John Henton Tritton (1755-1833), who in 1785 became a partner in the Barclay, Bevan & Co. bank, and had issue three sons and three daughters; buried at Beddington (Surrey), 3 March 1827;
(2) Robert Barclay (1758-1816) (q.v.);
(3) David Barclay (1763-1800), born at Hackney, 5 April 1763; probably a merchant in India; died unmarried at Madras (India), August 1800, although news of his death did not reach England until May 1801;
(4) Susannah Willett Barclay (1769-1818), born 5 February 1769; married, 19 August 1789 at the Quaker Meeting House, Gracechurch St., London, Osgood Hanbury (1765-1852), banker, son of Osgood Hanbury of Holfield Grange, Coggeshall (Essex) and had issue six sons and four daughters; died 26 August and was buried at Coggeshall Quaker Burial Ground, 2 September 1818;
(5) Priscilla Lucy Barclay (1774-1820), born 21 December 1774; lived at Brixton (Surrey); married William Hall (1770-1819) and had issue two daughters; buried at St Mary, Lambeth (Surrey), 9 August 1820.
He lived at Cambridge Heath, Hackney (Middx).
He died 18 December and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 27 December 1787; his will was proved 27 February 1788. His widow died 31 July and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 7 August 1805; her will was proved 7 November 1805.
Barclay, Robert (1758-1816). Elder son of John Barclay (1728-87) and his wife Susanna Willet, born in London, 25 September 1758. Banker with Barclay, Tritton, Bevan & Co., becoming a partner after the death of his uncle David Barclay in 1809. He was a lifelong Quaker and became one of the leaders of the Society of Friends; he was also deeply interested in astronomy, and built an observatory in the grounds of his house at Clapham. He married, 22 May 1783, Ann (1763-1801), daughter of Isaac Ford of Manchester, and had issue:
(1) Anne Ford Barclay (1785-94), born 8 September 1785; died young, 6 July and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 13 July 1794;
(2) Robert Barclay (1787-1853) (q.v.);
(3) Susanna Barclay (1788-1852), born 19 August 1788; lived at Forest Place, Leytonstone; died unmarried, 3 May 1852 and was buried at Leyton (Essex); her will was proved 19 May 1852;
(4) John Barclay (1790-96), born at Clapham, 20 April 1790; died young, 2 January 1796 and was buried at Winchmore Hill;
(5) Mary Barclay (1792-1859), born 18 February 1792; married, 12 July 1815 at Croydon Quaker Meeting, Hubert John Barclay Galton (1789-1864), of Warley Tor (Shrops.), son of Samuel Galton, banker, of Great Barr Hall (Staffs); died 1859;
(6) Abram Rawlinson Barclay (1793-1845), born 1 September 1793; a committed Quaker, he edited Letters etc. of early Friends, A selection from the letters and papers of the late John Barclay (1847) and other works; died unmarried, 4 February 1845; will proved 19 February 1845;
(7) Ford Barclay (1795-1859) (q.v.);
(8) John Barclay (1797-1838), of London; born 8 May 1797; a minister and leader in the Society of Friends; edited The diary of Alexander Jaffray (1838); married 1st, 19 October 1820 at Paignton (Devon), Georgina (c.1798-1823), daughter of Maj. Thomas Hill of 47th Regt. and had issue one son; married 2nd, 3 May 1826, Mary (1796-1876) (who m2, 1846, as his second wife, George Stacey (1786-1857), pharmaceutical chemist), daughter of William Moates of Southwark (Surrey), and had further issue one son and one daughter; died 15 June 1838 and was buried at Winchmore Hill;
(9) Lydia Anne Barclay (1799-1855), born 25 October 1799; a minister in the Society of Friends from 1835; lived at Croydon, Reigate and Aberdeen before moving in 1854 to Cockermouth (Cumbria); her letters were published posthumously in 1862; died unmarried, 31 January 1855; will proved 28 February 1855;
(10) Elizabeth Lucy Barclay (1800-74), born 7 November 1800; married, 31 July 1823 at Friends Meeting House, Westminster (Middx), as his second wife, Henry Birkbeck (1787-1848) of Kings Lynn and Norwich, banker, and had issue four sons and four daughters; died at Keswick (Norfk), 7 December 1874; will proved 20 January 1875 (estate under £250,000).
He probably built the substantial five-bay Georgian house at 30 North Side, Clapham Common (Surrey) where he lived after his marriage, and also had a town house in Tavistock Sq., London. His Clapham house was later the home of the architect Sir Charles Barry and became the Hostel of God (now Royal Trinity Hospice) in 1891.
He died at Clapham, 25 January, and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 2 February 1816; his will was proved 6 March 1816. His wife died 29 March and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 5 April 1801.
Barclay, Robert (1787-1853). Eldest son of Robert Barclay (1758-1816) and his wife Ann, daughter of Isaac Ford of Manchester, born 14 February 1787. As a young man he joined the London bank, Barclay, Tritton, Bevan & Co., and he succeeded his father as a partner in 1816. He was a lifelong Quaker and took a great interest in philanthropic activities. He was also a keen sportsman, and enjoyed the shooting on the Higham estate which he acquired through his marriage. He married, 29 June 1814, Elizabeth (1790-1835), daughter of Joseph Gurney of Lakenham Grove (Norfk), worsted manufacturer and banker, and had issue:
(1) Robert Barclay (1815-42), born 20 April 1815; married, 5 September 1841 at Darlington, Eliza (1812-84), daughter of John Backhouse of Darlington, banker, but died without issue, 4 May 1842;
(2) Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98) (q.v.);
(3) Jane Mary Barclay (1818-99), born 1 July 1818; after her mother died when she was seventeen, she played a major part in bringing up her younger siblings; she had a strong Quaker faith and, rather against her father's wishes, adopted traditional Quaker dress; she lived at Knotts Green until 1862 when she moved into a separate house at Walthamstow (Essex), which she shared with a Scottish friend, Charlotte Thomson (1835-1902), who was evidently a life partner rather than a mere companion; she died unmarried, 27 January 1899; will proved 22 March 1899 (estate £116,546);
(4) Elizabeth Gurney Barclay (1820-45), born 8 May 1820; died unmarried at Torquay (Devon), 20 November 1845;
(5) Ann Ford Barclay (1822-1913), born 18 February 1822; active as a Quaker minister and temperance advocate; married, 19 October 1848 at Woodford (Essex), Henry Fowler (1823-80) of Melksham (Wilts), tea dealer, and had issue four sons and six daughters; died aged 91 at Glebe Lands, Woodford, 10 March 1913; will proved 29 May 1913 (estate £39,522);
(6) Emma Lucy Barclay (1823-47), born 4 November 1823; died unmarried, 21 September 1847;
(7) Rachel Barclay (1826-98), born 3 January 1826; married, 8 May 1851 at the Friends Meeting House, Plaistow (Essex), Alfred Backhouse JP (1822-88) of Pilmore Hall and Dryerdale, Darlington (Co. Durham), banker, but had no issue; died 15 November 1898 and was buried in the Friends' Burial Ground, Darlington; will proved 24 December 1898 (estate £33,502);
(8) Henry Barclay (1829-51), born 25 October 1829; died unmarried at Tunbridge Wells (Kent), 13 October 1851;
(9) Louisa Barclay (1834-47), born 22 February 1834; died young, 4 July 1847.
He purchased Knotts Green House in 1820, and acquired the Higham estate through his marriage in 1814.
He died 28 October 1853 and was buried at Winchmore Hill; his will was proved 23 November 1853. His wife died 28 August and was buried at Winchmore Hill, 3 September 1835.
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Joseph Gurney Barclay (1816-98) |
(1.1) Robert Barclay (1843-1921) (q.v.);
(1.2) William Leatham Barclay (1845-93); educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (matriculated 1865; BA 1869; MA 1882) and Lincoln's Inn (admitted 1868; called 1871); barrister-at-law and banker; partner in Barclay, Bevan, Tritton & Co., 1880-88, when he retired on the merger with Ransom, Bouverie & Co.; he remained a Quaker throughout his life; lived at The Briars, Reigate (Surrey); married 1st, 20 Jun 1872, Annetta Emilia (1847-73), daughter of Joseph Tritton of Bloomfield, Norwood (Surrey) and had issue one daughter; married 2nd, 19 July 1877 at the Friends Meeting House, Westminster (Middx), Ellen (1852-99), daughter of Jasper Capper Mounsey, iron merchant; died, after several years as an invalid, 6 January 1893; will proved 11 March 1893 (estate £63,987);
(1.3) Elizabeth Gurney Barclay (1847-49), born Jan-Mar 1847; died in infancy, Jul-Sept 1849;
(2.1) Henry Albert Barclay (1858-1947) [see below, Barclay of Hanworth Hall];
(2.2) Edward Exton Barclay (1860-1948) [see below, Barclay of Brent Pelham Hall];
(2.3) Margaret Jane Barclay (1861-1958), born 18 October 1861; lived at Herne Close, Cromer; died unmarried, 25 September 1958; will proved 7 November 1958 (estate £50,873);
(2.4) Mary Elizabeth Gurney Barclay (1863-1941), born 11 August 1863; lived latterly at Godalming (Surrey); married, 6 January 1886, Claude Leatham (1856-1913), son of William Henry Leatham of Hemsworth Hall (Yorks), and had issue three sons and two daughters; died 24 January 1941; will proved 26 May 1941 (estate £3,807);
(2.5) Alfred Gordon Barclay (1866-68), born Oct-Dec 1866; died in infancy, Apr-Jun 1868;
(2.6) Lt-Col. Francis Hubert Barclay (1869-1935), born 16 September 1869; educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (matriculated 1888; BA 1891; MA 1904); served in the First World War with the Bedfordshire Regiment (Lt-Col.; twice mentioned in despatches); lived at The Warren, Cromer and devoted himself to work for the benefit of the town and of Norfolk more generally; formed geological, entomological and archaeological collections which he bequeathed to Norwich Castle Museum; JP for Norfolk; High Sheriff of Norfolk, 1919-20; married, 25 January 1900, Hannah Maud MBE (1872-1931), third daughter of Edward North Buxton, and had issue two sons and three daughters; died 28 January 1935; will proved 4 April 1935 (estate £151,383).
He inherited Knotts Green House, Leyton and the Higham estate in Suffolk from his father in 1853. He purchased Brent Pelham Hall in 1865 and his trustees bought Hanworth Hall c.1900. He also had a house at Cromer for summer holidays: initially The Warren and later Herne's Close (now Sutherland House), which he built to the designs of E.J. May in 1886. At his death, his properties were distributed among his surviving children.
He died 25 April 1898; his will was proved 15 June 1898 (estate £900,302). His first wife died 10 February 1848. His widow died 25 June 1905; her will was proved 19 August 1905 (estate £22,280).
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Robert Barclay (1843-1921) |
(1) Robert Leatham Barclay (1869-1939) (q.v.);
(2) Mary Dorothea Barclay (1871-1955), born 19 May 1871 and baptised at Islington Presbyterian church, 11 December 1874; married 1st, 15 September 1897, Rev. Edward Bachelor Russell (1852-1900), vicar of Leyton (who was killed in a cycling accident), and had issue two sons; married 2nd, 24 July 1936, Robert Armitage (1866-1944) of Farnley Hall, Leeds (Yorks WR), but had no further issue; died at Shorne (Kent), 14 April 1955; will proved 24 June 1955 (estate £11,528);
(3) Clemence Rachel Barclay (1874-1952) born 21 September and baptised at Islington Presbyterian church, 11 December 1874; married, 30 July 1903, Rt. Rev. Edward Sydney Woods DD (1877-1953), Lord Bishop of Lichfield, son of Rev. Frank Woods, and had issue three sons and three daughters; died 14 October 1952; will proved 2 March 1953 (estate £2,302);
(4) Rev. David Buxton Barclay (1876-1954) (q.v.);
(5) Joseph Gurney Barclay (1879-1976), born 9 February and baptised at Stanstead Abbots (Herts), 24 May 1879; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1897; BA 1900; MA 1904); he entered the family bank but left in 1908 to become an evangelical missionary in Japan, where he lived until 1926, when he returned to work for the Church Missionary Society at home; married 1st, 25 May 1905, Gillian Mary (1883-1909), eldest daughter of Henry Birkbeck of Westacre (Norfk) and had issue one son; married 2nd, 10 March 1915, Gwendoline Rose BA (1885-1976), daughter of Dr. Herbert Watney MD FRCP of Buckhold (Berks), and had issue three sons and one daughter; died aged 97 at Troutstream Hall, Rickmansworth (Herts), 15 May 1976; will proved 2 November 1976 (estate £112,251);
(6) Rev. Gilbert Arthur Barclay (1882-1972), born 21 February 1882; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1900; BA 1903; MA 1907); ordained deacon, 1907 and priest, 1908; vicar of St John, Carlisle, 1912-15; served in First World War as a chaplain in the Territorial Army, 1915-19; vicar of Glen Magna, 1927-32; rector of Great Holland (Essex), 1932-39; vicar of Cromer (Norfk), 1939-46; rural dean of Repps, 1940-46; rector of Langley near Maidstone (Kent), 1946; married, 14 February 1912, Dorothy Catherine (k/a Topsy) (1891-1980), daughter of Charles Thomas Studd, cricketer, and had issue three sons and two daughters; died at Wheathampstead (Herts), 10 May 1972; will proved 30 May 1972 (estate £3,421);
(7) Rachel Elizabeth Barclay (1885-1932), born 11 June 1885; died unmarried after a long illness, 3 September 1932; will proved 24 November 1932 (estate £28,892);
(8) Christina Octavia Barclay (1887-1975), born 23 May 1887; lived at Hildenborough (Kent); died unmarried, 29 September and was buried at Hildenborough (Kent), 3 October 1975; will proved 17 November 1975 (estate £105,085).
He inherited Knotts Green House, Leyton and the Higham estate from his father in 1898, but sold the former estate for development and gave the house for use as a college for medical missionaries. He lived at High Leigh, Hoddesdon (Herts) and The Grove, Cromer (Norfk), and also had a house at Tarvie (Perthshire).
He died 19 July 1921; his will was proved 16 September 1921 (estate £425,759). His wife died 20 September 1919; administration of her goods was granted to her husband, 29 December 1919 (effects £849).
Barclay, Robert Leatham (1869-1939). Eldest son of Robert Barclay (1843-1921) and his wife Elizabeth Ellen, daughter of Thomas Fowell Buxton of Easneye (Herts), born 30 March 1869 and baptised at Islington Presbyterian church, 11 December 1874. Educated at Rottingdean (Sussex), Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1886; BA 1889; MA 1893). Banker with Barclays Bank, 1890-1939 (Director, 1910-39); also Director of the Commercial Union Assurance Co. JP for Hertfordshire; DL and JP for Suffolk; High Sheriff of Suffolk, 1921. He was a Liberal in politics and stood unsuccessfully for Parliament at Stowmarket in 1910. He served in the First World War as an officer in the Norfolk Yeomanry (Capt., 1916; Maj., 1921), on staff of Quartermaster General at War Office, 1917-19; Secretary of Army Agricultural Committee, 1917-18. Chairman of London Chamber of Commerce, 1923-26; Suffolk Agricultural Association, 1933, and United Services Trustees; Treasurer of Student Christian Movement, Church Missionary Society, 1923-39 and Livingstone College. He was appointed OBE, 1918 and CBE, 1919 and awarded the Jubilee Medal, 1935. He married 1st, 31 March 1898, Alice Eugenia (1869-1918), daughter of Horace Smith-Bosanquet of Broxbournebury (Herts) and 2nd, 4 March 1924 at Little Bredy (Dorset), Dorothy Rhoda (1881-1972), fifth daughter of Sir Robert Williams, 1st bt. of Bridehead (Dorset), and had issue:
(2.1) Ellen Rhoda Christian (k/a Kisty) Barclay (1925-2017), born 24 November 1925; served in Second World War with WRNS; educated at Somerville College, Oxford (matriculated 1946; BA 1949; MA 1952); lived latterly at Stanford-in-the-Vale (Berks); married, 18 December 1948, Hugh Creighton ARIBA (1919-88), architect and acoustician, son of Rev. Cuthbert Creighton of Shalbourne (Wilts) and had issue three sons and one daughter; died 16 June 2017; will proved 5 April 2018.
He inherited the High Leigh and Higham estates from his father in 1921, but conveyed the former to the First Conference Estate Co. In 1906 he bought Gaston House, Little Hallingbury (Essex), which his widow sold in 1949; she lived latterly at Stanford-in-the-Vale (Berks).
He died 22 May 1939; his will was proved 28 July 1939 (estate £224,318). His first wife died 23 August 1918; her will was proved 16 January 1919 (estate £28,592). His widow died aged 91 on 25 October 1972; her will was proved 21 December 1972 (estate £50,064).
Barclay, Rev. David Buxton (1876-1954). Second son of Robert Barclay (1843-1921) and his wife Elizabeth Ellen, daughter of Thomas Fowell Buxton of Easneye (Herts), born 25 December 1876 and baptised at Stanstead Abbots (Herts), 19 February 1877. Educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1895; BA 1898; MA 1902). Ordained deacon, 1901 and priest, 1902. Vicar of Malton (Yorks), 1904-11; rector of Chippenham, 1911-18 and also a chaplain to the forces; vicar of Braintree (Essex), 1918-24 and rural dean, 1921-24; vicar of Hatfield Peverel (Essex), 1924-33; rector of Great Hallingbury (Essex), 1934-40; hon. canon of Chelmsford Cathedral, 1935-39; rural dean of Harlow, 1936-38. He was a freemason from 1919. He married, 20 July 1901 at St Paul, Onslow Sq,, Kensington (Middx), Laetitia Caroline Rowley (c.1876-1957), daughter of Rt. Rev. Rowley Hill DD, bishop of Sodor and Man, and had issue
(1) Theodore David Barclay (1906-81) (q.v.);
(2) John Alexander Barclay (1908-80), born at Malton, 18 October 1908; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (MA 1930); an officer in Nigerian Education Service; served in Second World War with Nigerian forces (mentioned in despatches); HM Inspector of Schools; lived at Moat House, Alvechurch (Worcs); married, 30 March 1946, Janet Evelyn Lucas (1911-99), daughter of Rev. Lionel Morrice Man and widow of Rev. George Alexander Kay (1907-44), and had issue two daughters; died at Cranbrook (Kent), 12 July 1980; will proved 10 October 1980 (estate £138,328);
(3) Patience Elizabeth Barclay (1911-85), born 28 July and baptised at Chippenham, 15 September 1911; educated at London School of Medicine for Women (MB, BS, 1939); developed a specialism in paediatric medicine at Great Ormond St. Hospital, London, 1942-43; MRCP, 1945; served in Royal Army Medical Corps, 1945-46; in medical practice in Nairobi (Kenya), 1950-76; retired 1982; married, 28 July 1946 in Darjeeling (India), Arthur Davies, son of Christopher Davies of Halifax (Yorks WR) and had issue one son and one daughter and unofficially adopted another boy and girl; died 29 March 1985; will proved 29 May 1985 (estate under £40,000);
(4) Robert Christopher Barclay (1916-2009), born 2 July 1916; educated at Canford School, Trinity College, Cambridge (MA, MB, BChir 1942) and St George's Hospital Medical School; surgeon (LRCP 1940; MRCS 1940; FRCS 1946); resident medical officer at Royal Cancer Hospital; registrar at Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford; consultant thoracic surgeon at Nottingham City Hospital; married 1st, 17 June 1947, Cecilia Lois Jane (1920-88), daughter of Bernard Jessop OBE of 45 Russell Sq., London, and had issue one son and one daughter; married 2nd, 1990, Gwendoline E. (1917-2008), daughter of Herbert Morrish and widow of Gilbert Snowie (1908-89); died aged 92 at Thurgarton (Notts), 2 January 2009.
He lived in retirement at Grove Cottage, Cromer (Norfk).
He died 17 January 1954 and was buried at Overstrand (Norfk); his will was proved 4 March 1954 (estate £46,087). His widow died 8 March 1957 and was also buried at Overstrand; her will was proved 17 May 1957 (estate £3,088).
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Theodore David Barclay (1906-81) |
(1) Susannah Elizabeth Barclay (b. 1940), born 17 December 1940; married, 2 April 1966, Michael Arbuthnot L. Young (b. 1930), and had issue one son and one daughter;
(2) David William Barclay (b. 1942) (q.v.);
(3) James Christopher Barclay (b. 1945), born 7 July 1945; educated at Harrow; an officer in King's Royal Hussars, 1964-67; director of Cater Allen Holdings plc, 1981-98 (Chairman, 1985-98), M&G Equity Investment Trust plc, 1996-2011 (Chairman, 1998-2011), Thomas Agnew & Sons, 1998-2013; New Fulcrum Investment Trust plc, 1999-2006; Rathbone Brothers plc, 2003-10 and other companies; Chairman of London Discount Market Assoc., 1988-90; director of UK Debt Management Office, 2000-05; lived at Rivers Hall, Waldringfield (Suffk); married, Apr-Jun 1974, Rolleen Anne (b. 1947), daughter of Lt-Col. Arthur Forbes and had issue one son and one daughter.
He inherited the Higham estate in Suffolk from his uncle in 1939 and lived at Severnhill Farm and later Desnage Lodge, Higham.
He died 30 October 1981; his will was proved 7 May 1982 (estate £287,939). His widow died 29 September 1996; her will was proved 25 February 1997.
Barclay, David William (b. 1942). Elder son of Theodore David Barclay (1906-81) and his wife Anne Millard, daughter of Thomas William Bennett of Hatfield (Herts), born 29 November 1942. Educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. A director of Suffolk Agricultural Association, 1993-2008, Didlington Fisheries Ltd., 1998-2009, Trinity Park Events Ltd., 2002-08, Suffolk Community Foundation, 2005-13 and St Nicholas Hospice, Suffolk, 2008-16. He married, 4 May 1968, Celia Helen (b. 1944), daughter of Hugh William Cairns, and had issue:
(1) Robin David Barclay (b. 1969), born 25 July 1969; married, 1997 (div.), Juliet Emma, daughter of Christopher Allanson, and had issue two sons and two daughters;
(2) Katharine Elizabeth Barclay (b. 1971).
He inherited the Higham estate in Suffolk from his father in 1981 and lives at Desnage Lodge.
Now living.
Barclay, Ford (1795-1859). Third son of Robert Barclay (1758-1816) and his wife Ann, daughter of Isaac Ford of Manchester, born at Clapham, 3 August 1795. Stockbroker. He married, 27 October 1824 at Croydon Quaker Meeting, Esther (1799-1889), daughter of William Foster Reynolds of Carshalton House (Surrey), and had issue:
(1) Henry Ford Barclay (1826-91) (q.v.);
(2) Mary Anna Barclay (1828-1916), born 3 December 1828; died unmarried, 17 April 1916; will proved 25 May 1916 (estate £22,739);
(3) Hugh Reynolds Barclay (1831-33), born 3 June 1831; died young, 23 June and was buried at Brighton, 30 June 1833;
(4) Charles Reynolds Barclay (1833-82), born 4 November 1833; educated at Brighton; partner in the Briton Ferry Copper Company; died unmarried, 11 December 1882; administration of goods granted to his elder brother, 16 January 1883 (effects £6,662);
(5) Frederick John Barclay (1839-79), born 31 October 1839; died unmarried, 20 February 1879; administration of his goods granted in turn to his two brothers, May 1879 and May 1889 (effects £3,689).
He lived at Tooting (Surrey) and later at Forest Place, Walthamstow.
He died 20 March 1859; his will was proved 18 June 1859 (effects under £12,000). His widow died 7 March 1889; her will was proved 23 May 1889 (effects £13,924).
Barclay, Henry Ford (1826-91). Eldest son of Ford Barclay (1795-1859) of Walthamstow and his wife Esther, daughter of William Foster Reynolds of Carshalton House (Surrey), born 9 September 1826. Educated at Eton. Partner in Gurney & Co., bankers. JP and DL for Essex and chair of Becontree petty sessions for many years; High Sheriff of Essex, 1886. A Quaker in religion, he was noted for his charitable donations and diverse philanthropic interests. He married 1st, 13 April 1848, Richenda Louisa (1827-88), youngest daughter of Samuel Gurney of Ham House, Upton (Essex) and 2nd, 10 June 1890 at St Peter, Cranley Gardens, Kensington (Middx), (Hannah) Edith (1854-1930), youngest daughter of Abel Chapman of Woodford (Essex), and had issue:
(1.1) Edith Richenda Barclay (1849-1910), born 24 April 1849 and baptised into Church of England at Cromer, 2 September 1869; married, 26 July 1872, Francis Maltby Bland (1845-1940) of Inglethorpe Manor, Wisbech (Cambs) and had issue three sons and two daughters; died 2 December 1910 and was buried at Copdock (Suffk);
(1.2) Hugh Gurney Barclay (1851-1936) (q.v.);
(1.3) Sarah Adelaide Barclay (1853-1941), born 3 March 1853; married, 5 October 1876, Charles Alfred Leatham (1849-1934) of Woodford (Essex) and had issue one son and three daughters; lived at Windmill Lodge, Eastbourne (Sussex); died 6 September 1941; will proved 12 January 1942 (estate £29,981);
(1.4) Alice Esther Barclay (1854-67), born 27 September 1854; died young, 20 June 1867;
(1.5) Anna Maud Barclay (1858-91), born 26 March 1858; patient at Earlswood Asylum (Surrey), classified as an imbecile, 1865-91; died 21 April, and was buried at Reigate (Surrey), 25 April 1891;
(1.6) Henry Ford Gurney Barclay (1860-1934), born 5 October 1860; missionary in Japan; married Chyo, daughter of Eishi Tsukamoto (1885-1919) of Ono (Japan), and had issue one son; died 28 April 1934; will proved 10 August 1934 (estate £9,207);
(1.7) Sir George Head Barclay (1862-1921), kt., born 23 March 1862; educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1881); a member of HM diplomatic service, 1886-1919; served in Washington (USA), Rome (Italy), Madrid (Spain), Constantinople (Turkey), Tokyo (Japan) before 1908 and then as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Teheran (Iran), 1908-12 and at Bucharest, 1912-19; appointed CMG, 1898, CVO 1906, KCMG 1908 and KCSI 1913; married, 24 October 1891 (div. 1920) Beatrix Mary Jay, daughter of Henry G. Chapman of New York (USA), and had issue one daughter; died 26 January 1921; will proved 4 March 1921 (estate £12,941);
(1.8) Edmund de Gournay Barclay (b. & d. 1864), born 21 February 1864; died in infancy, Jul-Sept 1864;
(1.9) Capt. Cameron Barclay (1865-1954), born 24 November 1865; educated at Eton, Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1885; rowing blue), and Royal Military College, Sandhurst; an officer in the 10th Hussars (Capt., 1892; retired 1902); served again, 1915-19 (Maj.; mentioned in despatches); farmer at South Gate, Joise River (South Africa); married, 8 October 1892 (div. 1916), Hon. Charlotte Ernestine de la Poer Horsley-Beresford (1871-1923), youngest daughter of William Robert John Horsley-Beresford, 3rd Baron Decies, and had issue one daughter; died at East London (South Africa), 3 August 1954; will proved 9 December 1954 (estate £20,391);
(1.10) Charles Theodore Barclay (1867-1921) (q.v.);
(1.11) Marion Alice de Gournay Barclay (1868-1961), born 12 October 1868; married, 2 January 1890 at Woodford, the Hon. and Rt. Hon. Sir Lancelot Douglas Carnegie GCVO KCMG (1861-1933), diplomat, second son of James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk, and had issue one son and two daughters; died 23 August 1961; will proved 6 March 1962 (estate £4,730).
He lived at (and perhaps built) Monkhams, Woodford (Essex), which seems to have been sold after his death.
He died 12 November 1891; his will was proved 4 January 1892 (effects £319,747). His first wife died 12 February 1888. His widow died 31 July 1930; her will was proved 13 September 1930 (estate £31,040).
Barclay, Hugh Gurney (1851-1936). Eldest son of Henry Ford Barclay (1826-91) and his first wife, Richenda Louisa, youngest daughter of Samuel Gurney of Upton (Essex), born 5 July 1851 and baptised into Church of England at Cromer, 2 September 1869. Educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1870; BA 1874; MA 1878). Entered the family banking business of Gurney, Birkbeck, Barclay and Buxton, 1875; subsequently partner, and after it became a limited company in 1896, a director of the Bank (Vice-Chairman, 1909-16). An officer in the Norfolk Yeomanry (Lt-Col.), he served in the First World War. JP for Norfolk and Norwich; High Sheriff of Norfolk, 1905-06. Appointed MVO, 1909. He formed a collection of wild animals at Colney Park and was interested in ornithology; rented the Farne Islands to protect the wild birds there. In 1888-89 he employed Edith Cavell as a governess for his children. He married, 16 April 1880 at St Stephen, Kensington (Middx), Evelyn Louisa (1862-99), daughter of Sir Stuart Saunders Hogg, kt., and had issue:
(1) Terence Henry Ford Barclay (1882-1911), born 2 November 1882 and baptised at Thorpe, 14 January 1883; educated at Eton; an officer in the Scots Guards (2nd Lt., 1903; Lt.); died of blood poisoning after being attacked by one of the family's pet lions, 27 December 1911;
(2) Ursula Mary Barclay (1884-1915), born 21 January and baptised 16 March 1884; married, 7 October 1908, Robert Arthur Hardcastle Collier (1875-1964), 3rd Baron Monkswell (who m2, 22 January 1925, Katherine Edith (d. 1985), daughter of William Shaw Harriss Gastrell of Rockbeare Grange (Devon)), but had no issue; died 29 January 1915;
(3) Evelyn Hugh Barclay (1886-1956) (q.v.);
(4) Phyllis Dorothy Barclay (1887-1976), born 28 September 1887; married 1st, 16 April 1914, Capt. Harry Cecil Johnson DSO (1877-1915), son of Capt. Robert Henry Johnson, and had issue one son; married 2nd, 10 July 1918 at St Mary, Bryanston Sq., London, Maj. Ivor Buxton DSO (1884-1969) of Shelley Hall (Suffk), third son of Geoffrey Fowell Buxton of Easneye (Herts), and had further issue two daughters; died 27 October 1976; will proved 14 December 1976 (estate £42,464);
(5) Richenda Louisa Barclay (1889-1956), born 1889; married 1st, 30 January 1912 at Holy Trinity, Chelsea (Middx), Capt. Horace John Flower (d. 1918), and had issue; married 2nd, Jan-Mar 1926, Major John Elgee Gunning, son of W.A. Gunning of Loy Hill (Co. Tyrone); died 16 November 1956; administration of goods granted 3 May 1956 (effects £160);
(6) Cecil Lorna Barclay (1891-1976), born 2 February and baptised at Earlham, 8 March 1891; married 1st, 10 August 1915, Brig-Gen. Malise Graham DSO (1884-1929), third son of Sir Reginald Henry Graham, 8th bt., of Norton Conyers (Yorks) and had issue; married 2nd, 5 June 1935, Capt. Eric William Edward Fellowes RN (1887-1976), 3rd Baron Ailwyn, of Sweffling Grange, Saxmundham (Suffk), but had no issue; died 12 July 1976; will proved 14 September 1976 (estate £157,017);
(7) David Stuart Barclay (1897-1917), born 2 February and baptised at Thorpe, 14 February 1897; an officer in the Scots Guards (2nd Lt., 1914; wounded 1916); died of wounds received in action, 24 April 1917; will proved 23 May 1917 (effects £248);
(8) Rosamund Alice Barclay (1899-1982), born Oct-Dec 1899; married, 1 July 1927, Christopher Robert Birkbeck OBE JP (1889-1973) of Rippon Hall, Norwich, younger son of Henry Birkbeck of Westacre (Norfk), and had issue; died 19 September 1982; will proved 25 January 1983 (estate £69,044).
He leased Colney Hall (Norfk) from 1887 and bought the freehold in 1900.
He died 9 March 1936 and was buried at Colney; his will was proved 9 July 1936 (estate £513,356). His wife died 22 October 1899.
Barclay, Evelyn Hugh (1885-1956). Second, but eldest surviving, son of Hugh Gurney Barclay (1851-1936) and his wife Evelyn Louisa, daughter of Sir Stuart Hogg, bt., born 7 September and baptised at Thorpe by Norwich (Norfk), 11 October 1885. Educated at Eton. An officer in the Norfolk Yeomanry (2nd Lt., 1905) and in the Scots Guards (Lt., 1915; Capt.). He was a Vice-President of Norwich City Football Club and in 1936 paid for a covered stand to be erected at their Carrow Road ground, Norwich. He married, 3 July 1917 at St George, Hanover Square, London, Hon. Phyllis Patty Crossley MBE JP (1890-1982), elder daughter of Sir Savile Brinton Crossley, 1st Baron Somerleyton, and had issue:
(1) Ione Jean Barclay (1918-2005), born 19 December 1918; married, 27 April 1940 (div. 1963), Sir Harold Felix Cassel (1916-2001), 3rd bt., judge (who m2, Eileen Smedley), third son of Rt. Hon. Sir Felix Cassel, 1st bt., and had issue three sons and one daughter; lived at Much Hadham (Herts); died 27 March 2005; will proved 8 August 2005;
(2) Ursula (k/a Ursie) Evelyn Barclay (1921-2004), born 26 January 1921; served in Second World War with ATS; married, 18 October 1947, Brig. David Lanyon Lloyd Owen DSO OBE MC (1917-2001), only son of Capt. R.C. Lloyd Owen OBE RN of Fareham (Hants), and had issue three sons; died 10 January 2004; will proved 4 August 2004;
(3) Sonia Barclay (1923-73), born 8 December 1923; married 1st, 2 April 1949, Herbert Alfred Brittain OBE MCh FRCS (1904-54) of Witton House, Norwich, elder son of J.W. Brittain of Kilronan, Donnybrook, Dublin, and had issue one daughter; married 2nd, Oct-Dec 1955, Donald L. Smith, and had further issue one daughter; died 26 December 1973; administration of goods granted 18 April 1974 (estate £25,009).
He inherited Colney Hall, Norwich from his father in 1936. His widow lived at Herringfleet Hall nr. Lowestoft (Suffk) in 1965.
He died 4 September 1956; his will was proved 14 December 1956 (estate £179,072). His widow died at Glebe House, Somerleyton, 25 December 1982; her will was proved 17 March 1983 (estate £60,370).
Barclay, Charles Theodore (1867-1921). Fifth son of Henry Ford Barclay (1826-91) and his first wife, Richenda Louisa, youngest daughter of Samuel Gurney of Upton (Essex), born 17 July 1867. Educated at Cheam, Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1886; rowing blue, 1887). Stockbroker; senior partner in Shephards and Co., London; a director of the City Equitable Fire insurance Co. Ltd. (from 1916), and of the Gresham House Estate Company. He married, 3 October 1893, Josephine Lister (1870-1950), fifth daughter of Smith Harrison of Elmhurst, South Woodford (Essex), and had issue:
(1) Margaret Emily Barclay (1894-1967), born 30 June 1894; married, 26 April 1916, Sir William Henry Dyke Acland (1888-1970), 3rd bt. MC AFC, of Barnes Wood, Welwyn (Herts) and had issue four daughters; died 21 May 1967; will proved 3 July 1967 (estate £90,449);
(2) Christopher Gurney Barclay (1897-1962) (q.v.);
(3) Juliet Richenda Barclay (1901-81), born 3 October 1901; married 18 July 1923, John Kidston Swire (1893-1983) of Hubbards Hall, Harlow (Essex), chairman of Swire Group, 1946-66, son of John Swire, and had issue two sons and two daughters; died 18 June 1981; will proved 16 September 1981 (estate £320,873);
(4) Anthony Lister Barclay (1903-88), born 23 November 1903; educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge; investment banker; served in Second World War with Royal Artillery; lived at Little Rissington House (Glos); married, 6 July 1931, Elizabeth Kathryn (1905-74), elder daughter of Hugh Wyatt Bryson of Los Angeles, California (USA), and had issue three daughters; died 29 October 1988; will proved 9 February 1989 (estate £680,118);
(5) Theodora Mary Barclay (1906-90), born 20 June 1906; died unmarried, 20 September 1990 and was buried at Bayford (Herts); will proved 11 September 1990 (estate £864,015).
After his marriage he lived at Leahoe, Hertford. He leased Fanshaws, Hertford from 1909.
He died 30 March 1921; his will was proved 24 May 1921 (estate £124,689). His widow died 2 May 1950; her will was proved 28 July 1950 (estate £7,738).
Barclay, Christopher Gurney (1897-1962). Elder son of Charles Theodore Barclay (1867-1921) and his wife Josephine Lister, fifth daughter of Smith Harrison of Elmhurst, South Woodford (Essex), born 6 April 1897. Educated at Eton. An officer in the Coldstream Guards during the First and Second World Wars (2nd Lt., 1915; Lt., 1916; A/Capt.; wounded; returned to regiment as Lt., 1939; Capt., 1941; retired as hon. Maj., 1945); awarded MC, 1915. Stockbroker in London from 1920. He married, 16 August 1950, (Frances Mary) Phyllis (b. 1890), daughter of Maj-Gen. Howard Poett and widow of Philip Henry R. Jephson and Ralph Edward Lambton, but had no issue.
He continued the lease of Fanshaws, Hertford after his father's death; the lease was given up in 1963.
He died 24 June 1962 and was buried at Bayford (Herts); his will was proved 27 July 1962 (estate £205,882). His widow was living in 1965; her date of death has not been traced.
Barclay of Brent Pelham Hall
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Edward Exton Barclay (1860-1948) |
(1.1) Katharine Joan Barclay (1884-1980), born 12 August 1884 and baptised at Thorpe St. Andrew (Norfk), 22 July 1895; JP for Hertfordshire (to 1960); married, 12 October 1910 at Brent Pelham, Capt. Edward Charles Dimsdale (1883-1915), son of Sir Charles Robert Southwell Dimsdale, 7th bt., and had issue one son; died aged 95 on 27 January 1980; will proved 11 April 1980 (estate £11,878).
(1.2) Maj. Maurice Edward Barclay (1886-1962) (q.v.);
(1.3) Maj. Geoffrey William Barclay (1891-1916), born 4 December 1891 and baptised at Thorpe St. Andrew (Norfk), 22 July 1895; educated at Ludgrove School, Eton (where he was Master of the Eton College hunt) and Trinity Hall, Cambridge (where he was Master of Trinity Foot Beagles); an officer in the Rifle Brigade from 1912 (2nd Lt., 1912; severely wounded, mentioned in despatches, and awarded MC, 1915; Maj. commanding 1st battn); unmarried when he was killed in action at Ypres, 28 July 1916; will proved 11 September 1916 (estate £583).
He inherited Brent Pelham Hall from his father in 1898.
He died 4 March 1948; his will was proved 22 July 1948 (estate £216,513). His first wife died 5 June 1927 and was buried at Brent Pelham. His second wife died 3 May 1929; administration of her goods was granted 13 July 1929 (estate £18,032).
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Maj. M.E. Barclay (1886-1962) |
(1) Charles Geoffrey Edward Barclay (1919-2002) (q.v.);
(2) Pamela Mary Barclay (1921-2002), born 14 February 1921; married, 14 January 1949, Rev. Lawrence Alexander Durdin Robertson (1920-94) of Huntington Castle (Co. Carlow), eldest son of Manning Robertson of Huntington Castle, and had issue one son; died 28 November 2002 and was buried at Radnage (Bucks); will proved 24 November 2003;
(3) William Maurice Barclay (1924-44), born 5 November 1924; educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge; served in Second World War as a midshipman with Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; died unmarried when his ship, HMS Mahratta, was torpedoed, 25 February 1944; administration of his goods granted to his father, 11 August 1944 (estate £168).
He lived at Beeches Manor (badly damaged by fire in 1935) until he inherited Brent Pelham Hall from his father in 1948.
He died 9 November 1962; his will was proved 8 January 1963 (estate £42,847). His widow died 23 August 1969; her will was proved 21 November 1969 (estate £4,519).
Barclay, Capt. Charles Geoffrey Edward (1919-2002). Elder and only surviving son of Maurice Edward Barclay (1886-1962) and his wife Margaret Eleanor, daughter of Marlborough Robert Pryor of Weston Park, Stevenage (Herts), born 13 August 1919. Educated at Eton, Magdalene College, Cambridge and Christchurch, Oxford. Served in Second World War as an officer in the army (2nd Lt., 1940; Capt., 1944; mentioned in despatches; twice wounded). Subsequently farmer and landowner; member of council of Royal Agricultural Society of England. High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, 1990-91. As a young man, he had the (possibly unique?) record of being Master of the Trinity Foot Beagles at Cambridge and of the Christchurch Beagles at Oxford, and was later joint Master of the Puckeridge (later Puckeridge & Thurlow and then Puckeridge) Hunt, 1947-2002. He married 1st, 14 June 1947, Laura Mary (1920-72), eldest daughter of Col. Thomas Slingsby MC of Danceys, Clavering (Essex), and 2nd, May 1985, (Kathleen) Anne (b. 1927), daughter of Edward Foster and formerly wife of Charles G. Payne, and had issue:
(1.1) Diana Margaret Barclay (b. 1949), born 10 March 1949; a master of the Puckeridge Hunt since 1987; married, 1973, Jonathan C. Pyper, and had issue two sons;
(1.2) Maj. Thomas Patrick Edward Barclay (b. 1951), born 16 January 1951; an officer in the army (2nd Lt., 1974; Maj.); farmer and landowner at Brent Pelham; a master of the Puckeridge Hunt; married Elizabeth A. [surname unknown];
(1.3) Robert Charles William Barclay (b. 1957), born 26 December 1957; farmer at Brent Pelham; a master of the Puckeridge Hunt; married, November 1985, Susan H. Ralli (b. 1963), and had issue one son and one daughter;
(1.4) Maurice James Barclay (b. 1959), born 19 August 1959; farmer at Stixwould (Lincs); Master of Essex & Suffolk Hunt, 1983-87; Fitzwilliam (Milton) Hunt, 1987-99; Cottesmore Hunt, 1999-2002; South Wold Hunt 2002-03 and Grove & Rufford Hunt, 2010-12; chairman of This is Hunting UK; author of My Hunting England (2015); married, April 1986, Lucy M.H. Taylor (b. 1962) and had issue two sons.
He inherited Brent Pelham Hall from his father in 1962. It was sold following his death, but the estate remains in the possession of the family.
He died 5 July 2002; his will was proved 8 April 2003. His first wife died 19 December 1972; her will was proved 21 February 1973 (estate £2,245). His widow was living in 2017.
Barclay of Hanworth Hall
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Col. H.A. Barclay (1858-1947) |
(1.1) Rev. Humphrey Gordon Barclay (1882-1955) (q.v.);
(1.2) Lt-Col. Joseph Francis Barclay (1883-1968), born 6 November and baptised at Bletchingley, 23 December 1883; educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge; an officer in Norfolk Yeomanry (Lt-Col.); director of firm of millers and corn merchants; JP and DL for Norfolk; lived at Home Farm, Alby (Norfk); married, 15 February 1912 at Holy Trinity, Chelsea (Middx), Constance (1886-1970), daughter of Arthur Flower of Lowndes Sq., London, and had issue four sons; died 18 February 1968; will proved 21 August 1968 (estate £21,672);
(1.3) Eugenia Barclay (1885-1973), born 28 February 1885; awarded BEM, 1945; married, May 1916, Lt-Col. Gerald Bullard (1875-1932) of Hill Farm, Gressenhall (Norfk), son of Sir Harry Bullard of Hellardon, Norwich (Norfk), and had issue one son and one daughter; died 25 February 1973; will proved 14 September 1973 (estate £114,866);
(1.4) Margaret Barclay (1887-1972), born 19 February and baptised at Bletchingley, 20 March 1887; married, 25 August 1938, Lt-Col. Ronald Forbes Meiklejohn DSO (1876-1949), but had no issue; died 1 February 1972; will proved 17 April 1972 (estate £51,871).
He lived at Underhills, Bletchingley (Surrey) until his father's trustees bought Hanworth Hall for him in 1900.
He died 19 August 1947; his will was proved 15 November 1947 (estate £57,927). His first wife died 4 July 1938. His widow died 30 November 1993 and was buried at Navestock (Essex); her will was proved 15 March 1994 (estate £165,048).
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Rev. H.G. Barclay (1882-1955) |
(1) Hope Marian Barclay (1909-94), born in Calcutta, 15 July and baptised 7 September 1909; married, 17 June 1930, Brig. Keith Wilson Hervey DSO DL (1898-1973) of The Old Vicarage, Sporle (Norfk), son of Matthew Wilson Hervey of East Bilney Hall (Norfk), and had issue two daughters; died 17 February 1994; will proved 14 June 1994 (estate £151,184);
(2) Ruth Evelyn Barclay (1911-2008), born 8 May 1911; married, 29 September 1937, Richard Peter Heywood (1904-71) of Manor Farm, Ingoldisthorpe (Norfk), son of Richard Heywood of Pentney House (Norfk), and had issue one son and two daughters; died aged 97 on 18 December 2008; will proved 9 March 2009;
(3) (Henry) Michael Barclay (1913-2002) (q.v.);
(4) Elizabeth Margaret Barclay (1916-92), born 11 April 1916; married 1st, 15 September 1939, Norman Lewis Philips (1916-40), son of Brig-Gen. Lewis Francis Philips CB CMG CBE DSO, and had issue one son (who died in infancy); married 2nd, 5 February 1944, Hon. Brian Gordon Rootes (1919-71) of Flaunden House (Herts), younger son of William Edward Rootes, 1st Baron Rootes, and had further issue one son; died 1992;
(5) Timothy Humphrey Barclay (1923-99), born 18 June 1923; educated at Stowe; served in Second World War in Royal Navy, 1940-46; farmer at Middleton Tower near Kings Lynn (Norfk); Master and Huntsman of West Norfolk Hunt, 1958-after 1962; High Sheriff of Norfolk, 1983-84; director of Fakenham Racecourse, 1991-99; married, 23 June 1947, June (b. 1923), second daughter of Thomas Ramsden of Middleton Tower, Kings Lynn (Norfk), and had issue one son; died 30 November 1999; will proved 28 February 2000.
He lived latterly at Thurgarton Lodge, Aldborough (Norfk.)
He died 2 October 1955 and was buried at Hanworth; his will was proved 30 January 1956 (estate £22,556). His widow died 13 October 1975; her will was proved 13 August 1976 (estate £20,316).
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Maj. H.M. Barclay (1913-2002) |
(1.1) Michael Humphrey Barclay (b. 1938) (q.v.);
(1.2) Daniel Henry Barclay (1941-74), born 7 June 1941; married, Jan-Mar 1965, Ann Mary (who m2, 25 September 1975, Charles Geoffrey Nicholas Kay-Shuttleworth KG (b. 1948), 5th Baron Shuttleworth, and had issue three sons), daughter of Maj. James Dunbar Whatman of Shamley Green (Surrey); died 15 January 1974; administration of goods granted 22 April 1977 (estate £6,899);
(2.1) Benjamin Barclay (b. & d. 1947), born 18 October 1947; died in infancy, 25 October 1947.
He inherited Hanworth Hall from his grandfather in 1947.
He died 8 November 2002; his will was proved 6 March 2003. His first wife subsequently married 2nd, Jul-Sept. 1945, John Pearson and lived in Canada. His second wife married 4th, Maj. Robert Hugh Pardoe (1914-75) and died 15 September 1972; her will was proved 15 May 1973 (estate £11,226).
Barclay, Michael Humphrey (b. 1938). Elder son of Michael Henry Barclay (1913-2002) and his first wife, Vivienne Hamilton, daughter of Cecil Parker, born 23 August 1938. Educated at Eton and RMC Sandhurst. As a young man he worked as a docker in New Zealand, where he met his future wife. He married, 30 September 1961 at Greatford (Lincs), Katharine Agnes Florence (b. 1939), only daughter of Harry Lyttelton Dowsett of Greatford Hall, nr. Stamford (Lincs), shipowner and industrialist, and had issue:
(1) Humphrey S.C. Barclay (b. 1962), born 25 August 1962;
(2) Rupert H.L. Barclay (b. 1965) of Hanworth Hall, born August 1965; married Julia Park, and had issue one son and one daughter.
He lived at Home Farm, Somerleyton until he inherited Hanworth Hall from his father in 2002.
Now living.
Burke's Landed Gentry, 1965, pp. 40-43; A. Young, The farmer's tour through the east of England, 1771, vol. 2, p. 241; R. Clutterbuck, The history and antiquities of the county of Hertford, 1827, vol. 3, p. 231; VCH Hertfordshire, vol. 3, 1912, p. 358; vol. 4, 1914, pp. 92-96; VCH Essex, vol. 6, 1973, pp. 184-97 and vol. 8, 1983, pp. 124-31; J.T. Smith, Hertfordshire houses: selective inventory, 1993, pp. 41-43; Sir N. Pevsner & B. Wilson, The buildings of England: Norfolk - Norwich and the north-east, 2nd edn., 1997, p. 538; R. Hewlings, 'Youngsbury', Georgian Group Journal, 1999, pp. 107-15; P.M. Hunneyball, Architecture and image-building in 17th century Hertfordshire, 2004, pp. 106-07, 126-28; H. Leiper, 'Mr Lancelot Brown and his Hertfordshire clients', Hertfordshire Garden History II, 2012, pp. 92-120; S. Bate, R. Savage & T. Williamson (eds), Humphry Repton in Norfolk, 2018, pp. 45-49; K. Feluś, Youngsbury, Hertfordshire: appraisal of the historic designed landscape, 2018; J. Bettley, Sir N. Pevsner & B. Cherry, The buildings of England: Hertfordshire, 3rd edn., 2019, pp. 148-49; 576; https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1001005.
Location of archives
Barclay family of Brent Pelham: deeds and estate papers, 1659-1956 [Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies, D/EBc and Acc. 3398]; family papers, 1810-1921 [Essex Record Office, D/DU 2153]
Barclay, David (1729-1809): personal and business correspondence and papers, c.1769-1801 [Norfolk Record Office, RQG/534-49]
Barclays plc and predecessor companies: records, 1567-21st century [Barclays Group Archives].
Coat of arms
Azure, a chevron ermine between in chief three crosses patée in fesse argent and in base a dove also argent beaked and membered gules and in the beak a sprig of olive proper.
Can you help?
- Can anyone identify the houses which the family occupied at Bush Hill, Edmonton; Tooting; or Walthamstow in the 18th and 19th centuries, and/or provide illustrations of them? The house at Walthamstow may have been one of a row of properties known as Forest Place.
- I should be most grateful if anyone can provide photographs or portraits of people whose names appear in bold above, and who are not already illustrated.
- As always, any additions or corrections to the account given above will be gratefully received and incorporated.