Sunday 2 June 2013

(44) Addington of Up Ottery and Erleigh Court, Viscounts Sidmouth

Addington coat of arms
The fortunes of the family were established by Dr. Anthony Addington (1713-90), a successful Society physician specialising in mental illness, who numbered Pitt the elder and King George III among his patients.  He came from a line of minor gentry living at Fringford in Oxfordshire, but in 1780 bought the manors of Upottery and Rawridge in Devon.  The doctor was ambitious for his sons’ careers, and his second son, John Hiley Addington (1759-1818) became Paymaster-General of the Forces and lived at Blounts Court, Rotherfield Peppard (Oxon) and from 1804 at Langford Court, Burrington (Somerset).  His eldest son, Henry Addington (1757-1844), created 1st Viscount Sidmouth in 1805, pursued a political career and was Speaker of the House of Commons 1789-1801, Prime Minister 1801-04 and Home Secretary 1812-22.  In 1789 he acquired leases of the adjoining Bulmershe Court and Woodley House estates near Reading (Berks), and Woodley (subsequently and confusingly known as Bulmershe Court) became his main home until 1801.   By then he enjoyed the favour of the Prince Regent who made him Deputy Ranger of Richmond Park for life, with the privilege of living in the White Lodge there, which became his main home.  In 1836 he inherited the Erleigh Court estate at Sonning (Berks) in right of his second wife from his father-in-law, the 1st Baron Stowell.  Following his death in 1844, his third son, the Rev. William Leonard Addington, 2nd Viscount Sidmouth (1794-1864) gave up the rectory of Poole (Wilts) and built a new house at Upottery in 1845-46 to the designs of the otherwise almost unknown Samuel Greig, who was probably based in Exeter.  Upottery Manor became the seat of subsequent generations of the family and Erleigh Court was let to tenants until it was sold by the 5th Viscount Sidmouth (1882-1953) in 1932.  He died without issue and his brother, the 6th Viscount (1887-1976) sold Upottery Manor in 1954.  Both Erleigh Court and Upottery Manor have since been demolished.  The 7th and 8th Viscounts Sidmouth have lived at Highway Manor, near Calne (Wilts), which was eventually inherited by the family as a result of the 4th Viscount’s marriage to Ethel Mary Tonge of Highway in 1881.

Langford Court, Burrington, Somerset

Langford Court, Burrington in 1939.  Image: George Love Dafnis via Bath in Time

Langford Court, Burrington in 2000.  Image © Mike Bedingfield from Images of England

In origin a house of 1651, evidenced by a reset datestone on the entrance front and the gabled rear with ovolo-mullioned attic lights.  The seven-bay entrance front seems to have been created for Dr Whalley between c.1770 and 1783, but was probably altered again later.  It has a boldly projecting three bay centre and lower single-bay projections at either end, forming a symmetrical composition.  Round-arched lights frame the entrance.  To the right is a neo-Tudor dining room, added c.1840-50, and to the left is a longer, mullioned-windowed wing of 1875, originally gabled but altered to its present form after 1939.  The interior was institutionalized when the house was a school in the 20th century.  In the grounds there are good 18th century gatepiers with urns at the east entrance and a late 18th century brick orangery with Gothic-glazed windows.

Orangery at Langford Court, Burrington, 2000.  Image © Mike Bedingfield from Images of England

Descent: John Creswick; to daughter, Elizabeth, wife of Cadwallader Jones; to son, Col. John Jones (d. 1717/8); to son, Edward Jones (d. c.1755); to daughter, Elizabeth, wife of John Sherwood (d. c.1770) and later of Dr. Thomas Sedgwick Whalley (1746-1828), who let 1783-1804; sold 1804 to John Hiley Addington (1759-1818); to widow, Mary (née Unwin) (d. 1833)...Evan Henry Llewellyn MP (1847-1914); sold ?after his death to G.A. Wills... Sir David & Lady Wills (fl. 2012); let to Westwing School in 20th century.

Bulmershe Court (formerly Woodley House/Lodge), Reading, Berkshire

Bulmershe Court, alias Woodley House.  Image: David Nash Ford
A five bay two storey house built c.1777 as a replacement for Old Bulmershe Court (q.v.) and originally called Woodley House or Lodge; grounds apparently laid out in 1790s by Humphry Repton but extended and improved by J.C. Loudon, 1818; used by military in WW2; demolished 1962.

Descent: James Wheble (fl. 1777); sold c.1789 to Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844); sold 1801 to James Wheble, probably son of the first owner (fl. 1818); to son, James Joseph Wheble (d. 1884); to son, James William St. Lawrence Wheble (1853-c.1925); sold 1926 to Mr & Mrs Short…

Old Bulmershe Court, Reading, Berkshire

Old Bulmershe Court.  Image: David Nash Ford

A fragment of a late 16th century manor house, perhaps built for John Blagrave in about 1580. It remained the property of the Blagraves until 1789, but was superseded as the main house on the estate by Bulmershe Court/Woodley House.  After he bought the estate, Lord Addington preferred the newer house, and this building became a farmhouse, which was drastically reduced in size in 1818, leaving a red brick wing with a triangular gable and mullioned and transomed windows.  It remained a farmhouse until the 1930s, when there it was proposed to pull it down, but after a long fight to save the house, it was restored by Ernest Budd, who imported panelling and a porch from Billingbear Park, demolished after a fire in 1923, and also from other houses such as Caversham Court.

Descent: Blagrave family until 1789; sold c.1789 to Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844); sold 1801 to James Wheble (fl. 1818) and thence with Bulmershe Court; sold 1930s to Ernest Henry Budd (1876-1966). The house was let to tenants in 19th century.

White Lodge, Richmond Park, Surrey
The central block of White Lodge is an important early five bay Palladian villa of beautifully cut white Portland Stone ashlar, designed in 1726 by Roger Morris under the influence of Lord Pembroke for King George I and built after the King's death in 1727-29 for his son and successor, King George II.  The house was originally quite small and intended as a functional hunting lodge for use when the King hunted in Richmond Park; it is referred to in contemporary records as Richmond New Park Lodge.  When work stopped in 1729 the house had cost £7,659, but large parts of the interior had not been finished or decorated.  It is not clear how much it was used by George II and Queen Caroline, although some internal finishing was done in the 1730s.  The entrance side originally had a fairly plain pedimented facade of one and a half storeys, as shown in the engraving below.

A view of White Lodge published in the Illustrated London News, 1858, but apparently taken from a drawing made prior to the addition of the entrance corridor and porte-cochere and the raising of the quadrant wings in 1801

The garden side had a rusticated basement as well and made a more impressive statement, with its four-column attached portico of three-quarter round Doric columns.  

The garden front of White Lodge.  Image: Robin Webster.  Licensed under a Creative Commons licence.

In 1751 the King's third daughter, Princess Amelia, was appointed ranger of Richmond Park with the use of the house, and she employed Stephen Wright of the Office of Works in 1751-52 to complete and decorate the interiors.  A few years later she decided to enlarge the house by adding pavilions that would greatly increase the accommodation and make the house a more practical residence.  Work may have begun as early as 1754 when Stephen Wright was officially appointed Clerk of the Works, but both quadrants and pavilions remained unfinished when the Princess gave up the rangership in 1761 and moved to Gunnersbury House; the house as extended by Wright was illustrated in Vitruvius Britannicus in 1767.  Her successor, the Earl of Bute, did not complete the pavilions despite the fact that King George III occasionally used the house as a retreat when the gardens of his house at Richmond were open to the public, and it was left to Henry Addington, the Prime Minister (later 1st Viscount Sidmouth), who was granted the use of the house in 1801.  White Lodge became his principal residence, and James Wyatt as Deputy Surveyor of Woods & Forests oversaw the completion of the quadrant wings and pavilions, and added the corridor and porte-cochere which now dominate the entrance side of the house.  By 1806 over £20,000 had been spent on this work, and alterations continued until around 1816.

Entrance front of White Lodge, showing the additions by James Wyatt, 1801.
Up to the early 19th century the house had sat directly in the park as befitted its original status as a hunting lodge, and there were no gardens.  Addington arranged to carve out a five-acre plot from the park, and in 1805 Humphry Repton was brought in to lay out these grounds.  He is said to have made further alterations to the house at the same time.  His 'before' and 'after' watercolours, reproduced as aquatints in Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816, show that he provided a formal setting for  the house.  He advocated "a decided artificial Character for the Garden; boldly reverting to the ancient formal style, which by some will be condemned as departing from the imitation of Nature. . .[but which is preferable to] the uncleanly, pathless grass of a forest, filled with troublesome animals of every kind, and some occasionally dangerous."  (Perhaps he got too close to the Richmond Park red deer during the rutting season!)

Humphry Repton, aquatint of White Lodge 'as existing', published in Fragments..., 1816
Humphry Repton, aquatint of White Lodge 'as proposed', published in Fragments..., 1816
The house was used by members of the royal family after Lord Sidmouth's death in 1844, and in 1923 it was taken over by the newly-married Duke and Duchess of York (later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth).  They modernised the house, created the present grand open staircase leading up to the portico on the garden front and built a new family wing. They found, however, that Richmond Park did not offer them sufficient privacy, and in 1927 they gave up White Lodge, which was given to Lord Lee of Fareham (who had earlier given Chequers to the nation as a home for serving prime ministers).  Since 1955 the house has been the home of the Royal Ballet School, which has added many additional buildings around the house, relatively discreetly.  The interior of the White Lodge retains some good original features, including the saloon with a high coved ceiling, the former library with a Corinthian screen of columns, and several Palladian ceilings on the principal floor.  The main staircase was part of the Stephen Wright alterations of 1752.

White Lodge: the principal staircase of 1752. Image: BH&M Architects

Occupants of the house: built for King George I (1660-1727); to son, King George II (1683-1760); HRH Princess Amelia (1711-86); John Stuart (1713-92), 3rd Earl of Bute; King George III (1738-1820); given 1801 to Henry Addington (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth; to HRH Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester & Edinburgh (1778-1857); to HRH The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII (1841-1910); given 1869 to Francis, Duke of Teck (1837-1900); to daughter, HRH Queen Mary (1867-1953); given 1923 to HRH Prince Albert, Duke of York (later King George VI) (1895-1952); given 1927 to Arthur Hamilton Lee, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham (1868-1947); to Col. James Veitch (d. 1954); given 1955 to Royal Ballet School.

Erleigh Court, Berkshire

Erleigh Court.  Image: David Nash Ford

There was a house on the site by at least 1220 and, in the medieval period, it was owned by the D'Earleys, the Warings and then the Fettiplaces. William Fettiplace (d. 1524) may have been the builder of the original Tudor house, though his main residence was at Childrey Manor (Berks).  The house seems to have been rebuilt in the 17th century, perhaps after it was bought by Sir Owen Buckingham (d. 1713), a London merchant who made a fortune from a sail-cloth factory in Reading. 

Erleigh Court: the Tapestry Room, one of the interiors probably created for John Bagnall after he bought the house in 1766.

It was again remodelled in the 18th century, most probably for John Bagnall, who acquired the estate by underhand means in 1766, and there seem to have been some further changes in the early 19th century, when the house was owned by Bagnall's daughter and her husband, the politician, Lord Stowell (d. 1836). After his death the property passed to Lord Stowell's daughter, Maria Anne, and her husband, the former Prime Minister, Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth. It descended in that family, but the house was let to tenants. By 1932, the Court stood empty, and it was purchased in that year by a property developer and demolished three years later. Sidmouth Grange Close is built on the site.

Descent:  William Fettiplace (d.1524)...Sir Edmund Fettiplace sold 1666 to Sir Owen Buckingham (d. 1713), kt.; to son, Owen Buckingham (d. 1720); to cousin, wife of Richard Manley (d. c.1750); to daughter, Elizabeth (d. 1806), wife of Sir John Powell Pryce (d. 1777), bt.; sold 1766 to John Bagnall (d. 1803); to daughter, Maria Anne, who married William Scott, 1st Baron Stowell (1745-1836); to son-in-law, Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844); to son, Rev. William Leonard Addington, 2nd Viscount Sidmouth (1794-1864); to son, William Wells Addington, 3rd Viscount Sidmouth (1824-1913); to son, Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnall Addington, 4th Viscount Sidmouth (1854-1915); to son, Gerald William Addington, 5th Viscount Sidmouth (1882-1953), who sold 1932; the house was let after c.1850 to tenants including Ernest W. Dormer (fl. 1912).

Up Ottery Manor, Devon

Up Ottery Manor.: a drawing by Edward Ashworth, clerk of works, 1846.  Image: West Country Studies Library

Anthony Addington acquired the Up Ottery estate by 1780, but the manor house - of which no visual record has been found - only provided a very occasional residence,  His son, the 1st Viscount Sidmouth,  may have made some improvements to the house as he used it more (although White Lodge was his principal home); by 1844 it had 21 rooms, including six bedrooms.  It was, however, left to his son, Rev. William Leonard Addington, 2nd Viscount Sidmouth (1794-1864), to build a country house that could become the family's principal seat.  A new house was needed as the right to use White Lodge died with the 1st Viscount.

Up Ottery Manor under construction: a sketch by Edward Ashworth, 1846.  Image: Werst Country Studies Library
Lord Sidmouth asked the advice of Sir John Kennaway of Escott for an architect, and he suggested two men from Exeter: John Hayward 'of whom many persons think highly', and  Samuel Alexis Greig, whom he recommended.  Greig, then at the beginning of his career, accepted the commission and designed a large neo-Elizabethan house which was built in 1845-47.  The house was built of pale grey flint, with quoins and dressings of Membury stone, and had clusters of ornamental chimneys.  Sadly, the architect died in 1846 before the house was completed, and his talent as an architect remained unfulfilled.  It was left to the clerk of works, Edward Ashworth, to complete the building.  

Upottery Manor, from an old postcard

Upottery descended in the Addington family until the mid 20th century, when the maintenance was becoming unaffordable, and the house was sold in 1954.  A few years later, in 1962, it was demolished except for the stables, which form one side of the village street and are in the same style as the house.

Descent: sold to Anthony Addington MD (1713-90) by 1780; to son, Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844); to son, Rev. William Leonard Addington, 2nd Viscount Sidmouth (1794-1864); to son, William Wells Addington, 3rd Viscount Sidmouth (1824-1913); to son, Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnall Addington, 4th Viscount Sidmouth (1854-1915); to son, Gerald William Addington, 5th Viscount Sidmouth (1882-1953); to brother, Raymond Anthony Addington, 6th Viscount Sidmouth (1887-1976), who sold it in 1954.

The Addingtons of Up Ottery and Erleigh Court, Viscounts Sidmouth

Addington, Henry (1659-1729) of Fringford (Berks).  Son of William Addington (1607-80) and his wife Christian (1624-93), daughter of Rev. Robert Sharrock, baptised 10 July 1659.  He married first, 10 May 1696 Elizabeth (d. 1702), daughter of Henry Markham of Tingewick (Bucks) and second, Elizabeth (d. 1746?), daughter of Anthony Watts of Sulgrave (Northants) and had, among other issue:
(1) Anthony Addington MD (1713-90) (q.v.).
He died 5 March 1729.

Addington, Anthony (1713-90).  Son of Henry Addington (1659-1729) of Fringford and his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony Watts of Sulgrave (Northants), born 13 December 1713.  Educated at Winchester and Trinity College, Oxford (matriculated 1731; BA 1739; MA 1740; MB 1741; MD 1744); fashionable general practitioner in London with patients including Pitt the elder and King George III; FRCP 1756; specialised in cases of insanity.  He married, 22 September 1745, Mary (d. 1778), daughter and heir of Rev. Haviland John Hiley of Reading, and had issue:
(1) Mary Addington (b. 1746), born 24 June 1746;
(2) Anne Addington (1747-1806), baptised 6 November 1747; m. 2 June 1770 Dr. William Goodenough MD (d. 1770); died without issue, 12 June 1806;
(3) Eleanor Addington (1749-1837), born 1 July 1749; m. 1 August 1771 James Sutton (d. 1801) of New Park, Devizes (Wilts) and had issue; died 1837;
(4) John Addington (1751-1759), born 12 July 1751; died young, 1759;
(5) Elizabeth Addington (1753-1827), born 20 May 1753; m. August 1782 William Hoskyns (d. 1813) of North Perrott (Somerset) and had issue; died 26 June 1827;
(6) Henry Addington (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.);
(7) John Hiley Addington (1759-1818), born August and baptised 11 September 1759; educated at Cheam School, Winchester College and Brasenose College, Oxford (matriculated 1776; BA 1780); MP for Truro 1787-90, Winchelsea 1794-96, Wendover 1796-1802, Bossiney, 1802-03 and Harwich, 1803-17; a lord of the Treasury, 1800-03; Secretary to the Treasury, 1801-02; Paymaster-General of the Forces, 1803-04; Under-Secretary for Home Affairs, 1812-18; High Steward of Harwich, 1803-18; Lt. Col. of Mendip Volunteers, 1803; m. 25 October 1785, Mary (d. 1833), daughter of Henry Unwin and had issue two sons and one daughter; lived at Blount's Court, Rotherfield Peppard and later at Langford Court, Burrington (Somerset); died 11 June 1818;
(8) Charlotte Addington (1761-1839), born 8 October 1761; m. 1 August 1788 Charles Bragge Bathurst of Lydney Park (Glos), Treasurer of the Navy, and had issue; died 27 May 1839;
(9) Maria Addington (b. 1764), born 29 and baptised 30 September 1764.
Lived in London and later at Reading; purchased the manors of Upottery and Rawridge (Devon) in 1780, but never lived there.
Died 21 March 1790 at Reading and buried at Fringford (Berks).  A bust of him by Thomas Banks, made from a death mask, is in the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth
by J.S. Copley.  Image St Louis Art Museum
per Wikimedia Commons
Addington, Henry (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth.  Elder son of Anthony Addington and his wife Mary, daughter and heir of Rev. Haviland John Hiley of Reading.  Educated at Winchester, Brasenose College, Oxford (BA 1778; MA 1780; DCL 1814); and  Lincoln's Inn (called to bar, 1784, Bencher, 1792); Recorder of Devizes, 1784; MP for Devizes, 1784-1805; Speaker of the House of Commons, 1789-1801; Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1801-04; created a peer as Viscount Sidmouth, 12 January 1805; Lord President of the Council, 1805, 1806-07, 1812; Lord Privy Seal, 1806; Home Secretary, 1812-22; Minister without Portfolio, 1822-24; granted a royal pension of £3000 a year in 1822; Governor of Charterhouse, 1802; High Steward of Westminster, 1813-42; Elder Brother of Trinity House, 1818-44; Deputy Ranger of Richmond Park, 1815-44; FSA 1791.  He married 1st, 19 September 1781, Ursula Mary (1760-1811), daughter and co-heir of Leonard Hammond of Cheam (Surrey); and 2nd, 29 July 1823, Marianne (d. 1842), daughter of William Scott (1745-1836), 1st Baron Stowell of Erleigh Court (Berks) and widow of Thomas Townshend of Honington Hall (Warks), and had issue:
(1.1) Hon. Mary Anne Ursula Addington (1782-1847), died unmarried, 24 December 1847; 
(1.2) Hon. Henry Addington (1786-1823), born 30 September 1786; educated at Christ Church, Oxford (matriculated 1803); Clerk of the Pells, 1802; attempted suicide, 1805; died unmarried and insane, 30 July 1823; 
(1.3) Charles Anthony Addington (b. & d. 1789); died 20 August 1789 in infancy; 
(1.4) Rev. William Leonard Addington (1794-1864), 2nd Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.); 
(1.5) Hon. Frances Addington (c.1797-1870), m. 20 June 1820 Very Rev. & Hon. George Pellew (1793-1866); rector of Great Chart (Kent) and Dean of Norwich, 1829-66, who published a Life of Lord Sidmouth in 1847, and had issue; died at Speen Hill House, Newbury (Berks), 28 February 1870;
(1.6) Hon. Charlotte Addington (1798-1870), m. 1838 Rev. Horace Gore Currie (1802-75) of The Manor House, Sevenoaks (Kent); died without issue, 13 February 1870;
(1.7) Hon. Henrietta Addington (1800-68), m. 1838 Capt. Thomas Barker Wall of The Priory, Stansted Mountfitchet (Essex) (1793-1859) and had issue; died 12 August 1868.
He inherited the Upottery estate from his father in 1790 and the Erleigh Court estate, Sonning, Berkshire through his second wife on the death of her father, Lord Stowell, in 1836.  In 1789 he leased a small estate at Woodley near Reading to which William Pitt retired when his health broke down in 1800.  In 1801 the King granted him White Lodge in Richmond Park for life, and he lived mainly there and at Upottery after his retirement in 1824. By 1836 his wife owned a half share in Whitfield Colliery, Norton-in-the-Moors (Staffs), which she had inherited from the Bagnall family.
He died 15 February 1844 at White Lodge, Richmond Park and was buried at Mortlake (Surrey), where he is commemorated by a simple tomb in the churchyard.

Addington, Rev. William Leonard (1794-1864), 2nd Viscount Sidmouth.  Third but eldest surviving son of Henry Addington (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth and his first wife, Ursula Mary, daughter and co-heir of Leonard Hammond of Cheam (Surrey), born 13 November 1794.  Educated at Winchester and Christ Church, Oxford (matriculated 1812); ordained deacon and priest, 1820; rector of Poole Keynes (Wilts), 1821-33.  He married, 20 April 1820, Mary (1795-1894), daughter of Rev. John Young, rector of Thorpe Malsor (Northants) and had issue, with another son who died young:
(1) Hon. Mary Ursula Addington (d. 1899), m. 1841 Miles Charles Seton (d. 1877) of Treskerby (Cornwall) and had issue; died 11 October 1899;
(2) Charlotte Addington (b. & d. 1822), died in infancy;
(3) Hon. Henry Estcourt Addington (1823-47), born 3 February and baptised 21 May 1823; educated at Balliol College, Oxford (matriculated 1841); served as 2nd Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade, from 1843; died unmarried, 15 January 1847 and buried at Albury (Surrey), 23 January 1847;
(4) William Wells Addington (1824-1913), 3rd Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.); 
(5) Hon. Louisa Charlotte Addington (1825-99), born 14 May 1825; m. 1862 Thomas Goldie Dickson (d. 1905) of Edinburgh and had issue; died 30 December 1899;
(6) Anthony Addington (b. & d. 1827), died in infancy;
(7) Lt-Col. Hon. Leonard Allen Addington RA (1828-88), born 11 May 1828 and baptised 15 July 1828 at Holy Trinity, Clapham; served in the Army (retired as Major); JP for Devon; Lt-Col. of Devon Artillery volunteers; m. 1853 Laetitia Anne (d. 1889), daughter of Erving Clark of Efford Manor (Devon) and had issue two sons and five daughters; lived at Ratclyffe House, Clyst Honiton (Devon); died 4 June 1888; will proved 15 August 1888 (estate £9,065);
(8) Hon. Hiley Robert Addington (1830-57), born 4 April 1830; served in East India Co. Civil Service and 74th Punjab Infantry; killed in Indian Mutiny, died unmarried 11 May 1857; 
(9) Maj-Gen. Hon. Charles John Addington (1832-1903), born 17 March 1832; a career solder; he served with 38th Foot in the Crimea (severely wounded) and in India during the Mutiny; later commanded the 100th Regiment 1871-77 and 35th Regimental District, 1877-83; Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, 1884-85; Col. commanding troops at Shorncliffe, 1885-86; Col. of the Devonshire Regiment; retired as Major-General; m. 1862 Nelly Hindmarsh (d. 1912), daughter of Arthur Miller Mundy of Shipley Hall (Derbys); died without issue, 11 September 1903; 
(10) Hon. Caroline Penelope Addington (1833-1923), born 16 May 1833; m. 1853 Newdigate Hooper Kearney Burne (d. 1898) and had issue; died 19 December 1923;
(11) Hon. Edward Addington (1835-51); died unmarried and was buried at Albury (Surrey), 24 July 1851;
(12) Hon. Frances Sophia Addington (1837-1934), born 11 September 1837; m. 1861 David Scott Dickson (d. 1900) and had issue; died 2 February 1934;
(13) Hon. Eliza Anne Addington (1839-1916?), perhaps the person of this name who died unmarried, 5 July 1916 at Sandown (Isle of Wight).
He inherited his father's estates at Upottery (Devon) and Erleigh Court (Berks) in 1844.  He rebuilt Upottery Manor to the design of Samuel A. Greig in 1845-46 and Erleigh Court was let.
He died 25 March 1864.  His will was proved 3 June 1864 (estate under £12,000).

Addington, William Wells (1824-1913), 3rd Viscount Sidmouth.  Eldest son of Rev. William Leonard Addington (1794-1864), 2nd Viscount Sidmouth and his wife Mary, daughter of Rev. John Young of Thorpe Malsor (Northants), born 25 March 1824.  JP & DL (Devon); JP (Somerset); served as Lieutenant in Royal Navy, 1846; MP for Devizes, 1863-64.  He married, 28 September 1848, his cousin Georgiana Susan (d. 1896), eldest daughter of Very. Rev. & Hon. George Pellew, third son of 1st Viscount Exmouth, Dean of Norwich; and had issue:
(1) Hon. Alice Mary Addington (1849-1929), m. 6 March 1894, James Johnstone Bevan (d. 1898) of Northgate House, Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk); 
(2) Hon. Ursula Georgiana (1850-1947), m. 12 February 1879, Francis John Helyar (d. 1918) of Bath (Somerset) and had issue; 
(3) Hon. Eveline Addington (1852-1944), m. 15 September 1875 Francis Arkwright JP (d. 1915) of Overton, Marton, New Zealand and Coton House (Warks); 
(4) Hon. Mabel Addington (1853-1942), m. 30 October 1879 Sir Archibald Ernest Orr Ewing, 3rd bt. (1853-1919) and had issue; 
(5) Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnall Addington (1854-1915), 4th Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.); 
(6) Gertrude Rose Addington (1856-58), died young.
(7) Maj. Hon. Herbert Hiley Stafford Addington (1859-1943), born 12 March 1859; served as an officer in the Royal Fusiliers; emigrated to New Zealand by 1911; died unmarried and without issue; buried at Levin (New Zealand), 1943; 
(8) Col. Hon. Harold William Addington (1860-1941), born 24 May 1860; served with Royal Field Artillery in Boer War and WW1; m. 1887 Constance, dau of A.J. Clairmonte of Lakelands, Nova Scotia, but died without issue; 
(9) Capt. Hon. Francis Charles Bathurst Addington RN (1861-1905), born 14 June 1861; died unmarried and without issue, 12 February 1905; 
He inherited the Upottery Manor (Devon) and Erleigh Court (Berks) estates from his father in 1864.
He died 28 October 1913.  His will was proved 29 January 1914 (estate £63,538).

Addington, Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnall (1854-1915), 4th Viscount Sidmouth.  Eldest son of William Wells Addington (1824-1913), 3rd Viscount Sidmouth and his wife Georgiana Susan, eldest daughter of Very Rev. & Hon. George Pellew, Dean of Norwich, born 29 November 1854.  Educated at Rugby and Merton College, Oxford (matriculated 1873); emigrated to New Zealand, 1881, but later returned; JP for Devon.  He married, 27 July 1881, Ethel Mary (d. 1954), daughter of Capt. Louis Charles Henry Tonge RN of Highway (Wilts) and had issue:
(1) Gerald William Addington (1882-1953), 5th Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.); 
(2) Hon. Ursula Mary Addington (c.1885-1962), born in New Zealand, c.1885; m. 1909 Lt. James Hope-Wallace (d. 1917) and had issue; died 24 August 1962;
(3) Raymond Anthony Addington (1887-1976), 6th Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.); 
(4) Hon. Marjorie Ruth Addington (c.1889-after 1965), m. 1910 Col. Oscar Mark Harris DSO (d. 1965), son of Henry Harris of Jersey.
He inherited the Upottery Manor (Devon) and Erleigh Court (Berks) estates from his father in 1913.
He died 25 March 1915.

Addington, Gerald William (1882-1953), 5th Viscount Sidmouth.  Elder son of Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnall Addington, 4th Viscount Sidmouth (1854-1915) and his wife Ethel Mary, daughter of Capt. Louis Charles Henry Tonge RN of Highway (Wilts), born in New Zealand, 19 August 1882.  Educated at Eton and abroad; Capt. 6th Bttn Devonshire Regt.; served WW1 in India, Mesopotomia, Aden and Salonica; Chairman of Honiton RDC; Governor of Allhallows School, Rousdon (Devon); Coronation Medal, 1937.  He married, 2 October 1915, Mary Murdoch (d. 1983), daughter of Sir Donald Campbell Johnstone (1857-1920), Chief Judge of Punjab, but died without issue.
He inherited the Upottery Manor (Devon) and Erleigh Court (Berks) estates from his father in 1915, but sold Erleigh Court in 1932.  At his death the title and remaining estates passed to his younger brother.
He died 4 April 1953.  His will was proved 10 August and 23 September 1953 (estate £43,296 plus £166,112 of settled land)

Addington, Raymond Anthony (1887-1976), 6th Viscount Sidmouth.  Second son of Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnall Addington, 4th Viscount Sidmouth (1854-1915) and his wife Ethel Mary, daughter of Capt. Louis Charles Henry Tonge RN of Highway (Wilts), born 24 June 1887.  Educated at Cheltenham and RMC Sandhurst; Major in the Indian Army; served in WW1 in Flanders, 1914-16, southern Persia, 1918-19; NWFrontier, 1919-20.  He married, 26 August 1913, Gladys Mary Dever (1885/6-1983), daughter of Thomas Francis Hughes and had issue:
(1) John Tonge Anthony Pellew Addington (1914-2005), 7th Viscount Sidmouth (q.v.); 
(2) Hon. Prudence Mary Addington (1916-2004), born 11 June 1916; m. 1 July 1939, Lt Cdr. Hugo Edward Forbes Tweedie DSC RN (d. 1986), son of Adm. Sir Hugh Justin Tweedie KCB of Wraxall House (Somerset) and had issue five sons and three daughters; died 26 September 2004;
(3) Hon. Hiley William Dever Addington (1917-2001), born 31 October 1917; educated at Royal Naval College, Dartmouth; served in WW2 at Lt-Cdr. in Royal Navy and pilot in Fleet Air Arm; mechanical engineer; m.1, 15 December 1942, Brenda Swanney (d. 1990), daughter of Prof. Robert Charles Wallace of Kingston, Ontario and had issue two sons and one daughter; m.2, 1993, Rita, widow of Alec T. Cousins; died 29 January 2001;
(4) Maj. Hon. Raymond Thomas Casamajor Addington MC (1919-2011), born 7 January 1919; educated at Downside and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; served in WW2 in Royal Horse Artillery, Commandos and Paratroops; m. 1947 Veronique (d. 1970), daughter of Emile Wirtz of Antwerp (Belgium) and had issue three sons and four daughters; died 28 October 2011, aged 92;
(5) Hon. Gurth Louis Francis Addington (1920-2010), born 26 February 1920; educated at Downside, Royal Naval College, Darmouth and Brasenose College, Oxford; served WW2 in RAF as bomber navigator; m. 1950 Patience Gillian, daughter of Lt. Col. L.E. Travers of Travers Point, Victoria, Australia and had issue three sons and five daughters; died in Sydney (Australia), 19 June 2010;
(6) Lt-Col. Hon. Leslie Richard Bagnall Addington DFC (1923-2021), born 20 September 1923; educated at Downside; served in WW2 with 2nd Indian Airborne Division and later as a pilot in Malaya and Korea; DFC 1952; Lt-Col. in Royal Horse Artillery, commanding Essex Yeomanry, 1965-66; m. 25 June 1955, Anne, daughter of Capt. Trevor Hume and had issue two sons and two daughters; died aged 97 on 6 August 2021;
(7) Rev. Hon. Raleigh Hugh Leonard Addington (1926-80), born 4 April 1926; educated at Downside and Pembroke College, Cambridge; served in WW2 as Lt., Rifle Brigade; entered  The Oratory, 1950;  died 27 June 1980;
(8) Hon. Mary Octavia Addington (1927-2010), born 17 April 1927; m.1, 24 October 1953 (div. 1959), David Christopher Leeming, son of John Fishwick Leeming of Bowden (Cheshire) and had issue one son; m.2, 1959, David Tilling Wroth (d. 1986), son of Leslie Allan Wroth JP of Collingbourne Ducis (Wilts); m.3, 1989, Maj. R.William Ingall DSO (d. 1993); died 17 May 2010;
(9) Hon. Elizabeth Clare Addington (1928-2011), born 4 August 1928.
He inherited his maternal family estate at Highway Manor (Wilts) in 1936 and his brother's estate at Upottery Manor in 1953; he sold Upottery Manor in 1954 and it was later demolished.
He died 7 February 1976.

Addington, John Tonge Anthony Pellew (1914-2005), 7th Viscount Sidmouth.  Eldest son of Raymond Anthony Addington (1887-1976), 6th Viscount Sidmouth, and his wife Gladys Mary Dever, daughter of Thomas Francis Hughes, born 3 October 1914.  Educated at Downside and Brasenose College, Oxford; served in East African Colonial Service, 1938-54; member of Agricultural Research Council, 1969-74 and Central Council for Agricultural Co-operation, 1970-73; President, National Council Inland Transport 1978-84; Knight of Malta, 1962.  He married 1st, 20 January 1940, Barbara Mary Angela (d. 1989), daughter of Bernard Rochford OBE of South Kensington and married 2nd, (Marie) Therese, daughter of His Honour Sir Joseph Sheridan and widow of Francis Anthony Baring Pollen, and had issue:
(1.1) Christopher John Addington (1941-86), born 10 April 1941; educated at Downside and Brasenose College, Oxford; m. 1963 Clio Mona (d. 1986), daughter of Dr John Peristiany of Athens; committed suicide shortly after the death of his wife, 2 June 1986;
(1.2) Jeremy Francis Addington (b. 1947), 8th and present Viscount Sidmouth, born 29 July 1947; educated at Ampleforth; m.1, 20 March 1970, Greta, daughter of Paul Henningsen of Denmark and had issue one son (born before the marriage) and one daughter; m.2, 1986, Una (1955-2009), daughter of James Coogan of Compton Bassett (Wilts) and had issue one son and two daughters; 
(1.3) Veronica Mary Addington (b. 1944), born 9 November 1944; m.1, 17 July 1982 (annulled 1987), Allan (George) Mainds of Bishopstone (Bucks), elder son of George Mainds, and m.2, 1989, Michael Jeremy Hodges RN, and had issue one daughter (born before her first marriage); 
(1.4) Susan Barbara Addington (b. 1945), born 17 December 1945; m.1, 16 December 1965 (div. 1975), Count Giovanni Manassei di Collestate and had issue one son and one daughter, and m.2, 1990, Anthony Andrew Ward Kimpton; 
(1.5) Janet Theresa Addington (b. 1949), born 4 October 1949; m. 24 March 1972, Anthony Goodman, son of Isaac Harris Goodman of London, and had issue three daughters; 
(1.6) Pauline Rosemary Addington (b. 1951), born 18 February 1951; m. 18 August 1973, Paul Christopher Clare, son of George William Clone of Putney, London SW15 and had issue, two sons and one daughter; 
(1.7) A daughter, b. & d. 12 May 1955.
He inherited Highway Manor (Wilts) from his father in 1976 but lived latterly at 12 Brock Street, Bath.
He died 30 January 2005; for his obituary see here.


Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, successive editions; E.W. Dormer, Erleigh Court and its owners, 1912; VCH Wiltshire vol. 7, 1953, pp. 197-98; Sir N. Pevsner & J. Sherwood, The buildings of England: Oxfordshire, 1974, p. 737; Sir H.M. Colvin, J.M. Crook, K. Downes & J. Newman, The history of the King's Works, v, 1976, pp. 230-33 and vi, 1973, p. 355; B. Cherry & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: London 2: South, 1983, p. 534; T. Gray, The garden history of Devon, 1995, pp. 226-27; T. Gray, Lost Devon, 2003, p. 65;  R. Hewlings, ‘White Lodge, Richmond New Park’, Georgian Group Journal, 2009, pp. 41-60; C. Knight, London's Country Houses, 2009, pp. 238-41; Tyack, Bradley & Pevsner, The buildings of England: Berkshire, 2010, p. 492; A. Foyle & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: Somerset – North and Bristol, 2011, pp. 456-57;

Where are their papers?

Addington family, Viscounts Sidmouth: Deeds and estate records of London, Berkshire (Erleigh etc.), Huntingdonshire (Warboys), Somerset (Burrington), Devon (Upottery etc.) and Staffordshire (Stone) property, and family papers, 16th-20th cents (Devon RO 152M, 2000M, 6492-1); Staffordshire deeds and papers, 1791-1868 (Staffs RO D761/4); miscellaneous estate papers, chiefly relating to London property, 1804-1923 (London Metropolitan Archives); Highway estate records, 1700-1897 (Wilts RO 200, 400)

Revision and acknowledgements

This post was first published on 2 June 2013 and was revised on 25 June 2015, 27 January 2017, 21 July 2018, 8 September 2021, 5 August 2022, 21 February 2023 and 14 July 2024. I am grateful to L. Baddeley for additional information.


  1. The 2nd Viscount was rector of Poole, Wilts. from 1821-33 [not 44], when he resigned (Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835, ID 83214).

    1. Thank you for this correction, which I have incorporated.

    2. Very interesting. I've just stumbled onto your site while looking at Alderton near Woodbridge , where we once lived. The Addington that first came to America was a 1st Viscount Sidmouth. I just wonder if this was the same gentleman? Regards Mick Addington Aurora, Colorado

    3. Dear Mick,

      There has only ever been one 1st Viscount Sidmouth, and I don't think he ever visited America. He certainly died in England. What date do you have for your first record of Addingtons in America?

      Nick Kingsley

  2. Henry Addington 1720/1787 m. Sarah Burson 1726/1826.. Thank you.. Mick

  3. Thanks for all this information about my grandmother's family. Great to see pictures of the houses where she spent part of her childhood.
    Lisa Tweedie

  4. Are there any records of staff employed at Upottery Manor in the 1860's?

    1. Try the Devon Heritage Centre, who hold the papers for the Upottery estate.

  5. Hi been searching the addingtons history as we own a modest farm house in NZ built CIRCA 1911 by Herbert Hiley Stafford brother of the 2-3 viscount.
    Bit of a loner it seems, travelled the world a lot
    Burried in Levin NZ. DIED 1943
    Regs Jeremy

    1. Thank you for this: I have added the key points above.


Please leave a comment if you have any additional information or corrections to offer, or if you are able to help with additional images of the people or buildings in this post.