Sunday 26 May 2019

(377) Baring of Stratton Park, Barons Northbrook and Earls of Northbrook - part 1

Baring family, Earls of Northbrook
This is the fourth of five posts about the various branches of the Baring family. For an introduction showing how they connect, please see the first post in the sequence. This post has been divided into two parts because of its length. This first part provides the introduction and gives an account of the houses associated with the senior line of the Baring family. The second part discusses the houses associated with the cadet branch descended from the Rt. Rev. Charles Baring (1807-79) and sets out my account of the genealogy of both these branches of the family.

The founder of the Baring family in England was Johann Baring (1697-1748), who emigrated from Germany to England in 1717. He came as an apprentice to an Exeter wool merchant, decided to stay, and was naturalised in 1723, thereafter using the Anglicised form of his name, John. In 1729 he married a local heiress, and he built a business as a cloth merchant before his premature death in 1748. In 1737 he bought an ancient castellated house called Larkbeare on the edge of the city and remodelled it with an elegant new Georgian front; a fragment of the house survives, but all trace of Georgian elegance has long since gone.
Larkbeare House: the front constructed c.1740 for Johann
Baring. Image: Devon County Council.
When Johann died, his children were all minors, and the business was taken on by his widow, a determined and severe lady who turned the £40,000 Johann left at his death into £70,000 by her own death in 1766. This sum provided the foundation capital on which Johann's three surviving sons - John, Francis and Charles - built the business which evolved into Barings Bank. From 1762 the three men entered into a complex partnership arrangement. John and Charles were partners in the original cloth manufacturing and marketing business in Exeter, and John and Francis were partners in a merchant house in London. Francis in London and Charles in Exeter were the active partners; John only a 'sleeping partner'. As the eldest son he had inherited most of the family wealth, and he put his capital into the Exeter and London businesses but took little active part in their management. The experience of the two firms was very different. Charles Baring (1742-1829), who was catapulted into the management of the established Exeter firm very young and with little business experience, was cocky and made rash decisions that did not work out, and he had constantly to be bailed out by his brothers. Francis Baring (1740-1810), after some difficult early years, rapidly expanded from agency work for Exeter merchants in London to create one of the first international merchant banks, carrying out difficult and risky financial operations on an unprecedented scale. His clients came quickly to include the British, American and French governments as well as private firms. John Baring (1730-1816), the most relaxed of the three brothers, became MP for Exeter and enjoyed a gentry lifestyle at Mount Radford, the house he built for himself next door to Larkbeare.

By the 1790s, Francis Baring was 'the first merchant in Europe' and was also a Member of Parliament. He provided mercantile advice to successive Prime Ministers of both parties (Lord Lansdowne and William Pitt), and in 1793 he was raised to a baronetcy. During the Napoleonic Wars, when Barings helped the British government raise vast sums for the war effort, he made huge profits, and when he died in 1810 he was worth at least £500,000. It is no surprise, therefore, to find that he had invested in property: first Camden House at Beddington (Surrey); then the more elegant Lee Manor House at Lee Green near Lewisham (Kent); and finally, in 1801, the 9,000 acre Stratton Park estate in Hampshire, where much of the house had recently been demolished and he was obliged to undertake a major remodelling to provide a house consistent with the scale of the estate.

When Sir Francis Baring died in 1810 he was succeeded as head of the family by his eldest son, Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt., who was a partner in the bank for some years but soon showed that his heart was not in the world of commerce. His inheritance from his father was large enough that he had no need to work, and he devoted his life to politics and the collecting of pictures. It was Sir Francis' second son, Alexander Baring (1773-1848), later 1st Baron Ashburton [whose family will be the subject of my last post on the Barings], who displayed the aptitude and commitment required to manage the bank successfully, and who became its moving spirit. This set the pattern for the bank for well over a hundred years: while they could almost always find a role for descendants of the original partners, especially those with the Baring name, progression beyond a mere clerkship would be exclusively on merit and commitment, and leadership of the bank moved from one branch of the family to another over time as a result; it did not descend, like their real estate, from father to son. The bank could not afford to be let down by people in senior roles who did not pull their weight, and successive senior partners agonised over who in the rising generation were most deserving of encouragement and opportunities. The key to the success of the bank was that the family threw up in every generation at least one man of exceptional ability who could be trusted to run it; only in the late 19th century with Edward Charles Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke, did that trust prove to have been misplaced.  

Sir Thomas Baring, 2nd bt., was succeeded at Stratton Park by his son, Sir Francis Thornhill Baring (1796-1866), 3rd bt., who possessed the family's crisp intelligence. He went to Oxford and took a double first, and then trained as a barrister at Lincoln's Inn. He headed, however, not for the bank but for Whig politics, and his marriage to a niece of Lord Grey, the Prime Minister who steered the Great Reform Act through Parliament, ensured his entrée to Government. A man of high principles and rigid views, however, he was in the last analysis perhaps not sufficiently pragmatic for the higher reaches of politics. The apex of his career was a term as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1839-41, which ended when a miscalculation on his part resulted in a vote of no confidence in the Government. Although several subsequent Prime Ministers tried to persuade him to return to the Treasury, he had felt the twitch of his tether and always refused, although he did serve as First Lord of the Admiralty under Lord John Russell. He also twice refused the offer of a peerage, but in 1866, after retiring from the Commons he finally accepted a third offer, and became Baron Northbrook a few months before his death.

His son and successor at Stratton Park was Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), who succeeded him as 2nd Baron Northbrook. His father had sought to prepare him carefully for a political career, by placing him as private secretary with a succession of relatives who were in Government, so that he gained broad and diverse experience. He became an MP in 1857 and was at once brought into the government. He had two periods as Under-Secretary of State for India before his elevation to the Lords, and in 1872 he was reluctantly persuaded to become Viceroy of India. In India, he ran a notably liberal regime, with the support of his kinsman Evelyn Baring (later 1st Earl of Cromer), believing that the Indians could and should play a much greater part in their own Government. With a Conservative government in power in England and an institutionally racist view of the abilities of the Indians among his civil servants, however, he met continual opposition to his reforms and was in the end limited in what he could achieve. Back in England, he founded a club in London for Indian students who came to England to attend the universities or train for the professions, and continued to support it for the rest of his life. As an outgoing Viceroy, he was advanced in the peerage to be Earl of Northbrook and Viscount Baring in 1876, and he went on to be First Lord of the Admiralty, 1880-85. His commitment to public service continued into old age, and he was Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire from 1892, and Chairman of Hampshire County Council from 1894, until his death.

The 1st Earl's only surviving son, Thomas George Baring (1850-1929), 2nd Earl of Northbrook, was less academically inclined than his father and did not aspire to high political office. He had a spell in the army, but retired from that on becoming an MP in 1880. He did not seek re-election after 1892, and seems to have travelled extensively on the continent in the mid-1890s, where he had an affair with a married woman which ended up with his being cited as co-respondent in the divorce courts. Once the divorce went through, he married his lover, but unfortunately she developed sunstroke on her wedding day and died four weeks later. He married again in 1899 but he and his second wife had no children. After he succeeded to the Earldom and the estates, he took over from his father as Chairman of Hampshire County Council and held that office until shortly before his death, apparently being regarded on all sides as a great success in the role. His chief interest, apparent from local government, was in farming his estate. Money was tighter than it had been for his father, and he sold both a major part of the picture collection from Stratton Park (in 1904) and outlying parts of the estate (in 1920), but the core of the property was intact and in good heart at the time of his death.

With no sons or nephews to succeed him, the Earldom became extinct in 1929, but the original Northbrook barony survived, passing to the 2nd Earl's second cousin, Francis Arthur Baring (1882-1947), who became 4th Baron Northbrook. Stratton Park was sold with its remaining 2,300 acres in 1930 and the house became a girls' school until the eve of the Second World War, while much of the fine timber in the park was cut down. In 1939, however, it was bought by Barings Bank, which used the house as its headquarters for the duration of the war, and no doubt found it convenient that the Bank of England was located nearby, at Cranbury Park.

The new Lord Northbrook was the eldest son of the Hon. Francis Henry Baring (1850-1915), a younger son of the 1st Baron. F.H. Baring was an academically able man, who had become a partner of Barings Bank before the crisis of 1890, and had built himself a substantial house (Banstead Wood) in Surrey to the designs of Norman Shaw in the 1880s. His wealth was all wiped out by the crisis of 1890, however, and Banstead Wood had to be sold. He became a director of the limited company which rose from the ashes of the old partnership, and was its titular head from 1891-1901, a period in which he played a significant role in ironing out the legal difficulties the firm faced in settling the affairs of its predecessor. The new firm rapidly rebuilt its reputation and profits, and he was worth nearly three-quarters of a million pounds at his death in 1915. His eldest son, who became the 4th Lord Northbrook in 1929, had no ambitions to join the bank, and in 1913 purchased a small estate at West Meon (Hants) which had previously formed an outlying portion of the Basing Park estate. It had no great house, but the principal farmhouse, Woodlands Farm, became his home. On his death in 1947 this property and the peerage descended to his only son, Francis John Baring (1915-90), 5th Baron Northbrook. When Barings Bank decided to sell Stratton Park in the 1950s, the 5th Baron took the opportunity to buy back what was left of the estate, but he did not want the house, which was sold instead to his kinsman, the Hon. John Baring (later 7th Baron Ashburton), who demolished all of the house except the portico and built a smaller modern house on the site. The 5th Baron made his home at East Stratton House, a secondary dwelling on the estate, and Woodlands Farm at West Meon was occupied by his unmarried sister, the Hon. Anne Baring.

The 5th Baron died in 1990 and was succeeded by Francis Thomas Baring (b. 1954), 6th Baron Northbrook, the present peer, who inherited both the Stratton and Woodlands estates. In 1995 he greatly enlarged Woodlands Farm to make a new principal residence for the family, but in 2005 it suffered a major fire. The opportunity was taken to replace the old house with a new classical mansion, designed by Christopher Smallwood, which was built in 2009-10, and which makes a centre of appropriate consequence for the combined estates. Lord Northbrook has three daughters but no sons, so there is now no heir to his peerage; the family baronetcy, however, does still have an heir, in the person of his fourth cousin, Peter Baring, who is mentioned further below.

We must now turn out attention back to the younger sons of Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt. While his eldest son entered politics and became a peer, it was again the second son, Thomas Baring (1799-1873) who went into the bank and made a substantial fortune. His story has already been told in my account of the Barings of Norman Court, since he inherited that house in 1853. Sir Thomas' third son was John Baring (1801-88), who after gaining some business experience in America, also became a partner in the bank from 1828-37. He did not find banking congenial, however, and having built a capital of £180,000 he decided to retire. He bought - or rather, for reasons which are obscure, his father bought for him - a house called Oakwood in Sussex, which was close to Chichester but also not far away from his relatives in Hampshire. He was briefly married in the 1840s, but after his wife died he lived a quiet bachelor existence and devoted his surplus income to helping the poor.

Sir Thomas' fourth son was the Rt. Rev. Charles Baring (1807-79), an evangelical clergyman who became Bishop of Gloucester & Bristol in 1856 and was translated to Durham in 1861. He both built himself a new house in Gloucestershire called The Highlands and commissioned the building of a new bishop's palace in Gloucester itself, although he did not remain in post long enough to enjoy the first for very long or to see the later completed. Not long after he sold The Highlands, the house partially collapsed and had to be rebuilt by the new owners: it proved to have been built on a steep and unstable slope. The Bishop left two sons, one of whom was a clergyman who spent a good deal of his life in India. The elder, Thomas Charles Baring (1831-91) entered Barings Bank and was the last member of the firm to combine a partnership with a political career, becoming MP for South Essex and later for the City of London. He retired from Barings before the crisis of 1890 and had taken most of his money out of the firm by time it hit, so he was not financially affected as much as many others. He helped to establish the new company that was set up after the crisis, but died before it had been operating for very long. He was exceptionally generous to both his old school and his old university, but he seems to have been a grumpy man with little use for the social civilities. He bought Wallsgrove House on the edge of Epping Forest (Essex) which was then a fairly ordinary large villa but has been treated rather extraordinarily since. He left two sons, the elder of whom, Harold Herman John Baring (1869-1927) entered Barings but never made it to a partnership, on account of being addicted to gambling. He did, however, cut a considerable figure in Society, where his American wife became a noted hostess. They had no children and Wallsgrove House was sold after his death. His younger brother, Godfrey Nigel Everard Baring (1870-1934) was addicted to hunting, and he and his wife lived in Ireland for many years before moving to a rented house in Leicestershire. Their son, Desmond Charles Nigel Baring (1914-91), after a number of brushes with the law on account of furious driving, settled down and leased a fine 18th century house in Berkshire called Ardington House from 1939. He bought the freehold in 1960 and soon afterwards added a tactfully unassertive kitchen wing. His son Nigel (b. 1940) took over the management of the house and estate, and in 2012 handed it on in turn to his son, Lorne Baring (b. 1970).

Mount Radford, Exeter, Devonshire

Mount Radford, Exeter: engraving of the house as first built, published in 1832.

Mount Radford was a large villa on the south-eastern outskirts of the city of Exeter. According to the 17th century historian, Sir William Pole, "Uppon a little ascending hill did Lawrence Radford Esqr. bwild hym a fayre howse & called it Mount Radford" in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603). The appearance of this house seems to be unrecorded, but may have been quite modest. The house was fortified by the Royalists as part of the defences of Exeter during the Civil War, and as a result may well have needed repairs or alteration after the Restoration, but it was evidently still an essentially Elizabethan house when it was bought by John Baring (1730-1816) in 1755. The house stood next door to Larkbeare, where he had been brought up, and where his mother then still lived. He seems at once to have rebuilt Mount Radford as a nine-bay, three-storey house with quoins at the angles and a central pediment, and he moved into the house in 1757. In 1770 he bought the adjoining manors, so that he came to own almost the whole of St. Leonard's parish. The house may have had from the first a colonnade across the central three bays, but this was extended to either side around 1830. Nothing seems to be recorded of the interior of the house. The Baring family sold the property in 1826 for use as a school, known as Mount Radford College, and development of the estate began soon afterwards, but the house itself survived in school use until 1902.  In that year the house and its remaining grounds were sold for housing development, and Mount Radford was demolished. The school continued to exist for many years in another building nearby.

Descent: built for Lawrence Radford; to son, Arthur Radford, who sold to Edward Hancock MP (c.1560-1603) of Combe Martin (Devon); to widow, who married Sir John Doddridge; sold 1614 to Nicholas Duck MP (1570-1628) of Heavitree, Recorder of Exeter; to son, Richard Duck (1603-56); to son, Nicholas Duck (1630-67); to son Richard Duck (1657-95) to widow (d. 1723)... sold to John Colesworthy (fl. 1755); sold 1755 after his bankruptcy to John Baring (1730-1816); to son, John Baring (1760-1837), who sold to his cousin, Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt.; sold 1826 for use as a school; demolished 1902.

Courtlands, Exmouth, Devonshire

A farmhouse on this site was acquired by Charles Baring (1742-1829) in the 1760s and rebuilt as 'an elegant spacious mansion... about the year 1800'. It must have been built in a rare moment of prosperity, but he was obliged to sell it soon afterwards. Although the house has been much altered and added to by later owners, the original two-storey Regency villa is still clearly apparent. 

Courtlands, Exmouth (now Lympstone Manor): the garden front

It was built of rendered brick, and has a high parapet which conceals the roof. The entrance front and side elevation are of five bays, but the garden front to the rear has six bays; a rather later ironwork veranda runs the whole width of the garden front and continues around the side elevation. On the entrance front, a heavy Italianate stone portico was added in the later 19th century, presumably for Octavius Browne, and probably at the same time the windows on the entrance front were given stone architraves in a matching taste. The service wing was extended to the east, and given an Italianate tower, and a large single-storey billiard room with a bay window and a 41-ft conservatory were added (the latter having since been demolished). The interior has been a good deal altered as well, but the drawing room retains its original chimneypiece and the dining room retains a fairly intact 19th century decorative scheme in an 18th century taste. The house was divided into four apartments, and three new houses were built in the grounds, in the early 21st century, before in 2006 it became a conference and wedding venue. In 2014 it was acquired by the celebrity chef and entrepreneur, Michael Caines, who has restored the house and added a new wing to form a luxury hotel and restaurant now known as Lympstone Manor.

Descent: sold c.1765 to Charles Baring (1742-1829), who rebuilt it c.1800; sold c.1804 to Lambert Blair (d. 1815); sold 1809 to Sir Walter Roberts, bt; sold c.1828 to William Francis Spicer (1763-1853); to great-nephew, Richard Heaviside (later Richard William Spicer); sold 1861 to Octavius Browne (1809-76); to widow, Martha Browne; sold 1885 to William Lethbridge (1825-1901); to sister, Mary Martha Lethbridge, who sold c.1902 to Mrs Mary Bridget Johnston (1840-1908); to cousin, Gen. Sir George Luck (1840-1916), who leased to tenants and then sold in 1923 to Sir Thomas Garbutt Knott (1879-1949); sold to Robshaw family... Simon Robshaw; sold 2006; sold 2014 to Michael Caines.

Lee Manor House, Lewisham, Kent

Lee Manor House, Lewisham: the entrance front. Image: Stephen Craven. Some rights reserved.

A surprisingly little-altered suburban villa - in the 18th century sense - which was designed by Richard Jupp and built in 1771-72 for Thomas Lucas, a West India merchant who was president of Guy's Hospital. The house is built of yellow brick with white stone used for the rusticated basement and rather original entablature decorated with neo-classical swags. The entrance front is of five bays and two storeys above the basement, with the central three bays projecting slightly and rising an extra half-storey above the entablature as an attic. In the centre is a four-column single-storey porch, and to either side are lower two-bay wings. 

Lee Manor House, Lewisham: garden front. Image: Historic England.
On the garden front, where the fall of the land means the basement is more exposed, the central three bays are formed into a shallow curved bow rising the full height of the house and continuing into the attic storey. The interior has been more seriously altered to accommodate local authority use since 1898, first as a nursery and later as a public library. The original staircase was removed in about 1932, but the generous staircase hall retains a screen of columns on the ground floor and another, carrying groin vaults, on the first floor. Other rooms have pretty plasterwork, especially a ceiling in the Adam style in the ground-floor room behind the bow window. Most of the grounds became a public park at the end of the 19th century, but an ice house survives in a private garden.

Descent: estate assembled from c.1745 by William Coleman (d. 1771); to nephew, Thomas Lucas (c.1720-84); to widow, Eliza (c.1748-1800), later wife of John Julius Angerstein (c.1732-1823), who sold c.1796 to Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810), 1st bt.; to son, Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt.; to son, Sir Francis Thornhill Baring (1796-1866), 3rd bt. and 1st Baron Northbrook; to son, Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 2nd Baron & 1st Earl of Northbrook; sold 1898 to Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council; transferred 1965 to London Borough of Lewisham. The house was let from c.1806-1820s to John Perkins (d. 1812) and his son Frederick Perkins (1780-1860), who were partners in the Barclay Perkins brewery. It was let again from c.1850 to Harry Burrard Farnall (d. 1883), a civil servant, and Henry Wolfram, who ran it as a military crammer.

Stratton Park, East Stratton, Hampshire

East and West Stratton and Micheldever were possessions of Hyde Abbey at Winchester in the medieval period and passed into the hands of the Crown at the dissolution of the monastery in 1538. The estate was bought in 1544-46 by the 1st Earl of Southampton, who had already built a house at Micheldever in the 1530s on a site he leased from Hyde Abbey, and this probably remained the centre of the estate until the 17th century. Later earls made their principal seat at Titchfield Abbey (Hants) and the first building on the site of Stratton Park about which anything is known was built or remodelled for Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton, who came of age in 1629 and is said to have made Stratton Park one of his chief seats. No view seems to be known of this house, but it is intriguing to speculate whether it might have shared the innovative astylar classicism of Southampton House in Bloomsbury, which the Earl began in 1638-42, although it was left unfinished and not repaired and completed until after the Restoration, in 1660-63.
Southampton House (later Bedford House), London in the late 17th century.
Southampton House is thought to have been designed by Inigo Jones or someone in his immediate circle such as John Webb (with whose later work at Lamport Hall and elsewhere it has a good deal in common), and it seems quite plausible that the same architect was involved in building Lord Southampton's country house. 
This arrangement was certainly the case in the 18th century, when the 3rd and 4th Dukes of Bedford rebuilt or remodelled Stratton Park as a Palladian mansion to the designs of John Sanderson (d. 1774) in 1731-39 and while work was in progress there employed him to add a wing and remodel the interior of what had now become Bedford House in London; he also made designs for the Duke's principal seat of Woburn Abbey. 

Stratton Park: elevation of the house from Vitruvius Britannicus, 1767.

The fourth volume of Vitruvius Britannicus, published by Woolfe and Gandon in 1767, gives an elevation, section and plan of the piano nobile of the house designed by John Sanderson. It had an immensely long fifteen-bay south front with a tall first floor set above a low basement, but only the projecting three bay porticoed centre had an attic storey, crowned by a pediment with a carved achievement of the Bedford arms. On the first floor the windows had architraves and carried alternating triangular and segmental pediments; in the basement they had simple rusticated surrounds and stepped keystones. At either end of the facade wider single bays with a Venetian window on the first floor were stepped slightly forward of the wall plane. These marked the ends of long wings that projected much further on the north side. The thirteen-bay centre between the wings was a double pile, with the entrance hall and saloon placed back-to-back in the centre, but with a vaulted corridor separating the rooms on the entrance and rear elevations to either side. On the east side, this corridor ran all the way through to the great gallery (100 x 23 feet) in the east wing, but on the west side the corridor was shorter. This is one of several indications that the whole of the west wing and the part of the house adjoining it, which formed the main bedroom accommodation in the 18th century, was actually a remodelling of the mid 17th century house, and a tradition that this was the case was recorded in the 19th century. 

Stratton Park: plan of the principal floor from Vitruvius Britannicus, 1767.
Stratton Park: section through the hall and saloon, showing the Palladian decoration, from Vitruvius Britannicus, 1767.

The basement level of Sanderson's house, which contained the service accommodation, was partly vaulted, and in the centre was a basement entrance hall supported on Doric columns. The main entrance to the house was approached by a double stair under the portico, and led into a splendid hall occupying both the first floor and the attic above, that formed a 38 foot cube with a coved ceiling and Corinthian pilasters set around the walls. Behind the hall and entered directly from it, was the saloon of the house (26 x 24 feet), which projected in the centre of the north front and had an exit to the garden linked by a narrow bridge over the area to a straight flight of steps. The interior of the saloon was decorated equally as grandly as the entrance hall, with a pair of matching chimneypieces and overmantels carrying scrolled broken pediments in the west wall, separated by plaster panels with Rococo drops from a Corinthian doorcase with full entablature carrying a broken triangular pediment. To the right of the entrance hall there was a state apartment, consisting of an ante-room, bedchamber, closet and cabinet. An enfillade linked all the rooms on the south front and another all those between the wings on the north front.
Stratton Park: Palladian chimneypiece surviving in the
house in 1960. Image: Historic England.
Less is known about the use or decoration of the other main rooms, but a comparison with Sanderson's other buildings suggests they would have continued the Palladian and Rococo themes of the hall and saloon. A Palladian chimneypiece that survived in the house until 1960 was evidently a survivor from the Sanderson house, and another, in a more Rococo taste, that is said to have been moved in the 1850s from Stratton to Kames Castle on the Isle of Bute, was for sale through Crowthers of Syon Lodge in 1990.

At some point before his death in 1771, the 4th Duke is said to have demolished rather more than half of the house he had built at Stratton, including the portico, lest its competing charms should cause his successors to neglect Woburn Abbey, the ancient seat of the Russells, which he had largely rebuilt even more recently, and which was now the apple of his eye. This act of vandalism left Stratton Park as an L-shaped block that was little more than a hunting box, with no front door: a library window was hurriedly adapted as the main entrance. This reduced house was bought in 1801 by Sir Francis Baring, 1st bt, the founder of the merchant bank which bore his name. Humphry Repton visited in 1803 and produced designs for a new house and garden. His scheme for the house does not seem to have met with favour, but some of his proposals for landscaping were evidently adopted.  For the house, Sir Francis turned instead to George Dance, who began work on designs for remodelling the house in 1803, with work being nearly complete in 1806, at a cost of some £25,000.  Dance's drawings for the project survive (in the Soane Museum) and show him working out his ideas. He used the plan from Vitruvius Britannicus of the old house as a base on which to draw his initial proposals and it enables us to see clearly how the two houses relate to one another. 

Stratton Park: the house from the south-east, photographed by William Savage in 1867. The hatchment over the porch commemorates the 1st Baron Northbrook, who died in 1866. Image: Hampshire Cultural Trust.
Although the house Dance created was large, it was still only two-thirds the size of its predecessor. It was decided early on to create a new portico, but one that rose from ground level and did not stand on a basement. It gave entrance directly into a lofty hall containing a double stair which took visitors up to the principal rooms on the first floor. An early idea that the columns of the portico should be fluted and that an existing Venetian window should be retained and duplicated in the elevation were quickly abandoned in favour of a Greek Doric treatment of singular severity.
Stratton Park: entrance hall and staircase.
Image: Historic England.
The entrance hall was only slightly less severe, with the lower walls of stone with horizontal rustication, and a double stair rising to a first-floor landing screened by columns with Ionic capitals taken from Stuart & Revett's drawings of the Temple on the Ilyssus. The landing formed part of a wide passage leading on the east to what Dance called a 'hall of communication', off which opened all his new reception rooms: a library and drawing room in the east wing; a breakfast room facing south, next to the portico, and a dining room in the centre of the north front. On the west the passage led to a secondary staircase up to the bedrooms on the attic floor. The early designs show that it was originally intended to have an ante room between the drawing room and library, but in the house as built this was omitted in favour of an enlarged drawing room, which was plainly decorated, with the walls left plain for the hanging of the picture collection which Sir Francis and his son Sir Thomas rapidly built up. The collection included a vast canvas by the scene painter Philip de Loutherberg of the Great Fire of London, painted in 1797, which may have hung in this room. The 'hall of communication' was much more richly treated than the drawing room, with an elliptical barrel vault, marbled walls, a tripartite window flanked by niches, and a striking chimneypiece and doorcases, the former being derived from Piranesi's
Diverse Maniere d'Adornare i Cammini (1769). The best room at Stratton was the library, lined for two-thirds of its height with bookshelves, over which were set monochrome classical scenes. The decoration was in rich sepia tones, with the ornamentation picked out in gold.

Stratton Park: the library was the most elaborately decorated interior. Image: Historic England.

Stratton Park became one of Dance's most valuable commissions not just because of the extensive work on the house, but because he was also called upon to design a range of ancillary buildings. Domestic offices and extensive stable accommodation were built to the west of the house; the L-shaped stable block was partly demolished in the 1960s but subsequently reinstated and divided into houses.
Stratton Park: Winchester Lodge in 1867. Image: Hampshire Cultural Trust
Dance also built a plain single-storey lodge cottage at the end of the Winchester drive, which was later remodelled and given a Doric porch, but for the main entrance off the London road he designed a more imposing arrangement, with a pair of widely spaced lodges linked by curved walls to a central gateway of faintly Indian design, reminiscent of his elevations at Coleorton Hall (which was completed just as work at Stratton was beginning). In 1806 he moved on to the village, where he designed nine pairs of semi-detached thatched brick and timber cottages with sliding sash windows, and to remodelling Micheldever church, where he rebuilt the nave in the form of an octagon of pointed arches, an original and successful design. In 1810, the Gothic Survival church built in 1677 for Lord Russell at the south end of Stratton Park was demolished and rebuilt, but this time Dance does not seem to have been involved, and Sir Francis Baring apparently supplied the design himself. This building was itself demolished when the present parish church was built to the designs of T.G. Jackson in 1887-88; a stone cross erected by Jackson in 1890 marks the site. George Dance created a remarkable rock garden north of the house, of which nothing now survives. Later in the 19th century, a broad lawned terrace with a ha-ha to the south was created around the house, with gateways at each end. Gertrude Jekyll designed a planting scheme for the raised border to the right of the house in 1895. There were flower gardens on both sides of the house in 1908 with many fine oaks, yews, beeches in the parkland including a fine avenue of trees following the original line of the main road which Sir Francis had diverted to the west in the course of his improvements.

The interior of the house was subjected to further changes in the 1840s and around 1900, when Adam-style chimneypieces and doorcases were introduced into some of the principal rooms (although the library and staircase hall remained largely unaltered). Parkhill Lodge, between the two earlier lodges, was built in neo-Tudor style in the 1840s, probably to serve a new drive built for access to Micheldever railway station. A major sale of pictures from Stratton Park took place in 1904, which it is said realised £200,000, but the house remained in the possession of the Baring family until the death of Francis George Baring (1850-1929), 2nd Earl of Northbrook. The house was then sold to Miss James, who moved her school for girls here from The Vyne, and it operated as a school until the eve of the Second World War. In 1939 the house and estate were bought by Barings Bank, who moved their banking operations to the house for the duration. In the early 1950s, the Bank sold the estate back to the 5th Baron Northbrook, but the house was sold separately to his cousin, the Hon. John Baring (b. 1928; now the 7th Baron Ashburton). Tragically, he demolished it - except for the magnificent Paestum-inspired portico - in 1960 or 1961. The house was not generally in bad condition, though it had suffered an outbreak of dry rot, but it was rather large for post-war needs: by one account it had 54 bedrooms, a tally which must have included all the servants' rooms in the service wing. A much less drastic trimming of redundant domestic offices could have made the house manageable, but John Baring, who went on to pull down and rebuild the Bank's historic offices in Bishopsgate, and who tried to demolish his own family's house at The Grange, Northington in the 1970s, attracted the soubriquet 'Basher Baring' for his cavalier attitude to historic buildings, and at this date the house would not have been protected from demolition even if had been listed, which, remarkably, it was not.

Stratton Park: the surviving portico and the new house built in 1963-65. Image: Tom Scott/BNPS Agency
To replace Dance's house, a much smaller replacement was built on the site in 1963-65 by Stephen Gardiner and Christopher Knight, with interior decoration by Bill McCarty. It is a rare example of a serious attempt to create a building of country house scale and luxury within the Modernist tradition, and it attracted a great deal of critical attention when it was first built. The retained portico was used effectively to create a dramatic setting for the new house, which is separated from it by a rectangular reflecting pool that continues under the house and appears again on the north side. The house is formed of two blocks, respectively for family and entertaining use, which are linked by a central entrance hall. The entertaining block consists of a brick ground floor containing guest bedrooms and above it a steel-framed and continuously glazed first-floor drawing room, which opens into a double-height conservatory space containing a bridge across the pool to the main staircase. The architects intended the drama of the conservatory space with its tropical plants and birds, to give the house the 'wow factor' and at the time the novelty of this may have been successful. Whereas the entertaining wing is solid below and glazed above, the family wing, which contains the dining room, kitchen, nursery and family bedrooms, has by contrast a continuously glazed ground floor and brick-clad first floor: a not very subtle way of marking in architectural terms their different uses. Behind it is a single-storey service range and staff flat built around a small courtyard. 

Stratton Park: looking out from the conservatory of the house of 1963-65. Image: Tom Scott/BNPS Agency
Unfortunately, the house has not aged well or gracefully. The contrast between the massive solidity and perfect proportions of the portico and the flimsy materials and inarticulate elevations of the new house is telling, and the design now seems mannered and meretricious. Historic England recently declined to list the house, concluding that it "does not display the consistency and ingenuity of design, plan and detailing which is found in the best post-war houses". Already by the 1970s, the house had proved to be variously dysfunctional. The bridge over the pool in the conservatory 'provided an irresistible temptation for rowdy young men to push each other into the water when drunk at parties', and more prosaically there were problems with the cladding and the flat roof. More recently, the balcony opening off the first-floor drawing room and linking it to the garden was found to be pouring water into the structure of the entertaining block and making it very damp. This problem was rectified in 2013 by the removal of the original balcony and its replacement by a much larger and structurally independent terrace on the south side of the drawing room. Another significant change has been to erect a pergola in front of the south side of the family wing. 

When the M3 motorway was routed along the western edge of the park, uncomfortably close to the house, Lord Ashburton sold Stratton Park and moved back to his family's Northington estate. One feels it is only a matter of time before the 1960s house is replaced in its turn, and perhaps Dance's great portico could yet inspire a more sympathetic new Classical house on the site.

Descent: Crown sold 1544 to Edmund Clerke; to widow, Margaret Clerke, who sold 1546 to Thomas Wriothesley (1505-50), 1st Earl of Southampton; to son, Henry Wriothesley (1545-81), 2nd Earl of Southampton; to son, Henry Wriothesley (1573-1624), 3rd Earl of Southampton; to son, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton (1608-67); to daughter, Lady Rachel Wriothesley (1636-1723), later wife of William (1639-83), Lord Russell; to son, Wriothesley Russell (1680-1711), 2nd Duke of Bedford; to son, Wriothesley Russell (1708-32), 3rd Duke of Bedford; to brother, John Russell (1710-71), 4th Duke of Bedford; to grandson, Francis Russell (1765-1802), 5th Duke of Bedford; sold 1801 to Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810), 1st bt.; to son, Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt.; to son, Sir Francis Thornhill Baring (1796-1866), 3rd bt. and 1st Baron Northbrook; to son, Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 2nd Baron & 1st Earl of Northbrook; to son, Francis George Baring (1850-1929), 2nd Earl of Northbrook; sold after his death to Miss James as a school for girls; sold 1939 to Baring Bros & Co. Ltd.; sold 1955 to John Baring (b. 1928), 7th Baron Ashburton, who demolished and rebuilt the house; sold 1988 to David James Stride (b. 1947).

Sandridge Park, Stoke Gabriel, Devon

The house stands in a wonderful position overlooking the River Dart. The first building on the site of which anything is known seems to have been built in the early 18th century for Raleigh Gilbert (1688-1773), a younger son of the Gilberts of Compton Castle (Devon), and is recorded on an estate map of 1748. In 1772 Gilbert sold the estate for £6,000 to a successful politician, John Dunning of Spitchwick (Devon), who was later raised to the peerage as Lord Ashburton. In 1776 Dunning visited the property with his friends Sir Robert Palk and the Rev. John Swete, and as Swete recorded, "We were all (I well remember) struck with the beauty and grandeur of the spot, and his Lordship then expressed an intention of raising an house on it, that should be more worthy than the present'. In practice, Lord Ashburton changed his mind and built at Spitchwick instead, and it was his widow Elizabeth, the sister of Sir Francis Baring, who carried out the plan in 1804-09. As a rich widow, whose son and heir declined to be involved in the project in any way, she was free to follow her own fancy. 

Sandridge Park: engraving of 1829 showing the house from the south-east, with the original conservatory.

She commissioned John Nash to design a fashionably asymmetrical and picturesque house in the same innovative Italianate style as his smaller villa, Cronkhill (Shropshire), which was built at much the same time. These buildings were inspired by the rustic Italian villas depicted in Arcadian landscape paintings by artists like Claude and Poussin, and set a fashion for the Italianate which endured for half a century. At Sandridge, the main front, facing south over the river, has a three-storey square entrance tower with, to its left, a lower central block with a ground-floor bow window, then a small loggia in front of a recessed bay, and finally a three-storey circular tower; to the right of the entrance tower there was a long (51 ft) conservatory built against the service wing, with seven bays of paired doors fitted between spiral-bound trellis columns. The loggia at the west end of the house was originally in the same form as the conservatory. The whole is unified by the stuccoed walls, the consistent use of arched sash windows and the deep bracketed eaves. 

The asymmetry of the house is reflected in the L-shaped plan, which allowed Nash to create a series of rooms of varied shapes, including a D-shaped room in the tower, a rectangular drawing room with a wide bow, and a diamond-shaped entrance hall with niches in the corners. Nash's simple classical Regency decoration and chimneypieces survive in the principal rooms. Curiously, the entrance hall does not communicate directly with the staircase, as was usual in houses of this date, and the reasons for this are obscure.

Sandridge House: the house since recent restoration.
In 1935 the house was sold to a syndicate of developers who planned to build 400 houses on the estate, and the house was subsequently neglected and the conservatory demolished. The housing scheme was abandoned on the outbreak of the Second World War, and afterwards the house was sold to Alan Cathcart, 6th Earl Cathcart, who restored it. Subsequent owners made alterations to the service wing to create a separate dwelling, and created a swimming pool screened by a pergola. Happily, since 2006 the house has been returned to single occupancy, and has been the subject of a restoration scheme overseen by Watson, Bertram & Fell of Bath designed 'to restore the original external appearance and internal arrangement of the house', and the surrounding landscape. On the whole an excellent job has been done, but the robust and decorative conservatory that existed until the 1930s has been replaced by a rather disappointing veranda.

Descent: Raleigh Gilbert (1688-1773); sold 1772 to John Dunning (1731-83), 1st Baron Ashburton; to widow, Elizabeth Dunning (1744-1809), Lady Ashburton, who rebuilt the house; to son, Richard Dunning (1782-1823), 2nd Baron Ashburton, who let it; to James Edward Cranstoun (1809-69), 10th Baron Cranstoun; to brother, Charles Frederick Cranstoun (1811-69), 11th Baron Cranstoun; to his wife's niece, Margaret (d. 1904), Baroness de Virte; to nephew, Arthur Wilson; to daughter, Gladys Wilson; sold 1935 to a development syndicate... sold 1951 to Alan Cathcart (1919-99), 6th Earl Cathcart; sold 1967... sold 1993... sold 2002... sold 2006 to Mark & Rosemary Yallop.

Oakwood Park, Funtington, Sussex

Oakwood Park: the entrance front

One of three small estates developed around 1810 on the former Saltbox Common, the rest of which was officially enclosed and added to these properties in 1834. Oakwood is a two-storey white stuccoed house, built in 1809-12 for William Dearling, a Chichester brewer, and presumably designed by James Elmes, who exhibited a design for it in 1811. The west-facing entrance front has five widely-spaced bays and a central porte-cochère; the east-facing garden front has seven bays with a full-height curved bow across the central three, and a balcony at first-floor level. The side elevation is of four bays.The house has been a preparatory school since 1943, and there are simple and tactful white-painted additions on the north side for school purposes.

Descent: built 1809-12 for William Dearling; sold before 1819 to Sir George Hilaro Barlow (1763-1846), 1st bt.; sold 1825 to Rev. George Porcher; sold 1840 to Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt. for his son, John Baring (1801-88); to nephew, Francis Baring du PrĂ© (1848-1920); to widow, Alice Forbes Du PrĂ© (d. 1938); sold c.1942 to Richard and Nora Fenn, who moved their preparatory school here in 1943.

Banstead Wood, Surrey

Banstead Wood (originally Banstead Park) was a large new country house set in a former medieval deer park, built by Richard Norman Shaw for Francis Henry Baring, in 1884-86. Baring was a partner in Barings Bank, and Shaw worked for several of his colleagues around this time. The house was one of the last houses Shaw built in his full 'Old English' manner, and exhibited brick and semi-timbering, with part of the upper floor tile-hung, and picturesquely asymmetrical tall chimneystacks. On the entrance front, Shaw played with symmetrical and asymmetrical elements. The front door was set in a tall projecting gabled wing at the left-hand end of the house proper, with a tile-hung service wing to its left. To its right, the centre of the house was a symmetrical five-bay composition, and beyond this was an irregular semi-timbered wing, with a lower gable and an attached single-storey glass-roofed conservatory.

Banstead Wood: the entrance front as built by Norman Shaw, 1884-86.
The two garden fronts both had three gables, set so close together that their bargeboards touch. Again, Shaw is playing games, demonstrating his dexterous handling of traditional motifs in unconventional combinations. The broad semi-timbered gables were supported on narrower bay-units with recessed walls between, and these in turn were supported on ground-floor bay windows, many of which include an arched component. The overall effect had considerable movement and the top-heavy feel of medieval jettied buildings, although in fact nothing here is jettied at all.

Banstead Wood: the garden fronts as built by Norman Shaw, 1884-86
In 1893, after the crisis at Barings Bank had eliminated most of Francis Baring's wealth, Banstead Wood was sold to a local businessman, C.H. Garton, who lived here until his death in 1934. He then bequeathed the house to a hospital trust, but in 1938, while the house was being converted into offices and a nurses' home and new hospital buildings were being built in the grounds, the original building was extensively damaged by fire. The roof and all the semi-timbered parts of the building were completely lost. Rather than demolish the ruins and built anew, however, the hospital decided to restore the house, and called in H.R. Goodhart-Rendel to supervise the works. He created new elevations that preserved the character of the Shaw design, but eliminated most of the semi-timbering which had proved so vulnerable. His tile-hung elevations have often been mistaken for the surviving work of Shaw himself.

Banstead Wood: the house today, after remodelling by H.R. Goodhart-Rendel in 1938-40 and conversion to flats.
During the Second World War, the house was taken over for use as a military hospital, and there was a Prisoner of War camp in the grounds. The buildings were returned to the NHS in 1948 and reopened as the Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) Hospital for Children in London. In 1973 it became a hospital for children with learning difficulties, and it finally closed in 1998. After a period of abandonment and dereliction, the hospital buildings, including the original house, were sold to Try Homes in 2005 and converted into a 109-apartment gated development, known as the Banstead Wood Estate. The original house is now known as Shaw House. Following the 1938 fire and conversion to flats, it has no surviving period interiors.

Descent: built 1884-86 for the Hon. Francis Henry Baring (1850-1915); sold 1893 to C.H. Garton (d. 1934); to Banstead Wood Hospital Trust; requisitioned 1939-48; to National Health Service; sold 2005 to Try Homes.

Woodlands House, West Meon, Hampshire

Woodlands House, West Meon: entrance front
A former farmhouse, perhaps built in 1887-89 by A.W. Blomfield for William Nicholson's Basing Park estate, was enlarged in 1995 into a substantial country house for Lord Northbrook. Unfortunately the building was extensively damaged by fire in 2005, and a rather successful new house was built immediately to the south of its predecessor in 2009-10 to the designs of Christopher Smallwood. This is built of red brick interspersed at wide intervals with glazed headers. It has a symmetrical east-facing entrance front of nine bays and two storeys under a hipped roof with dormers. The central three bays are slightly recessed between giant Tuscan pilasters and rise without a break into an implied segmental pediment enclosing an oculus at attic level. A semi-circular porch supported on Ionic columns shelters the central front door. The porch has a lead half-dome roof which is picked up by the lead barrel-vault roofs ending in semi-domes of the single-storey wings which project from the two bays at either end of the facade. The facade has a faintly Baroque character, with considerable movement, but in the final analysis is not quite sufficiently coherent. 

Woodlands House, West Meon: garden front.
The west-facing garden side is in that sense more successful, but is also more conventional. It is treated in effect as an eleven-bay front, and has a similar centrepiece to the entrance side, with shallow bows of a more Regency character on the three end bays. Inside, the principal staircase rises around an oval space, and the four reception rooms form a sequence along the garden front.

Descent: William Nicholson (1824-1909); to son, William Graham Nicholson MP (1862-1942); sold c.1913 to Francis Arthur Baring (1882-1947), 4th Baron Northbrook; to son, Francis John Baring (1915-90), 5th Baron Northbrook; to son Francis Thomas Baring (b. 1954), 6th Baron Northbrook.

Continue to Part Two of this post


Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 2003, pp. 2931-34; J. Woolfe & J. Gandon, Vitruvius Britannicus, vol. 4, 1767, pls. 52-55; J. Britton, T. Allom, W.H. Bartlett and E.W. Brayley, Devonshire and Cornwall Illustrated, 1832, p. 67 and plate; D. Stroud, George Dance, architect, 1741-1825, 1971, pp. 200-04; B. Cherry & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: London - South, 1982, p. 426; J.M. Robinson, The latest country houses, 1984, pp. 142-43; J. Harris, 'A digression on John Sanderson and the Rococo', Furniture History, vol. 26, 1990, pp. 101-03; G. Worsley, 'The "Best Turned" house of the Duke of Bedford', Georgian Group Journal, vol. 6, 1996, pp. 63-73; M. Bullen, J. Crook, R. Hubbock & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: Hampshire - Winchester and the north, 2010, pp. 246-48; G. Tyack (ed.), John Nash: architect of the Picturesque, 2013, pp. 58-67; H. Meller, The country houses of Devon, 2015, pp. 317-18, 882-84; ODNB entries on Sir Francis Baring, 1st bt., Rt. Rev. Charles Baring, and 1st Baron and 1st Earl of Northbrook;;

Revision and acknowledgements

This post was first published 26 May 2019 and updated 13 May 2024.

(377) Baring of Stratton Park, Barons Northbrook and Earls of Northbrook - part 2

Baring family, Earls of Northbrook
This post on the Baring family of Stratton Park has been divided into two parts because of its length. The first part provides the introduction and gives an account of the houses associated with the senior line of the Baring family. This second part discusses the houses associated with the cadet branch descended from the Rt. Rev. Charles Baring (1807-79) and sets out my account of the genealogy of both these branches of the family.

Beaudesert Park, Box, Gloucestershire

An estate near Nailsworth called The Highlands, which did not include a mansion house, belonged to Edwin Hunt in 1855. It was sold shortly afterwards to the Rt. Rev. Charles Baring, who had been appointed Bishop of Gloucester in 1856. He would have found the bishop’s palace in Gloucester to be a medieval house, much altered in the mid 18th century, and probably not an attractive or comfortable residence to Victorian eyes. He decided to build on the splendid site afforded by a steep hillside on the Highlands estate, and constructed ‘a large stone house in the Tudor style’, no illustrations of which have come to light. The architect is not recorded, but may well have been Ewan Christian, whom Baring commissioned in 1860 to design a new, muscular, episcopal palace at Gloucester, which has since become the King’s School.

In 1861 Baring sold The Highlands, on being translated to the bishopric of Durham. The purchaser was John Griffith Frith, a London banker and former East India Co. agent, who had scarcely moved into the house when a landslip caused part of it to collapse. Investigations showed that soft clay beds outcropped on the hillside, making it almost impossible to establish secure foundations for a rigid structure. Nevertheless, Frith decided to rebuild, merely taking the precaution of a site rather higher up the hill, on an artificial terrace retained by a massive stone revetment. Frith died in 1868, but the project was carried on for his widow, tenders being invited in 1871 and work completed in 1874. The new house cost about £5,600 to construct. This time, Ewan Christian is known to have been the architect, although the evocative contemporary watercolours from which the house is best known were painted by Axel Haig. 

Beaudesert Park (Glos): watercolour by Axel Haig of the entrance front, c.1874. Image: RIBA Collections.

To assist the stability of the house Christian decided on using a structural timber frame, which could both be decorative and twist to accommodate any further subsidence. The panels between the timber members are made of Dennetts concrete infill. The style adopted – a rather overblown version of the semi-timbered vernacular of the Welsh borders – was thus influenced by the materials chosen, but it also shows the influence Norman Shaw’s ‘old English’ manner was having on his peers. Curiously, having opted for this eminently picturesque style, Christian made The Highlands regular, if not actually symmetrical. On the main front, to the terraced gardens, this characteristic, together with the rather flat modelling and the first-floor verandahs, communicate the date of the house unambiguously. The service wing, running away behind the house to the east, was built of stone in a more orthodox Tudor revival style, and was originally shorter, being extended before 1911 to its present length.

Beaudesert Park (Glos): watercolour by Axel Haig of the garden front, c.1874. Image: RIBA Collections.
Mrs. Caroline Frith died in 1897, and her daughter bequeathed the house to Robert Eaton White in 1909. He put it up for sale in 1911, but it does not seem to have changed hands until 1918, when a boys’ preparatory school moved here from Henley-in-Arden (Warks). The school, which was already called Beaudesert Park School, gave this name to its new home, and the original name has since been all but forgotten. The school is still the owner today, and has erected extensive additional buildings in the grounds, to the north of the main house.
Beaudesert Park (Glos): the house in about 1985. Image: Nick Kingsley. Some rights reserved.
Despite eighty years of use as a school, the principal rooms retain many of their Victorian fittings, with carving by Harry Hems of Exeter, such as the staircase with splat balusters, stone fireplaces, panelling and beamed ceilings; the library ceiling is said to have been painted by Thomas Gambier-Parry. An elaborate terraced garden also survives on the hill below the house, with an avenue of Wellingtonias, a Gothic arbour, and an attractive octagonal gazebo containing a staircase which gives access from the top terrace by the house to the levels below.

Descent: built c.1856 for Rt Rev. Charles Baring (1807-79); sold 1861 to John Griffith Frith (d. 1868); to widow, Caroline Frith (d. 1897); to daughter (d. 1909); to Robert Eaton White, who sold 1918 to Beaudesert Park School.

Wallsgrove House, High Beach, Essex

Wallsgrove House, High Beach

A four bay two storey early 19th century stuccoed house, reputedly built in 1806, which has been dressed up at some point with a central tetrastyle portico of attenuated Doric columns, and a group of three similar columns clustered around the angles at either end of the facade supporting a section of entablature in a completely illiterate way. The house has a forecourt facing the road enclosed by curving arcaded screen walls.

Descent: Thomas Charles Baring (1831-91); to son, Harold Herman John Baring (1869-1927); sold after his death to Lt-Col. Edward North Buxton (fl. 1946)... Francis Wallis (d. 1972)... Dorothy Maud Woods (1911-98)... sold 2017 to B. Nicholaisen.

Ardington House, Berkshire

Ardington House: entrance front and side elevation.

An assured and rather urban three-storey house of vitrified grey and red brick, built in 1719-21 for Edward Clarke, whose family had occupied the original manor house (which stood on a different site) for over 150 years. His marriage to an heiress, Mary Wiseman, no doubt encouraged him to undertake the project, but it proved to be one that he could not really afford, and much of the property Mary brought him and half the Ardington estate had to be sold to meet the costs of building and his rather extravagant lifestyle. The fortunate survival of a couple of drawings relating to the building of the house (now in the Berkshire Record Office) tells us that the house was built by by Thomas Strong junior (1685-1736), whose family owned the stone quarries at Taynton (Oxon) and Barrington (Glos) and had worked extensively as masons on projects including St Paul's Cathedral, the rebuilding of the City churches after the Great Fire, and the construction of Greenwich Palace. Thomas's better-known brother Edward Strong junior (1676-1741) was certainly a competent architect, and there is every reason to suppose that Thomas was too, although they often worked on the construction of buildings designed by gentlemen architects like Christopher Wren and Thomas Archer. The late Andor Gomme pointed out similarities between Ardington and two houses firmly attributed to Thomas Archer, Chettle House (Dorset) and Marlow Place (Bucks), but concluded that Ardington was probably designed by one of the Strong brothers, using their experience of building to Archer's design at St Paul, Deptford and perhaps at Marlow Place. The house is built of brick of excellent quality and workmanship, and the symmetrical main fronts have seven bays, with a projecting three bay centre carrying a decorated pediment. The windows of the centre are segmental-headed, and plain elsewhere. The entrance and garden fronts are identical except for the doorways and the addition of a later four-column wooden veranda on the garden side. The side elevations are of three bays only, with the windows gathered in the centre, and hence appear very high; this feeling and the details are decidedly Vanbrughian. The windows are close-set and all round-arched, except for those on the top floor, which are circular. A pediment runs the whole width of the side elevation.

Ardington House: entrance hall and staircase.

Inside, the entrance hall has paired fluted pilasters flanking niches in the side walls, and runs through to the spectacular Imperial staircase at the back. This rises in two arms to return in one, and has thin, twisted balusters of a pattern identical to those on a more conventional staircase at Britwell House (Oxon). The original small reception rooms of Ardington were altered c.1790 for William Wiseman Clarke, who enlarged the dining and drawing rooms. He also did away with the original formal layout of the gardens and replaced their three canals with a larger piece of water. Further alterations were made for Robert Vernon in the 1830s, when the carved achievement of arms was added to the pediment on the garden front, and for Lord Wantage later in the century, including the addition of extra plasterwork and carved woodwork to the interior. More recent changes have been few: a tactful kitchen wing added on the east in 1961 to the designs of Hugh Vaux, and a restoration in 1980, when some of the 19th century exterior alterations were reversed.

Descent: Henry Stanley (1531-93), 4th Earl of Derby, to son, Ferdinando Stanley (c.1559-94), 5th Earl of Derby; to brother, William Stanley (c.1561-1642), 6th Earl of Derby, all of whom leased it to John Clarke (d. 1570) and his successors, of whom his grandson, Edward Clarke (d. 1630) purchased the freehold in 1606; to son, John Clarke; to son, John Clarke (d. 1702); to brother, Richard Clarke; to son, Edward Clarke (1692-1733); to son, William Wiseman Clarke (1727-90); to son, William Wiseman Clarke (1759-1826); to son, William Nelson Clarke (1799-1855); sold 1831 to Robert Vernon; to nephew, Capt. Leicester Viney-Vernon (d. 1860); sold after his death to Col. Sir Robert James Loyd-Lindsay VC (1832-1901), later 1st Baron Wantage; to widow, Lady Wantage (d. 1920); to distant cousin, Arthur Thomas Loyd (d. 1944); to son, C.L. Loyd; leased from 1939 and sold 1960 to Desmond Charles Nigel Baring (1914-91); to son, Nigel Baring (b. 1940); gifted 2012 to Lorne Baring (b. 1970).

Baring family of Stratton Park, Earls of Northbrook

Johann Baring (1697-1748)
Baring, Johann (later John) (1697-1748). Posthumous son of Rev. Franz Baring (1657-97), Lutheran pastor and professor of theology at Bremen (Germany) and his wife Rebecca Vogds, born 31 January 1697. He emigrated to England in 1717  as the apprentice of a wool merchant at Exeter, but on the completion of his articles decided to remain in England rather than returning to Bremen; he was naturalised in 1723 and Anglicised his forename to John. He established himself as a merchant and cloth manufacturer in Exeter and quickly built a profitable business, which his widow continued after his death, growing a capital of £40,000 at the time of John's death to £70,000 in 1766. He was 'a man of exceeding good parts, of a most pleasant, excellent disposition' with 'an admirable head and an excellent heart' but he suffered from increasingly poor health and passed the last part of his life 'very uncomfortably'. He invested his profits in property, and became a significant landowner, and it was said that in Exeter, only he, the bishop, and the recorder kept their own carriages. He married, 15 February 1728/9, Elizabeth (1702-66), daughter and heiress of John Vowler of Exeter, grocer, and had issue:
(1) John Baring (1730-1816) (q.v.);
(2) Thomas Vowler Baring (1733-58), born 19 January 1733; married, 24 August 1758, Elizabeth (1733-1818), daughter of Francis Parker of Blagdon, but had no issue (she m2, 9 January 1763, William Spicer MP (c.1735-88) of Exeter, and had issue five sons and five daughters, including a son who bought Courtlands in 1829); he died 25 August 1758;
(3) Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810), 1st bt. (q.v.);
(4) Charles Baring (1742-1829), born 28 October 1742; apprenticed to a London merchant but was recalled to Exeter in 1758 on the death of his brother Thomas before he had had much opportunity to gain experience; in 1762 he became the managing partner in the family's Exeter house; he was a poor businessman, displaying a tendency to snatch 'at every new project that offered' and forming 'partnerships, connections and speculations, of a wild, strange, incoherent description' none of which proved successful; he had repeatedly to be bailed out by his brothers and when the affairs of the Exeter partnership were finally wound up in 1801 he had to accept a loan from Francis which the latter made contemptuously clear that he did not expect to see repaid; lived at Courtlands, Exmouth (Devon), which he rebuilt c.1800; he married, 6 September 1767, Margaret (1743?-1812), daughter and heiress of William Drake Gould of Lew Trenchard (Devon) and had issue [from whom descend the Baring-Gould family of Lew Trenchard who will be the subject of a future post]; died 13 January 1829; will proved in the PCC, 29 April 1829;
(5) Elizabeth Baring (1744-1809), born 21 July 1744; married, 31 March 1780, John Dunning MP (1731-83), later 1st Baron Ashburton, lawyer and politician, and had issue two sons (one of whom died in infancy and the other without issue); as a widow she built Sandridge Park, Stoke Gabriel (Devon) to the designs of John Nash in 1805; died 23 March 1809; will proved 2 March 1809.
He lived in Exeter until 1737, when he bought Larkbeare House, a villa with 37 acres on the edge of the city. In 1747 he purchased Lindridge House at Bishopsteignton (Devon).
He is thought to have died of tuberculosis, and was buried 3 November 1748; his will was proved in the PCC, 25 November 1748. His widow was buried 16 April 1766; her will was proved in the PCC, 5 May 1766.

John Baring (1730-1816)
Baring, John (1730-1816). Eldest son of Johann (later John) Baring (1697-1748) and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Vowler of Bellair, born in Exeter, 5 October 1730. Educated at Exeter and Geneva (Switzerland). He travelled on the continent for a period before 1755, and on his return entered into partnership with his younger brothers Francis (in London) and Charles (in Exeter) as merchants, but was always a sleeping partner, engaging his capital in the businesses in return for a share of the profits but not taking an active part in their management; his mother also remained an active force in the business until her death in 1766. He was 'a gregarious, easy-going character' who was not cut out for a life in business and found the life of a gentleman more satisfying. He stood unsuccessfully for Parliament in Honiton in 1774, but was elected two years later, after an election costing £6,000, as MP for Exeter and held the seat from 1776-1800. In 1790 he successfully fought an even more expensive election against Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde, 5th bt., of Poltimore, which cost him £10,000 and brought Bampfylde 'face to face with ruin'. He remained in partnership with his brothers until 1800 and retired in prosperity, but in old age with the loss of three of his children he declined into melancholic solitude. He was a tall, thin man, known behind his back as 'Old Turkey Legs'. He married, 24 November 1757 at St Leonard, Exeter, Anne (1729-65), daughter of Francis Parker of Blagdon (Devon) and had issue:
(1) Anne Baring (1758-1804), born 28 September and baptised at St Leonard, Exeter, 1 October 1758; died unmarried, 20 May and was buried at St Leonard, Exeter, 23 May 1804;
(2) Elizabeth Baring (1759-1801), born 22 November and baptised at St Leonard, Exeter, 25 November 1759; died unmarried in London, 2 April, and was buried at St Leonard, Exeter, 16 April 1801;
(3) John Baring (1760-1837), baptised at St Leonard, Exeter, 29 October 1761; inherited Larkbeare and Mount Radford from his father but sold them to his cousin, Sir Thomas Baring, in 1817; he was unmarried but co-habited in London with Miss Elizabeth Webber, to whom he left much of his property; died 21 January 1837 and was buried at Kensal Green (Middx), 28 January 1837; will proved in the PCC, 24 March 1837;
(4) Francis Baring (1762-1810), baptised at St Leonard, Exeter, 6 July 1762; unmarried and without issue; committed suicide and was buried at St George, Hanover Sq., London, 28 August 1810;
(5) Charlotte Baring (1763-1833), born 16 September and baptised at St Leonard, Exeter, 19 September 1763; married, 22 November 1786 at St Leonard, Exeter, John Jeffrey Short (1753-1801), son of John Short of Exeter, and had issue two sons and four daughters; died 14 May 1833;
(6) Margaret Baring (1765-1851), born 20 January and baptised at St Leonard, Exeter, 23 January 1765; lived at Exeter; died unmarried, Jan-Feb 1851; will proved in the PCC, 26 March 1851. 
He inherited Larkbeare House and Lindridge House from his father in 1748. He purchased the Mount Radford estate adjoining Larkbeare in 1755 and rebuilt it. He sold Lindridge House in 1765.
He was buried at St Leonard, Exeter, 1 February 1816; his will was proved in the PCC, 1 March 1816. His wife was buried at St Leonard, Exeter, 25 January 1765.

Sir Francis Baring, 1st bt.
Baring, Sir Francis (1740-1810), 1st bt. Third son of Johann (later John) Baring (1697-1748) and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Vowler of Bellair, born at Larkbeare, 18 April 1740. Educated at Mr. Fargue's French school in Hoxton (Middx) and Mr Fuller's academy in Lothbury, London, where he showed an aptitude for algebra and mental arithmetic and an ability for sustained concentration which put him far ahead of his fellow pupils; he was then apprenticed to Samuel Touchet, a Manchester and West Indies merchant in London, 1755-62. Immediately after completing his indentures he joined his brothers John and Charles in establishing two firms (John & Francis Baring of London, and John & Charles Baring of Exeter), which remained inter-dependent until 1777; John was a sleeping partner while Francis managed the London business and Charles that in Exeter. The London business took over some accounts from a family friend, Nathaniel Paice, who was retiring, and also acted as London agent for a number of Exeter firms, but soon moved on to agency for overseas merchants, trading speculations, and marketing government stocks, helping the British government to fund the Napoleonic wars and the American government to purchase Louisiana from the French. He had much to learn and the firm lost money in eight of its first fourteen years, though his position was assisted by legacies totalling £20,000 which his wife received from her father and her uncle Thomas Herring, Archbishop of Canterbury. From 1777, when he severed the connection with his brother's Exeter business, the London firm was steadily profitable and the firm's capital and profits grew almost exponentially, the profits peaking at £200,000 in the exceptional year of 1802. By the 1790s he estimated that his concerns had been 'more extensive and upon a larger scale than any merchant in this or any other country'In 1781 he promoted J.F. Mesturas, one of his clerks, to be a partner in the firm (he retired in 1795) and also made his son-in-law, Charles Wall, husband of his daughter Harriet, a partner; his brother John withdrew in 1800 and the firm became 'Sir Francis Baring & Co.', and Sir Francis himself began withdrawing from 1803, leaving the business in the hands of Wall and his sons Thomas, Alexander and Henry, whereupon the name changed again to 'Baring Bros. & Co.'. He was a Director of Royal Exchange Assurance, 1771-80 and the East India Company, 1779-1810 (Chairman, 1792-93); and from 1782 provided mercantile advice to Lord Lansdowne as Prime Minister, a role that continued after Pitt took over as Prime Minister despite their political differences. He was Whig MP for Grampound, 1784-90, Wycombe, 1794-96 and 1802-06, and for Calne, 1796-1802. He was created a baronet, 29 May 1793. He was partially deaf from an early age. In semi-retirement from 1803, he interested himself in furnishing Stratton Park with fine furniture and Old Master paintings (especially 17th century Dutch artists). He married, 12 May 1767, Harriet (1750-1804), daughter and co-heir of William Herring of Croydon (Surrey), and had issue:
(1) Harriet Baring (1768-1838) [for whom see my post on the Baring family of Norman Court];
(2) Maria Baring (1769-1835), born 27 September and baptised at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 25 October 1769; married, 1 September 1790 at Beddington (Surrey), Richard Stainforth (1759-1824), and had issue nine sons and four daughters; lived latterly at Walthamstow (Essex); died 12 April and was buried at Holy Trinity, Clapham (Surrey), 18 April 1835; will proved in the PCC, 6 June 1835;
(3) Dorothy Elizabeth Baring (1771-1859), born 13 February and baptised at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 14 March 1771; married, 26 November 1796, Peter Cesar Labouchere (1772-1839), banker with Hope & Co., of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and had issue two sons; died 15 May 1859; will proved 16 June 1859 (effects under £35,000);
(4) Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt. (q.v.);
(5) Alexander Baring (1773-1848), 1st Baron Ashburton of the 2nd creation [for whom see my next post];
(6) Catherine Baring (1775-76), born 25 February and baptised at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 27 March 1775; died in infancy and was buried at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 13 February 1776;
(7) Henry Baring (1776-1848) [for whom see my post on the Baring family of Membland and Lambay, Barons Revelstoke];
(8) William Baring (1779-1820) [for whom see my post on the Baring family of Norman Court];
(9) George Baring (1781-1854), born 23 September and baptised at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 24 October 1781; a writer with the East India Co. from 1801, where he lost a lot of money speculating in opium; on leaving India he entered Magdalene College, Cambridge (admitted 1813), became a clergyman (ordained deacon, 1813 and priest, 1814) and was appointed vicar of Winterbourne Stoke (Wilts), 1814-15, but he joined the group around his sister Harriet as one of the leaders of the 'Western schism' from the Church of England and resigned his living to settle at Walford House near Taunton (Somerset), where he preached at the Octagon Chapel until his extravagant lifestyle led to his bankruptcy in 1828; he was then packed off to Italy by his brothers and spent many years in Florence and Bologna before returning to England to live quietly near Southampton; he married, 6 March 1806 at Calcutta (India), against his father's wishes, Harriet Rochfort (1785-1838), second daughter of Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, 6th bt. and had issue four sons and ten daughters (described as 'tall, raw-boned, vulgar misses, very underbred and unladylike in their conversation and manners' by Henry Fox); died at Cumberland Villa, Shirley (Hants), 4 October 1854;
(10) Frances Baring (1783-1825), born 31 January and baptised at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 1 March 1783; married, 12 July 1806 at Beddington, Thomas Read Kemp (1782-1844) of Dale Park (Sussex), developer of the Kemp Town estate, Brighton (Sussex), and had issue two sons and four daughters; died 8 March and was buried at St Nicholas, Brighton, 10 March 1825;
(11) Lydia Baring (1786-1854), born at Putney, 4 December 1786 and baptised at St Gabriel, Fenchurch St., London, 4 January 1787; married, 20 December 1806 at Beddington, Rev. Philip Lacock Story (1782-1843), son of the Rev. Philip Lacock Story of Lockington Hall (Leics) and had issue one son and four daughters; lived at Brighton and later at Torquay (Devon); buried at Lockington, 25 January 1854; will proved in PCC, 9 February 1854.
He lived in London. From about 1790 he began building up an estate around Camden House, Beddington (Surrey), and he added Lee Manor House (Kent) to this in 1796 and also land in Buckinghamshire. In 1801 he acquired the Stratton Park estate in Hampshire and remodelled the house to the designs of George Dance. 
He died 11/12 September 1810 and was buried at Micheldever; his will was proved 4 December 1810 (wealth at death over £500,000). His wife died 3 December 1804.

Sir Thomas Baring, 2nd bt.
Baring, Sir Thomas (1772-1848), 2nd bt. Eldest son of Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810), 1st bt. and his wife Harriet, daughter and co-heir of William Herring of Croydon (Surrey), born 12 June 1772. Educated at Amsterdam (The Netherlands). A writer to the East India Company at Calcutta (India), 1790-98; a partner in Baring Bros & Co., merchant bankers, 1800-09, but 'showed neither aptitude for nor interest in banking and made it clear that when his father died he expected to tend his estates, collect pictures, sit in the House of Commons, and generally behave in a gentlemanly way', a plan which fulfilled itself with the help of his legacy from his father, who he succeeded as 2nd baronet, 12 September 1810. He was Whig MP for Wycombe, 1806-32 and Hampshire, 1832, and was in favour of the abolition of slavery, Catholic emancipation, and the Reform Act. He was Chairman of the London & South-Western Railway Co., 1832-33; and a Fellow of the Royal Society from 1841. He was an evangelical in religion, and in the 1810s he was associated with his sister Harriet and brother George in the so-called 'Western Schism' from the Church of England. He was a notable collector of pictures and was a friend of Sir Thomas Lawrence. He married, 13 September 1794 in Calcutta, Mary Ursula (1774-1846), daughter of Charles Sealy of Calcutta (India), barrister, and had issue:
(1) Sir Francis Thornhill Baring (1796-1866), 3rd bt. and 1st Baron Northbrook (q.v.);
(2) Thomas Baring (1799-1873) [for whom see my post on the Baring family of Norman Court];
(3) John Baring (1801-88), born at Lee, 14 September 1801; as a young man he moved to the United States, where in 1826 he set up in business with a Boston merchant called Joshua Bates, whom in 1828 he brought back to England, where they both became partners in Baring Bros & Co.; John was regarded as 'able but indolent' and he retired in 1837 with capital of £180,000; he subsequently lived modestly at Oakwood, near Funtington (Sussex) and gave his surplus income to the poor; he married, 2 August 1842 at St George, Hanover Square, London, Charlotte Amelia (1819-46), daughter of Rev. George Porcher of Maiden Erleigh (Berks), but had no issue; died 17 April 1888; will proved 18 May 1888 (effects £134,557);
(4) Mary Ursula Baring (1803-12), born 28 September and baptised at Lee, 2 November 1803; died young, 3 October 1812 and was buried at Micheldever;
(5) Charlotte Baring (1805-71), born 29 May 1805; married, March 1833, Rev. Henry George Wells (1806-52), rector of Kings Worthy (Hants) and rural dean of Alresford, second son of John Wells MP of Bickley Hall, and had issue six daughters; died 23 April 1871;
(6) Rt. Rev. Charles Baring (1807-79) [for whom see below, Baring family of Beaudesert Park, High Beach and Ardington House];
(7) Emily Baring (1809-93), baptised at St Marylebone, 3 February 1809; married, 6 July 1837, Rev. William Maxwell Du Pré (d. 1855), vicar of Wooburn (Bucks) and had issue three sons and six daughters; died 29 July 1893; will proved 4 September 1893;
(8) Lydia Dorothy Baring (1810-12), born 25 December 1810 and baptised at St Nicholas, Brighton, 10 January 1811; died in infancy, 1 December 1812 and was buried at Micheldever;
(9) Frances Baring (1813-50), born 23 August 1813; married, 10 April 1840, as his first wife, her first cousin, Henry Labouchere (1798-1869), later 1st and last Baron Taunton, of Quantock Lodge, Over Stowey (Somerset), and had issue three daughters; died 25 May 1850.
After his return from India, he leased Pentland House, Lee (next door to the Manor House) until his father's death in 1810, when he inherited Lee Manor House and Stratton Park, which was the centre of a 9,000 acre estate. In 1801 he bought the Abbotstone House estate in Hampshire. In 1817 he bought Mount Radford and Larkbeare House from his cousin John; he sold them again in 1826. Lee Manor House was rented out between c.1806 and c.1830. His London house was at 21 Devonshire Place.
He died 3 April 1848 and was buried at Micheldever; his will was proved in the PCC, 25 May 1848. His wife died 26 July 1846 and was also buried at Micheldever.

Sir Francis Thornhill Baring, 3rd bt. &
1st Baron Northbrook, by Sir George Hayter.
Baring, Sir Francis Thornhill (1796-1866), 3rd bt. and 1st Baron Northbrook. Eldest son of Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt., and his wife Mary Ursula, daughter of Charles Sealy of Calcutta (India), barrister, born in Calcutta (India), 20 April 1796. Educated at Winchester, privately at Cambridge, Christ Church, Oxford (matriculated 1814; BA 1817; double first; MA 1821) and Lincolns Inn (admitted 1817; called 1823). Barrister-at-law. He was the Whig MP for Portsmouth, 1826-65, and his marriage to a niece of the Great Reform Act Prime Minister, Lord Grey, brought him to the heart of Whig politics, and ensured his early rise to office. He was a Lord of the Treasury, 1830-34, 1835-39; Privy Councillor, 1839; and Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1839-41, in which role he exhibited a principled opposition to income tax and a desire for free trade, although the latter remained fiscally impossible. His tenure of the Treasury ended in a vote of no confidence which brought down the Government, and he declined to return to that office in 1846, although he did agree to serve Lord John Russell as First Lord of the Admiralty, 1849-52. He was less in sympathy with later Whig administrations, twice turned down the offer of office under Lord Palmerston, and did not trust Gladstone in particular. His political opponents found him 'very rigid and severe' in his views, and he came to feel unequal to the task of managing the Government finances, but he made a good first chairman of the Public Accounts Committee when this was instituted in 1861. He succeeded his father as 3rd baronet, 3 April 1848, and, after refusing a peerage in 1852 and again in 1857, was created 1st Baron Northbrook, 4 January 1866, soon after retiring from the Commons. He was a committed opponent of slavery and the slave trade, and opposed colonial expansion in Africa. He was a conscientious landlord, a man of wide culture and evangelical piety, who led his family and household in prayers with real conviction. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1849. He married 1st, 7 April 1825, Jane (1804-38), youngest daughter of the Hon. Sir George Grey, 1st bt., of Fallodon (Northbld), and 2nd, 31 March 1841, Lady Arabella Howard (c.1809-84), second daughter of Kenneth Alexander Howard, 1st Earl of Effingham, and had issue:
(1.1) Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 2nd Baron & 1st Earl of Northbrook (q.v.);
(1.2) The Hon. Mary Baring (1827-1906), born 1 June 1827; married, 21 April 1864, John Bonham Carter MP (1817-84), of Adhurst St. Mary (Hants) and had issue three sons and four daughters; died 7 June 1906; died in Chelsea (Middx), 7 June 1906; will proved 11 July 1906 (estate £21,286);
(1.3) The Hon. Harriet Baring (1831-1903), baptised at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster (Middx), 25 June 1831; died unmarried, 25 March 1903 and was buried at Micheldever; will proved 15 April 1903 (estate £16,026);
(1.4) Francis Grey Baring (1832-33), baptised at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster (Middx), 24 July 1832; died in infancy, 8 May 1833 and was buried at Micheldever;
(1.5) The Hon. Alice Baring (b. 1833), born 4 June and baptised at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster (Middx), 14 December 1833; lived in Hove (Sussex); died unmarried, 20 July 1925; will proved 9 September 1925 (estate £27,800);
(2.1) The Hon. Francis Henry Baring (1850-1915) (q.v.).
He inherited Lee Manor House and Stratton Park from his father in 1848. Lee Manor House was rented out after about 1850.
He died at Stratton Park, 6 September, and was buried at Micheldever, 13 September 1866; his will was proved 9 October 1866 (effects under £16,000). His first wife died 23 April 1838. His widow lived latterly in Brighton (Sussex) and died 10 December 1884; administration of her goods (with will annexed) was granted to her son, 23 January 1885 (effects £4,025).

Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of Northbrook
Baring, Thomas George (1826-1904), 2nd Baron & 1st Earl of Northbrook. Eldest son of Sir Francis Thornhill Baring (1796-1866), 3rd bt. and later 1st Baron Northbrook, and his first wife, Jane, youngest daughter of the Hon. Sir George Grey, 1st bt., of Fallodon (Northbld), born in London, 22 January 1826. Educated privately and at Christ Church, Oxford (matriculated 1843; BA 1846). In a deliberate apprenticeship for politics, he worked between 1848 and 1857 as private secretary to a succession of his relatives who were in Government: Henry Labouchere, Sir George Grey and Sir Charles Wood. He was Liberal MP for Penryn and Falmouth, 1857-66; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1857-58; Under-Secretary of State for India, 1859-61, 1861-64; Under-Secretary of State for War, 1861, Under-Secretary of State at Home Office, 1864-66; and Secretary to the Admiralty, 1866. After inheriting his father's peerage in 1866 he served as Under-Secretary of State for War again, 1868-72 and was made a privy councillor in 1869. He was persuaded with some difficulty to become Viceroy of India, 1872-76, where, with the support of his cousin Evelyn Baring (later 1st Earl of Cromer) as Financial Secretary, he conducted an unusually liberal and pro-Indian regime but found himself in increasing conflict with Lord Salisbury as Secretary of State for India, who pressed for a more authoritarian approach. Back in England, he founded and maintained a club for Indian students in London. He was later First Lord of the Admiralty, 1880-85, but in 1884 he was attacked (with some justice) in the press by W.T. Stead for the relative neglect of the Royal Navy fleet; later that year, he was sent (again with Evelyn Baring) as a special High Commissioner to Egypt to try and find a compromise between the financial interests of the British, the Egyptian people, and the continental bondholders to whom vast sums were owed; although Northbrook made workable proposals, they were unacceptable to Gladstone as Prime Minister, and his mission was ultimately a failure; it was left to Evelyn Baring, the long-term Consul-General for Egypt, to find a way forward. He declined an offer from Gladstone to become Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1886, to push through home rule, which he came to feel was a misguided compromise. In later life he became one of the Liberal elder statesmen, and chaired a royal commission on the controversial question of mining royalties in 1890. At home, he was Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, 1892-1904; Chairman of Hampshire County Council, 1894-1904; High Steward of Winchester; and Hon. Col. of the Hampshire Imperial Yeomanry. He was described as 'rich in public and private virtues' and possessed a simple piety that was intensified by the deaths of his wife and younger son in quick succession; at the end of his life he wrote The Teaching of Jesus Christ in his own Words (1900) for use in India, where it had a huge circulation. He was widely read, and edited his father's journals and correspondence for publication, 1866; he also sketched and painted in watercolours. He was one of the principal legatees of his uncle, Thomas Baring (1799-1873) and inherited part of his art collection, to which he added, being a particular friend and patron of Edward Lear. His inherited investments and non-agricultural property allowed him to cushion his estate and its employees from the effects of the Agricultural Depression, and in the mid-1880s he was reinvesting the whole income from his Stratton estate. He succeeded his father as 2nd Baron Northbrook, 6 September 1866 and on his return from India was appointed GCSI and created 1st Earl of Northbrook and Viscount Baring, 10 June 1876. He was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1880 and was awarded honorary degrees by Oxford (DCL, 1876) and Cambridge (LLD). He married, 6 September 1848, Harriet (1824-67), daughter of Henry Charles Sturt of Crichel House (Dorset) and had issue:
(1) Francis George Baring (1850-1929), 2nd Earl of Northbrook (q.v.);
(2) Lady Jane Emma Baring (1853-1936), born 24 April and baptised at St Peter, Eaton Sq., London, 14 July 1853; appointed to Imperial Order of the Crown of India, 1878 and CBE, 1920; married, 29 January 1890, as his second wife, Col. the Hon. Sir Henry George Lewis Crichton KCB (1844-1922) of Netley Abbey (Hants), third son of the 3rd Earl of Erne, but had no issue; will proved 2 March 1936 (estate £42,895);
(3) The Hon. Arthur Napier Thomas Baring (1854-70), born 3 June 1854; a midshipman in the Royal Navy; lost at sea when HMS Captain was wrecked off Cape Finisterre, 7 September 1870.
He inherited Lee Manor House and Stratton Park from his father in 1866. Lee Manor House was sold to Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council c.1900.
He died 15 November and was buried at Micheldever, 19 November 1904; his will was proved 24 December 1904 (estate £249,770). His wife died 3 June 1867 and was buried at Micheldever.

Francis George Baring, 2nd Earl of Northbrook
Baring, Francis George (1850-1929), 2nd Earl of Northbrook. Elder and only surviving son of Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 2nd Baron and 1st Earl of Northbrook, and his wife Harriet, daughter of Henry Charles Sturt of Crichel House (Dorset), born in Florence (Italy), 6 December 1850. Educated at Eton. Landowner and farmer. An officer in the 1st Middlesex Engineer Volunteers (2nd Lt., 1870), the Rifle Brigade (Ensign, 1870; Lt., 1873), the Grenadier Guards (Lt., 1876; retired 1880) and the Hampshire Rifle Volunteers (Maj., 1881); aide-de-camp to his father as Viceroy of India, 1873-76. Liberal MP for Winchester, 1880-85 and Liberal Unionist MP for Bedfordshire North, 1886-92. DL for Hampshire; Chairman of Hampshire County Council, 1907-27; High Steward of Winchester, 1906; Chairman of Hampshire Local War Pensions Committee. He was awarded the orders of St. Sava (Serbia) and of the Crown of Belgium. He was known as Viscount Baring from 1876 until he succeeded his father as 2nd Earl of Northbrook, 15 November 1904. In 1894 he was cited as co-respondent in the divorce case brought by Ian Robert James Murray Grant of Glenmoriston (Inverness) against his wife, Ada Ethel Sophie (1862-94), youngest daughter of Col. Cuthbert Davidson CB, and after their divorce was granted, he married that lady as his first wife, 26 June 1894 at the British Consulate in Paris (France); he married 2nd, 10 June 1899 at St Saviour, Chelsea (Middx), Florence Anita Eyre CBE (1860-1946), daughter of Eyre Coote and widow of Sir Robert John Abercromby, 7th bt., but had no issue.
He inherited Stratton Park from his father in 1904, but soon afterwards sold art works to the value of £200,000 from the collection there to American buyers. He also sold about 5,000 acres of the estate (mainly to tenants) in 1920. After his death the house and park was sold to a girls' school and then sold, with the rest of the estate in 1939 to Barings Bank.
He died of influenza and bronchitis at Stratton Park, 12 April 1929, when the Earldom and Viscountcy became extinct, but the barony passed to his cousin, Francis Arthur Baring (1882-1947) (q.v.); he was buried at East Stratton. His will was proved 21 June and 23 August 1929 (estate £496,435). His first wife suffered sunstroke on her wedding day and developed complications from which she never recovered; she died at Carlsbad (Austria), 22 July 1894; administration of her goods was granted to her husband, 26 November 1894 (effects £1,132). His widow died at Abbots Worthy (Hants), 4 December 1946; her will was proved 3 February 1947 (estate £179,122).

Baring, The Hon. Francis Henry (1850-1915). Only son of Sir Francis Thornhill Baring, 3rd bt. and 1st Baron Northbrook, and his second wife, Lady Arabella Howard, second daughter of Kenneth Alexander Howard, 1st Earl of Effingham, born 22 July and baptised at St Martin-in-the-Fields, 23 July 1850. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (admitted 1869 but did not reside), Corpus Christi College, Oxford (matriculated 1869) and Lincolns Inn (admitted 1872). He was exceptionally able academically; a classical scholar and a mathematician of distinction, with a lucid mind and a rare capacity for seeing the essential facts in any situation and holding to them tenaciously. He joined Baring Bros & Co. in 1874 and became a partner from 1882, so he was one of those most deeply affected by the crisis of 1890. Afterwards, he became a Director of the new firm, Baring Bros & Co. Ltd., and he was titular head of that business from 1891 until his retirement in 1901, a period when he proved especially good at resolving the legal difficulties the new firm encountered in winding up the affairs of its predecessor. The scale of the recovery under his leadership and that of his cousin John Baring, 2nd Baron Revelstoke, is reflected in his wealth at death. High Sheriff of Surrey, 1888. In 1873, he was one of the principal legatees of Thomas Baring (1799-1873) of Norman Court. He married, 13 February 1878 at St George, Hanover Square, London, Lady Grace Elizabeth (d. 1935), daughter of Richard Edmund St. Lawrence Boyle, 9th Earl of Cork and Orrery, and had issue, with a stillborn daughter:
(1) Francis Arthur Baring (1882-1947), 4th Baron Northbrook (q.v.);
(2) John Henry Baring (1885-1956), born 3 December 1885 and baptised at St Thomas, Portman Square, London, 20 January 1886; educated at Hazlewood School, Rugby and Trinity College, Oxford (matriculated 1904; BA 1908; MA 1912); education administrator with Essex and Oxfordshire County Councils, 1911-15; served in First World War with Royal Irish Regiment (Lt., 1916; Capt., 1917; retired 1920); acted as aide-de-camp to Governors of Bahamas and Ceylon, 1921-24, and then travelled through Australia, New Zealand and Spain; was the residuary legatee of his kinsman, the 4th Earl of Effingham, in 1927; died unmarried, 3 December 1956; will proved 8 February 1957 (estate £118,746);
(3) Rupert Alexander Baring (1891-94), born 23 February 1891; died young, 3 August 1894.
He bought an estate called Banstead Park (Surrey) in about 1880, and Norman Shaw built a house for him there in 1884-86, but after the Barings crisis of 1890 he sold it in 1893 to realise assets. He lived subsequently at 34 Great Cumberland Place, London. 
He died in London, 7 March 1915, and was buried at East Stratton; his will was proved 30 April 1915 (estate £730,860). His widow died 23 May 1935; her will was proved 27 June 1935 (estate £12,278).

Baring, Francis Arthur (1882-1947), 4th Baron Northbrook. Eldest son of the Hon. Francis Henry Baring (1850-1915) and his wife Lady Grace Elizabeth Boyle, daughter of 9th Earl of Cork and Orrery, born 20 July 1882 and baptised at St. Thomas, St. Marylebone (Middx), 18 August 1882. Educated at Eton and Trinity College, Oxford. Landowner and farmer. JP for Hampshire. He succeeded his cousin as 4th Baron Northbrook, 12 April 1929. He married 1st, 30 April 1914, Evelyn Gladys Isabella (1889-1919), daughter of John George Charles, and 2nd, 1 December 1941 at Alton (Hants), Constance Maud (1882-1976), daughter of Frank Griffin of Kew, and had issue:
(1.1) Francis John Baring (1915-90), 5th Baron Northbrook (q.v.);
(1.2) The Hon. Anne Baring (1917-2006), born 13 February 1917; lived at Westwood, West Meon (Hants); died unmarried, 10 October 2006; will proved 6 July 2007.
He purchased Woodlands Farm, West Meon in about 1913.
He died 15 December 1947 and was buried at West Meon (Hants); his will was proved 17 January 1948 (estate £428,879). His first wife died 20 February 1919; administration of her goods was granted to her husband, 9 May 1919 (estate £3,349). His widow died 11 April 1976 and was buried at West Meon; her will was proved 17 May 1976 (estate £126,765).

Baring, Francis John (1915-90), 5th Baron Northbrook. Only son of Francis Arthur Baring (1882-1947), 4th Baron Northbrook and his first wife, Evelyn Gladys Isabella, daughter of John George Charles, born 31 May 1915. Educated at Winchester and Trinity College, Oxford (BA 1937). JP (from 1954) and DL (from 1972) for Hampshire. He succeeded his father as 5th Baron Northbrook, 15 December 1947. Chairman of Hampshire Area Health Authority and Winchester District Health Authority, 1978-88. He married, 27 January 1951 at the Chapel Royal, Hampton Court (Middx), Rowena Margaret (1926-2020), second daughter of Brig-Gen. Sir William Henry Manning GCMG, KBE, CB, and had issue:
(1) The Hon. Laura Anne Baring (b. 1952), born 12 June 1952; lives at Aston Sandford (Bucks); married, 15 May 1982, Ewen Cameron Stewart Macpherson (b. 1942), eldest son of Brig. George Philip Stewart Macpherson OBE, and had issue two sons; 
(2) Francis Thomas Baring (b. 1954), 6th Baron Northbrook (q.v.);
(3) The Hon. Alexandra Grace Baring (b. 1957), born 4 February 1957; lives at Armsworth Park House, Old Alresford (Hants); married, Oct-Dec 1981, Philip Strone Stewart Macpherson (b. 1948), youngest son of Brig. George Philip Stewart Macpherson OBE, and had issue one son and two daughters; 
(4) The Hon. Catherine Margaret Baring (b. 1965), born 12 May 1965; lives at East Stratton House (Hants); married, May 1992 (div. 2007), (Edward) Sherard Bourchier Wrey (1961-2007), younger son of Sir (Castel Richard) Bourchier Wrey, 14th bt., and had issue one son and one daughter.
He inherited Woodlands Farm from his father in 1947 and repurchased the surviving part of the estate at Stratton (but not the house) from Barings Bank in 1952. He lived at East Stratton House.
He died 4 December 1990; his will was proved 3 March 1992 (estate £30,874,078). His widow died aged 93 on 27 April 2020.

Baring, Francis Thomas (b. 1954), 6th Baron Northbrook. Only son of Francis John Baring (1915-90), 5th Baron Northbrook, and his wife Rowena Margaret, second daughter of Brig-Gen. Sir William Henry Manning GCMG KBE CB, born 21 February 1954. Educated at Winchester College and Bristol University (BA 1976). Trainee chartered accountant with Dixon Wilson & Co., 1976-80; then with Baring Bros. & Co. Ltd., where he moved into investment management, 1980-90; he continued his career with Taylor Young Investment, 1990-93, Smith & Williamson Securities, 1993-95, and was then one of the founders of Mars Asset Management, 1996-2006. He has been a trustee of the Khetri Trust since 1993 and of the Fortune Forum Charity since 2006. He succeeded his father as 6th Baron Northbrook, 4 December 1990, and was one of the hereditary peers elected to remain a member of the House of Lords, 1999, where he speaks on treasury, constitutional and agricultural matters; Conservative whip in Lords, 1999-2000. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Iman Foundation. He inherited a significant art collection from his father, some of which was lost in a major fire at his home in 2005, while other works were sold at the time of his divorce. He married 1st, 27 June 1987 (div. 2006), Amelia Sarah Elizabeth (b. 1960), elder daughter of Dr. Reginald David Taylor of Hursley (Hants), and 2nd, 2013, Charlotte Lee (b. 1960), publisher of the Almanach de Gotha and daughter of Thomas W. Pike, and had issue:
(1.1) The Hon. Arabella Constance Elizabeth Baring [Countess Nesselrode] (b. 1989), born 15 June and baptised at East Stratton, 21 September 1989; married, 2015, Bertram (b. 1984), Graf Droste zu Vischering von Nesselrode-Reichenstein, founder of Embley Wood Partners Ltd, property investment managers;
(1.2) The Hon. Venetia Harriet Anne Baring (b. 1991), born 19 April 1991; educated at Heathfield School, Marlborough College and Bristol University (BA 2014); Head of Communications for LXM Finance LLP;
(1.3) The Hon. Cosima Evelyn Maud Baring (b. 1994), born 30 August 1994 and baptised at East Stratton, 22 January 1995; educated at Bristol University (BA 2017); marketing executive at Arbor Education Partners, London.
He inherited the Stratton Park estate from his father in 1990. He remodelled Woodlands House at West Meon as a new residence in 1995, and after it burned down on 4 December 2005 he rebuilt it to an entirely new design, 2009-10.
Now living. There is no heir to the peerage, although Peter Baring of Ardington (see below) is heir to the family baronetcy.

Baring family of Beaudesert Park, High Beach and Ardington House

Rt. Rev. Charles Baring,
Bishop of Durham
Baring, Rt. Rev. Charles (1807-79). Fourth son of Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd bt., and his wife Mary Ursula, daughter of Charles Sealy of Calcutta (India), barrister, born 11 January 1807. Educated privately and at Christ Church, Oxford (matriculated, 1825; BA 1829 (double first); MA 1832; DD by diploma, 1856); President of the Oxford Union. He was ordained deacon, 1830 and priest, 1831, and belonged to the evangelical wing of the Church of England. Vicar of Kingsworthy (Hants), All Souls, Langham Place, Marylebone (Middx), 1847-55 and of Limpsfield (Surrey), 1855-56; chaplain in ordinary to Queen Victoria, 1850; Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, 1856-61 and of Durham, 1861-79, where he founded 102 new parishes and presided over the erection of 119 new churches; he initially fought the division of the ancient see of Durham, but in 1876 conceded that division was necessary and supported a Bill in Parliament for the creation of a diocese of Newcastle. He was a man of deep personal piety and great kindliness. His inherited wealth enabled him to make donations to the church which more than repaid his episcopal salary, and he was also a generous an anonymous supporter of other charitable objects. He sought openly to use his episcopal power and influence to support the evangelical wing of the church and to combat ritualism, in a way that sometimes aroused controversy. He married 1st, 10 June 1830 at St. Marylebone (Middx), Mary Ursula (d. 1840), only daughter of Col. Charles Sealy of HEICS, and 2nd, 14 April 1846 at St Marylebone, his first cousin, Caroline (c.1810-85), daughter of Thomas Read Kemp of Dale Park (Sussex), and had issue:
(1.1) Thomas Charles Baring (1831-91) (q.v.);
(1.2) Mary Ursula Baring (1832-46), baptised at East Stratton (Hants), 26 August 1832; died young and was buried at Micheldever, 1 August 1846;
(2.1) Frances Dorothy Baring (1847-80), born 23 November 1847 and baptised at St. Marylebone, 23 February 1848; died unmarried and was buried at Wolfgottesacker Cemetery, Basel (Switzerland), 16 July 1880; administration of her goods granted to her brother, 3 August 1880 (estate £849);
(2.2) Rev. Francis Henry Baring (1848-1914), born 21 November 1848 and baptised at St. Marylebone, 2 January 1849; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated 1867; BA 1871; MA 1874); ordained deacon, 1872 and priest, 1875; had a restless eccleasiastical career, serving as a missionary in India, 1872-84, 1886-89, where he started a boarding school for Christian boys at Amritsar and later at Batala, which continues (as Baring College) today; vicar of Chilworth (Hants), 1884-85 and Kingsworthy, 1891-94; Secretary of British & Foreign Bible Society, Lahore, 1895-99; rector of Eggesford (Devon), 1899-1900; emigrated to Tasmania, c.1901 and also served as a curate there; married 1st, 21 July 1881, Margaret Anne Borthwick (d. 1882), daughter of Rev. William Wallace Duncan of Peebles and widow of William Elmslie FRCS of Kashmir (India) but had no issue; married 2nd, 27 July 1886, Amy (d. 1935), daughter of Rev. John Alexander Stamper, and had issue five sons and two daughters; died at Kamo (New Zealand), 22 September 1914 and was buried at Northland (New Zealand); will proved 8 May 1915 (estate £36,024);
(2.3) Caroline Emily Baring (1850-1924), born 22 June and baptised at St. Marylebone, 5 August 1850; died unmarried, 9 January 1924; will proved 14 March 1924 (estate £20,844).
He was given the Abbotsworthy House estate (Hants) by his father in about 1830 and built a new house there to the designs of J.C. Buckler in 1834-36, but he sold this in c.1850. He purchased an estate called the Highlands in Gloucestershire and built a house there in 1856, but sold it in 1861 on being translated to Durham. He lived subsequently at Auckland Castle (Co. Durham).
He died at Cecil House, Wimbledon (Surrey), 16 September 1879 and was buried at High Beech (Essex); his will was proved 5 January 1880 (effects under £120,000). His first wife died 16 June 1840. His widow died 9 May 1885; her will was proved 30 June 1885 (effects £19,855).

Thomas Charles Baring (1831-91)
Baring, Thomas Charles (1831-91). Only son of Rt. Rev. Charles Baring (1807-79) and his first wife, Mary Ursula, only daughter of Col. Charles Sealy, born 16 May and baptised at St. Marylebone (Middx), 1 July 1831. Educated at Harrow, 1846-49 and Wadham College, Oxford (matriculated 1849; BA 1852; MA 1855); Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, 1852-59. He worked for Baring Bros. in America 1859-67, before becoming a partner in London, 1867-88. He retired before the crash of 1890 and had taken most, but not all, of his money out of the firm; but returned as a Managing Director of Baring Bros & Co. Ltd., 1890-91. He was the last member of the firm to combine a business and political career, serving as Conservative MP for South Essex, 1874-85 and City of London, 1887-91; DL for Essex. He was the author of several works, including Pindar in English Rhyme and The System of Epicurus. He funded the refoundation of Magdalen Hall, Oxford as Hertford College in 1874 to the tune of £100,000, and in 1886 purchased and anonymously presented to Harrow School twenty acres of the Football Field. According to Philip Ziegler, 'he was one of those conscientiously grumpy characters who are always assumed to have a heart of gold but gives few grounds to support such an assumption'; his cantankerous nature may have been the result of gout, but he cultivated few acquaintances and avoided even ordinary social civilities. He married, 15 November 1859, Susan Carter (1837-97), daughter of Robert Bowne Minturn of New York, and had issue:
(1) Charles Cuthbert Baring (1860-66), born in New York, 4 September 1860; died young in New York, 8 May 1866;
(2) Constance Mary Baring (1861-1929), born in New York, 10 December 1861; married, 27 July 1891 at St George, Hanover Sq., London, Rev. William Ewart Beamish Barter (1856-1928), rector of Hanwell (Middx) and later curate of Ealing (Middx), and had issue one son and eight daughters; died at Shoreham-by-Sea (Sussex), 5 August 1929; will proved 11 October 1929 (estate £4,342);
(3) Robert Bowne Minturn Baring (b. 1863), born in New York, 24 August 1863; died young in New York, 11 April 1866; 
(4) Susannah Beatrix Baring (1867-1956), born 15 November 1867; married, 29 June 1893, Rev. Vincent Travers Macy (1868-1938), vicar of St. Cyprian, Nottingham, and had issue two daughters; died 9 May 1956; will proved 9 August 1956 (estate £1,066);
(5) Harold Herman John Baring (1869-1927) (q.v.);
(6) Godfrey Nigel Everard Baring (1870-1934) (q.v.);
(7) Muriel Ursula Baring (1872-1950), born 12 August 1872; married, 25 April 1901 at High Beech, Henry Stephen Brenton (d. 1926) of The Manor House, High Beech (Essex) and had issue two daughters; died 22 November 1950; will proved 28 March 1951 (estate £18,743).
He purchased Wallsgrove House at High Beech (Essex).
He died in Rome (Italy), 2 April 1891; his will was proved 30 May 1891 (effects £867,765). His widow died 11 January 1897; her will was proved 8 April 1897 (effects £31,908).

Harold Herman John Baring (1869-1927)
Baring, Harold Herman John (1869-1927). Elder surviving son of Thomas Charles Baring (1831-91) and his wife Susan Carter, daughter of Robert Bowne Minturn of New York (USA), born 4 March 1869. Educated at Harrow and Hertford College, Oxford (matriculated 1888). He was employed by Baring Bros & Co. Ltd., but never became a director, perhaps because he was a keen gambler; he ran through £23,000 before coming of age, and twice appeared in court as the defendant in legal actions relating to his debts. He and his wife were prominent in social circles in London, and his wife was a noted beauty and hostess. He was Commandant of the Metropolitan Police Special Constabulary in the First World War, and was awarded the MBE, 1920. He married, 24 October 1898 at St Peter, New York, Marie (or Mary) Heyl (1872-1940), daughter of John Augustus Churchill of New York, but had no issue.
He inherited Wallsgrove House from his father in 1891; it was sold after his death.
He died 10 December 1927 and was buried at High Beech, where he is commemorated by a monument; his will was proved in March 1928 (estate £97,188). His widow died at Nice (France), 3 April 1940; her will was proved 2 September 1940 (estate £24,543).

Baring, Godfrey Nigel Everard (1870-1934). Younger surviving son of Thomas Charles Baring (1831-91) and his wife Susan Carter, daughter of Robert Bowne Minturn of New York (USA), born 1 October 1870 and baptised at High Beech, 25 March 1871. Educated at Harrow and Hertford College, Oxford (matriculated 1889). He was a keen huntsman and polo player and held the position of Master with three different hunts in England and Ireland for a total of 26 years. [He must be carefully distinguished from his namesake and near contemporary, Sir Godfrey Baring (1871-1957), who was MP for the Isle of Wight for many years]. He married, 14 October 1908 at St Peter, Eaton Sq., London, the Hon. Ada Sybil (1879-1944), only child of Edward Fitzgerald Burke Roche, 2nd Baron Fermoy, and had issue:
(1) Desmond Charles Nigel Baring (1914-91) (q.v.);
(2) Cynthia Cecil Baring (1909-85), born 9 October 1909; married 1st, 6 July 1932 (div. 1947), Brig. John Theodore de Horne Vaizey (1898-1982), only son of Robert Edward Vaizey OBE of Attwoods, Halstead (Essex) and had issue one son and three daughters; married 2nd, 24 October 1947, Forest Warren (d. 1954), son of Henry Nathaniel Warren of Bishops Caundle (Dorset), and had further issue; died 18 October 1985;
(3) Ursula Doreen Baring (1911-52), born 4 March 1911; died unmarried, 11 October 1952.
He lived at Rockbarton (Co. Limerick) and later at Park House, Market Harborough (Leics).
He died 22 June 1934; his will was proved 1 October and 31 December 1934 (estate £114,909). His widow died in Dublin, 15 May 1944; her will was proved 24 February 1945 (estate £28,032).

Baring, Desmond Charles Nigel (1914-91). Only son of Godfrey Nigel Everard Baring (1870-1934) and his wife the Hon. Ada Sybil Roche, only child of Edward Fitzgerald Burke Roche, 2nd Baron Fermoy, born 5 January 1914. Educated at Eton. Served in 3rd Dragoon Guards (2nd Lt., 1934-37). Landowner and market gardener. Member of Berkshire County Council. He married, 12 September 1938, Mary (Mollie) Eileen JP (1912-98), daughter of Benjamin Walter Warner, and had issue:
(1) Peter Baring (b. 1939), born 12 September 1939; educated at Eton; national service in the Grenadier Guards (2nd Lt., 1958); heir presumptive to the baronetcy held by 6th Baron Northbrook; director of Ardington House Ltd. until 2008; lives at The Dower House, Ardington; married, 1973, Rosemary Cecil (b. 1949), daughter of George Nigel Adams of Fernham Manor, Faringdon (Berks) and had issue two sons;
(2) Nigel Baring (b. 1940) (q.v.);
(3) (Margaret) Anne Baring (b. 1944), born 22 November 1944; racehorse owner at Trudoxhill (Somerset); married, Apr-Jun 1976, Hugh Barkly Gonnerman Dalgety (b. 1943), and had issue two sons and one daughter.
He leased Ardington House (Berks) from 1939 and purchased the freehold in 1960.
He died 3 February 1991 and was buried at Holy Innocents, High Beech (Essex); his will was proved 26 May 1992 (estate £615,744). His widow died 24 March 1998 and was also buried at High Beech; her will was proved 25 September 1998.

Baring, Nigel (b. 1940). Second son of Desmond Charles Nigel Baring (1914-91) and his wife Mary (Mollie) Eileen JP, daughter of Benjamin Walter Warner, born 9 August 1940. Educated at Eton. Wine merchant with Nigel Baring & Co. Ltd (dissolved 2006). He married, 18 July 1968, Jane Finola (b. 1944), elder daughter of Francis Byrne of Fulham (Middx), and had issue:
(1) Lorne Benjamin Nigel Baring (b. 1970), born 28 August and baptised 15 December 1970; educated at Eton and Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst; an officer in the Scots Guards (2nd Lt., 1990; Capt., 1992; retired 1996); subsequently a private banker with Barclays Ltd.; director of Ardington House Ltd.; married, 2002 (div. 2013), Victoria Essex Lea (b. 1976), daughter of Col. Brian Gustavus Hamilton-Russell and had issue one son and one daughter;
(2) Edward Francis Desmond Baring (b. 1972), born 1972; educated at Eton and Edinburgh University; admitted a solicitor, 2001; partner in Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Johannesburg (South Africa); married, c.2003, Charlotte McCredie and had issue three sons (one died in infancy) and one daughter;
(3) Lucinda Anne Baring (b. 1980), born Jul-Sept 1980; educated at St Mary's Convent, Ascot and Edinburgh University (MA); journalist and travel writer; assistant editor with The Financial Times; married, 2009, Edward Andrew Ashenhurst Bartlam (b. 1979), events promoter, son of Thomas Bartlam of Blounce House, South Warnborough (Hants), and had issue one son and one daughter.
He inherited Ardington House from his father in 1991, but handed it on to his elder son in 2012 and now lives at The Lodge, Ardington.
Now living. 


Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 2003, pp. 2931-34; J. Woolfe & J. Gandon, Vitruvius Britannicus, vol. 4, 1767, pls. 52-55; J. Britton, T. Allom, W.H. Bartlett and E.W. Brayley, Devonshire and Cornwall Illustrated, 1832, p. 67 and plate; D. Stroud, George Dance, architect, 1741-1825, 1971, pp. 200-04; B. Cherry & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: London - South, 1982, p. 426; J.M. Robinson, The latest country houses, 1984, pp. 142-43; J. Harris, 'A digression on John Sanderson and the Rococo', Furniture History, vol. 26, 1990, pp. 101-03; G. Worsley, 'The "Best Turned" house of the Duke of Bedford', Georgian Group Journal, vol. 6, 1996, pp. 63-73; M. Bullen, J. Crook, R. Hubbock & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: Hampshire - Winchester and the north, 2010, pp. 246-48; G. Tyack (ed.), John Nash: architect of the Picturesque, 2013, pp. 58-67; H. Meller, The country houses of Devon, 2015, pp. 317-18, 882-84; ODNB entries on Sir Francis Baring, 1st bt., Rt. Rev. Charles Baring, and 1st Baron and 1st Earl of Northbrook;;

Location of archives

Baring Bros. & Co. Ltd, merchant bankers: correspondence, letter books, ledgers and journals, 1763-1899 [Barings Archive]
Baring family of Mount Radford, Exeter: deeds, partnership deeds and papers, 1706-1837 [Devon Archives & Local Studies, 1926B]
Baring family of Stratton Park, Barons Northbrook: correspondence, diaries and papers, 1762-1833 [Barings Archive, NP]; deeds, estate and family papers, chiefly relating to Lee Manor House, 1678-1846 [Lewisham Local History & Archives Centre, A62/6]; manor and hundred records, 1692-1838; estate, personal, official and family papers, 1770-20th cents. [Hampshire Archives & Local Studies, 77M95, 92M95]; building accounts for Stratton Park, 1731-39 [Hampshire Archives & Local Studies, 149M89/R5/6174]
Baring, Rt. Rev. Charles Thomas (1807-79): correspondence, 19th cent. [Durham University Library]

Coat of arms

Azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's head proper, muzzled and ringed or.

Can you help?

  • I should be most grateful if anyone can provide photographs or portraits of people whose names appear in bold above, and who are not already illustrated.
  • As always, any additions or corrections to the account given above will be gratefully received and incorporated.

Revision and acknowledgements

This post was first published 26 May 2019 and was updated 27-28 May and 3 June 2019, 9 July 2020 and 22 March 2022. I am grateful to Patrick Dörrer for additional information.