Friday, 13 September 2013

(72) Warde-Aldam of Hooton Pagnell Hall and Frickley Hall, Healey Hall and Ederline

Achievement of arms of the Warde-Aldam family
from Fox-Davies, Armorial Families, 1929
In 1681 Col. Robert Byerley negotiated for the sale of his estate at Hooton Pagnell (Yorks WR) to Sir Patience Warde (1629-96), the Lord Mayor of London,  but perhaps because of the latter's civic and political preoccupations in that year, the sale did not go through.  In 1703, Col. Byerley approached Warde's nephew, Sir John, and in 1704 the purchase was finally concluded, Sir John and his nephew, Patience Warde (b. 1680) agreeing to purchase the estate jointly, although Sir John's involvement may have been largely to provide finance, since it was Patience Warde who assumed control of the estate and came to live in the house.  The property acquired in 1704 was merely the nucleus of the present estate, which subsequent generations enlarged as opportunity offered.  It passed from father to son down to the Rev. William Warde (c.1801-68).  The last named left his property to his daughters, of whom the only survivor, Sarah Julia Warde (c.1857-1931), married William Wright Aldam of nearby Frickley Hall in 1878.  Aldam took the additional name of Warde by royal licence in the same year.  He was the grandson of William Pease (1779-1855), who took the surname Aldam on inheriting an estate at Warmsworth from his great-aunt, Katherine Aldam (1721-1807), and who bought Frickley Hall in 1844 as a wedding present for his son, William Aldam (1813-90).  This William, who was MP for Leeds 1841-47 and later chairman of the West Riding Quarter Sessions, also inherited the Healey Hall estate in Northumberland from a distant kinsman, Robert Ormston, in 1882.  Thus it came about that by the 1890s William Wright and Sarah Warde-Aldam owned three houses: Hooton Pagnell, Frickley and Healey, and in 1899 they added a fourth when they bought a Scots Baronial castle at Ederline (Argyllshire) for use during the summer shooting season.  They carried out a substantial remodelling of Hooton Pagnell Hall in 1894-1904, when what had become an essentially Georgian house was re-Gothicised on one side and given extensive crenellations; they also made some minor internal alterations in the Arts & Crafts style at Frickley Hall.

Ordnance Survey map, 1952, showing the juxtaposition of Hooton Hall and Frickley Hall.

William and Sarah had two sons, and this abundance of property was in due course divided between them.  The elder, Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958) received Healey Hall and, on his mother’s death in 1931, Hooton Pagnell; the younger, John Ralph Patientius Warde-Aldam (1892-1973) received Frickley Hall, and the Ederline estate was shared between them.  In 1948 Col. Warde-Aldam settled his share of the Ederline estate on his eldest son, John Warde-Aldam (1911-57), but John predeceased his father, and in 1958 a new settlement was made by which the Ederline estate was settled undivided on his cousin, William Warde-Aldam (b. 1925), who in 1973 also inherited his father’s Frickley Hall estate.  The Victorian house at Ederline was demolished in 1966 and its late 18th century predecessor was also pulled down in 1983 after partially collapsing; the family home at Ederline is now a small modern house of 1964.

Col. Warde-Aldam’s Healey Hall and Hooton Pagnell properties were divided between his surviving son, Maj. David Julian Warde-Aldam (1919-95), who received Healey Hall, and his daughter, Mary Betty (1909-78), wife of Maj. Harold George Norbury (1899-1974), who received Hooton Pagnell as a gift in 1952.  Major Norbury assumed the additional name of Warde by royal licence in 1958.  Hooton Pagnell now belongs to their grandson, Mark William Antony Warde-Norbury (b. 1962) and has been divided into seven residences; Healey Hall belongs to Maj. Warde-Aldam’s son, James Julian Warde-Aldam (b. 1957).

Hooton Pagnell Hall, Yorkshire (WR)

The present house is 14th century in origin, and visibly incorporates a gatehouse of this period with separate pedestrian and carriage entrances, but the external appearance is now chiefly 18th and 19th century. In Elizabethan times it was given five gables, which can be seen in 18th century drawings of the house, and the remains of which can be seen on the west side of the building. At the beginning of the 18th century, Patience Warde seems to have rebuilt the garden front, plastered the exterior, and put in sash windows.  

Hooton Pagnell Hall: detail of a mid 18th century drawing of the house, showing the Elizabethan gables. Image: Nick Kingsley. Some rights reserved.

Hooton Pagnell Hall, showing the bow windows added in 1787 to the garden front.

In 1787 the garden front with shallow full-height bow windows facing onto the lawn was constructed by the first St Andrew Warde, to the designs of William Lindley, and the rooms behind were remodelled and redecorated. Lindley also built the long eastern service range with an off-centre pediment.  The entrance side of the house was re-Gothicised with crenellations in 1894-1904 by Mrs Warde Aldam, but the architect of these changes is unknown. Inside the house there is Tudor and 19th century panelling and a fine late 17th  century staircase bought from a house in Palace Yard, Coventry (presumably in the 1880s), with lush panels of birds and beasts within foliage scrolls below the handrail and finialled newel posts

During the First World War the house was used as a hospital, and either at this time or just after the war, Mrs. Warde-Aldam was also responsible for the minimalist Gothic gateway building on the road, built to the designs of Granville Streatfeild and Frank Atwell and completed by 1920.  

Hooton Pagnell Hall: the entrance front during a Hunt meet, c.1930.  

Hooton Pagnell Hall: the gatehouse.  Image: Richard Spencer. Licenced under a Creative Commons licence

Descent: Crown granted 1520 to William Fitzwilliam, Earl of Southampton... sold 1556 to John Gifford... sold 1605 to Sir Richard Hutton... Col. Robert Byerley (fl. 1681) who sold 1704 to Sir John Warde (d. 1726) and Patience Warde (b. c.1680); to the latter’s son, Patientius Warde (1717-86); to son, St. Andrew Warde (1745-1822); to son, St. Andrew Warde (fl. 1822); to son, Rev. William Warde (c.1802-68); to daughter, Sarah Julia Warde (d. 1931), later wife of William Wright Aldam (later Warde-Aldam) (1853-1925); to son, Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958), who gave 1952 to his daughter, Mary Betty Warde-Aldam (1909-78), wife of Maj. Harold George Norbury (later Warde-Norbury) (1899-1974); to son, (William George) Antony Warde-Norbury (b. 1936); given to son, Mark William Anthony Warde-Norbury (b. 1962).

Frickley Hall, Doncaster, Yorkshire (WR)

Frickley Hall in 2010.  Image: Michelle Dudley.  All rights reserved

Very little is known about the medieval or Tudor house of the Anne family which is said to have occupied the moated site at Park Farm, and to have been destroyed by fire in about 1760, shortly after the Anne family sold it.  The moat was altered as part of landscaping works in the early 19th century, when a chain of fishponds was merged with the moat around the house platform.

The present Hall was built on a new site in the park, probably soon after 1760, for Anthony Wharton of Carhouse (c.1728-73), who bought the estate from the Annes. It was given its present appearance by Richard Kennet Dawson (1793-1850) in about 1820. It has a five bay entrance front facing north, with a pedimented Doric porch, and a seven-bay east front with a three-bay pediment enclosing an oval window. The windows are without architraves, although bays two and six on the ground floor have consoled cornices. The rear service wing shows clear evidence of the remodelling of an earlier range in a different stone. Inside, the inner hall has a cantilevered stone staircase with fluted square balusters and a rectangular lantern with a coffered central panel. A first floor room has an interesting Arts & Crafts fireplace with a beaten copper surround and motto ‘East West Hame’s Best’, and contemporary wall cupboards and shelving.

Descent: Sir William de Anne (fl. mid 14th cent.); to son, Alexander Anne; to son, Ralph Anne (fl. 1431); to Thomas Anne; to John Anne (fl. 1504); to son, John Anne; to son, Christopher Anne; to half-brother Martin Anne; to son George Anne (fl. 1585); to son, Philip Anne (1591-1647); to son, Michael Anne (b. 1626); to Michael Anne (b. 1658); to son, Marmaduke Anne (d. 1722); to son Michael Anne (fl. 1750), who sold 1750 to Anthony Wharton (c.1728-73); to brother, John Wharton (fl. 1778-84) who sold to William Payne (1760-1831); sold after 1815 to Benjamin Kennet (later Dawson) (b. c.1750); to son, Richard Kennet Dawson (1793-1850) who sold 1844 to William Aldam (né Pease) (1779-1855) as wedding gift for William Aldam (1813-90); to son, William Wright Warde-Aldam (1853-1925); to younger son, John Ralph Patientius Warde-Aldam (1892-1973); to son, Maj. William Warde-Aldam (b. 1925); given to son, Charles Andrew Warde-Aldam (b. 1962).

Healey Hall, Northumberland

Healey Hall.  Image: Les Hull.  Licenced under a Creative Commons licence

Old drawings show a tall building with an embattled look-out turret on one gable-end: a stronghouse rather like the demolished Low Hirst Tower near Ashington and the Melbridge bastle house (both demolished in the 20th century).  In 1834 this was replaced for Robert Ormston by the present Tudor-style house with a symmetrical twin-gabled entrance front.  Part of the 17th century north wing of the old house survives in the stable block behind.

Descent: John Sanderson (fl. 1639); to son William Sanderson (fl. 1660)...William Sanderson (d. 1805); to son, William Sanderson (later Hodgson) (d. 1820) who sold 1816 to Robert Ormston (1749-1836); to son, Robert Ormston (1789-1882); to kinsman, William Aldam (1813-90); to son, William Wright Warde-Aldam (1853-1925); to son, Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958); to son, Maj. David Julian Warde-Aldam (1919-95); to son, James Julian Warde-Aldam (b. 1957)

Ederline, Argyllshire

The present Ederline House, built in 1964 to replace a Scots Baronial house by Wardrop & Reid.

The Baronial mansion by Wardrop & Reid of 1869-70, built around a four-storey turreted tower, was demolished in 1966; a craggy mound of masonry survives among the rhododendrons.  An older, soberer, Ederline, perhaps of the late 18th century, built on a T-plan, three storeys high, has also gone – a gable collapsed in 1983 necessitating its demolition.  A gabled office court of the early 19th century survives, and there is a small new house of 1964 at the centre of the 13,000 acre estate.

Descent: Maj. Colin Campbell (d. 1824); to William Campbell (fl. 1844) to Alexander Duncan Campbell (fl. 1865-66) sold c.1870 to Henry Bruce of Elgin (fl. 1872) who sold 1899 to William Wright Warde-Aldam (1853-1925); to sons, Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958) and John Ralph Patientius Warde-Aldam (1892-1973); the former made over his share to his son John Warde-Aldam (1911-57) in 1948; on his death it would appear the whole property was made over in 1958 to the latter’s son, Maj. William Warde-Aldam (b. 1925)

The Wardes of Hooton Pagnell

Warde, Thomas (d. 1635) of Tanshelf (Yorks WR).  Son of Robert Warde (d. before 1643) of Tanshelf Court.  He married first, 1598, Susan, daughter of Thomas Wood of Sandal (Yorks WR) and had issue; married second, 7 July 1610, Elizabeth (fl. 1657), daughter of William Bywater, mayor of Pontefract, and had issue:
(2.1) Leonard Warde (c. 1608-78), mayor of Pontefract; married and had issue; died 3 and buried at Pontefract 7 November 1678; will proved at York, 20 September 1781;
(2.2) Hastings Warde (d. c.1670); will proved at York, 10 May 1670
(2.3) John Warde (c.1611-57) (q.v.);
(2.4) Robert Warde, died young;
(2.5) Sir Patience Ward (1629-96), kt. (q.v.); 
(2.6) George Warde, died young;
(2.7) William Warde, died young;
(2.7) Eliza Warde (d. before 1695), m. before 1657, John Cowper (d. 1696) of Pontefract and had issue;
(2.8) A daughter (d. before 1666), m. Robert Winter (fl. 1657).
He died and was buried at Pontefract, 9 February 1634/5.

Warde, Sir Patience (1629-96), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  Fifth son of Thomas Warde (d. c.1635) of Tanshelf and his wife Elizabeth, baptised at Pontefract, 7 December 1629. Reputedly educated briefly at Cambridge from 1643, but apprenticed to Launcelot Tolson, a merchant trading with France in London, 1646; admitted to Merchant Taylors Company as a silk and cloth merchant 1654/5 (master, 1671); elected alderman and sheriff of London, 1670; knighted, 29 October 1675; he was a leader of the anti-Court party in London, and as MP for Pontefract, 1679-81 he took a leading part in the movement to exclude the Duke of York from the succession to the Crown and earned the displeasure of the King; elected Lord Mayor of London, 1680-81; Fellow of the Royal Society, c.1682; on 19 May 1683, after being found guilty of perjury in the political trial of a friend, he and his wife fled to Holland, where he remained for five years; on his return he was appointed a member of the English Convention, 22 January 1688/9 which transferred the Crown to King William III and Queen Mary. He married, 8 June 1653, Elizabeth (d. 1685), daughter of William Hobson of Hackney (Middx) but had no issue.
He negotiated for the purchase of the Hooton Pagnell estate in 1681, but did not conclude the purchase.
He died 10 July 1696 and was buried at St Mary, Abchurch; will proved 7 August 1696. His wife died 24 December 1685 and was buried in the Great Church at Amsterdam (Holland).

Warde, John (c.1611-57), of Tanshelf.  Third son of Thomas Warde (d. 1635) and his wife Elizabeth.  A leader of the Parliamentary party in Pontefract and a commander in the siege of Pontefract Castle.  He married Elizabeth (1628-69), daughter of Thomas Vincent of Barnborough Grange and had issue:
(1) Sir John Warde (1650-1725/6), kt. of Clay Hill, Epsom (Surrey); assisted his nephew, Patience Warde (b. 1680) with the purchase of the Hooton Pagnell estate in 1704; MP for Bletchingley, 1705; London, 1708, 1715 and Dunwich, 1722; Lord Mayor of London, 1718-19; a Director of the Bank of England; knighted 1714; married 17 April 1684, Mary (d. 1726), daughter of Sir William Bucknall of Oxhey (Herts) and had issue from whom descend the Warde family of Squerryes Court (Kent); died 10/12 March 1725/6 and was buried at St Mary Abchurch, London; will proved 29 March 1726 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury;
(2) Thomas Warde (c.1652-92) (q.v.);
(3) Elizabeth Warde (fl. 1657-1726), m. before 1696, Sir John Rogerson (d. 1724), kt., of Dublin;
(4) Susanna Warde (fl. 1657-96); probably died unmarried.
He died 15 August 1657; will proved 26 November 1657.

Warde, Thomas (c.1652-92), of Tanshelf.  Elder son of John Warde (d. 1657) of Tanshelf and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Vincent of Barnborough Grange, born about 1652. Educated at Queens College, Oxford (matriculated 1670) and the Middle Temple (called to the bar, 1677).  He married Katherine Seward (fl. 1692) and had issue:
(1) Patience Warde (b. 1680);
(2) Catherine Warde, m. Thomas Selwood of Bilham;
(3) Elizabeth Warde, m. Edmund Winn of Ackton.
He died in 1692 and his will was proved at York, 9 July 1692.

Warde, Patience (b. 1680), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  Only son of Thomas Warde (fl. mid 17th cent.) and his wife Katherine Seward, born 1680.  Educated at Wadham College, Oxford (matriculated 1697) and Middle Temple (called to bar, 1705).  He married Anna (d. 1730), daughter of Tobias Harvey of Womersley, and had issue:
(1) John Warde, died young;
(2) Catherine Warde (1713-61), married, 7 September 1736/8, William Parkyn of Mortomley, Ecclesfield, but died without issue; buried 18 February 1761 at Hooton Pagnell;
(3) Ann Warde (1714-35), died unmarried;
(4) Mary Warde (1716-47), married, 21 December 1742, Walter Stanhope of Horsforth, but died without issue;
(5) Patientius Warde (1717-86) (q.v.);
(6) Elizabeth Warde (1719-76), died unmarried; buried 15 February 1776;
(7) Sarah Warde (1720-21), died in infancy;
(8) Joanna Warde (1721-37), died unmarried;
(9) Tobiah Warde (b. & d. 1723), died in infancy.
He purchased the Hooton Pagnell estate from Col. Byerley in 1704 jointly with his uncle, Sir John Warde, and secured full ownership at or before his uncle's death in 1726.
His date of death is unknown, but he was still living in 1730.

Warde, Patientius (1717-86), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  Elder and only surviving son of Patience Warde (b. 1680) and his wife Anna (d. 1730), daughter of Tobias Harvey of Womersley, baptised 27 February 1717.  He married, 9 May 1744, Frances (d. 1762), daughter of St. Andrew Thornhaugh of Fenton and Osberton (Notts) (a descendant of the St. Andrews of Gotham), and had issue:
(1) St. Andrew Warde (1745-1822) (q.v.);
(2) Frances Warde (1747-84), born 22 August 1747; married 1767, Stanhope Harvey (d. 1797) of Womersley and had issue two sons (who died young) and three daughters; died 14 February 1784;
(3) Anne Warde (1751-81), born 28 July 1751; died unmarried, 20 September and was buried at Hooton Pagnell, 3 October 1781.
He inherited Hooton Pagnell Hall from his father, but handed it over to his son soon after the latter's marriage in 1775; he thereafter lived in Nottingham with his unmarried daughter until her death and subsequently in York with his spinster sisters-in-law, Letitia and Sarah Thornhaugh.
He died in York, 30 July and was buried, 4 August 1786. His wife was buried 24 April 1762.

St Andrew Warde (1745-1822) 
Warde, St. Andrew (1745-1822), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  
Only son of Patientius Warde (1717-86) and his wife Frances, daughter of St. Andrew Thornhaugh of Fenton and Osberton (Notts), born 22 and baptised 27 July 1745.  DL for the West Riding of Yorkshire, but declined to serve as High Sheriff in 1799 on the grounds that he had insufficient funds to support the office, estimating his income as £1600 a year and the cost of the office as £1000; his affairs were said to be embarrassed in 1816-17, when timber was sold from the Hooton Pagnell estate to help meet his debts.  He married, 2 July 1775, (Mary) Anne (c.1755-1819), daughter of Anthony Cooke of Owston and had issue:

(1) Marianne Warde (1777-1844); died unmarried;
(2) St. Andrew Warde (1780-1863) (q.v.);
(3) Charles Warde (1784-93), born 1 November and baptised 22 December 1784; educated at Halifax Grammar School; died there, 30 April 1793, aged 8 and was buried at Hooton Pagnell, 3 May 1793;
(4) Julia Eliza Frances Warde (b. 1797); born 15 May and baptised 20 August 1797; died young.
He inherited Hooton Pagnell Hall from his father in 1786 and remodelled the garden front in 1787.
He died in March 1822 and was buried 22 March 1822, aged about 77.

Warde, St. Andrew (1780-1863), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  Elder son of St. Andrew Warde (1745-1822) and his wife Mary Ann, daughter of Anthony Cooke of Owston, born 19 March and baptised 4 May 1780.  Educated at Halifax Grammar School, Harrow and Jesus College, Cambridge (admitted 1799).  JP and DL for West Riding of Yorkshire.  He married, 8 August 1800, his first cousin, Maria Josepha (b. 1773), third daughter and co-heir of Stanhope Harvey of Womersley, and had issue:
(1) Rev. William Warde (c.1801-1868) (q.v.);
(2) Maria Cassandra Warde (1804-70); baptised in St Mary-at-Walls, Colchester, 1 February 1804; died unmarried at Torquay (Devon), 24 November 1870; will proved 14 January 1871 (estate under £2,000);
(3) St. Andrew Warde (1806-87); born 31 December 1806 and baptised 5 January 1807; served in Royal Navy but was discharged from HMS Leander for theft in June 1820 and then or later emigrated to Australia; married 1st, 1836 at Launceston, Tasmania, Mary Anne Fletcher (1820-54) of Sydney (Australia) and had issue five sons and three daughters; married 2nd, 1867, at Brisbane, Queensland, Hannah Atkinson (d. 1914); died 12 January 1887;
(4) Sarah Warde (c.1816-91); died unmarried at Torquay (Devon), 20 May 1891; will proved 22 June 1891 (estate £3,127).
He inherited Hooton Pagnell Hall from his father in 1822, but made the estate over to his elder son before 1851 and subsequently lived in Doncaster.
He died 6 February 1863 and his will was proved 4 April 1863 (estate under £12,000).

Warde, Rev. William (c.1801-68), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  Son of St. Andrew Warde (fl. 1800) and his wife Maria Josepha, daughter of Stanhope Harvey of Womersley; baptised at Pontefract, 14 January 1802. Educated at Worcester College, Oxford (matriculated 1823; BA 1827; MA 1833); ordained deacon and priest, 1823 in diocese of York. Perpetual Curate of Witton-le-Wear (Durham) in 1841.  He married first, Mrs. Elizabeth Williamson (née Harrison) of Melton near Hull, and second, 1853, Mary Ann Smithson of Heighington (Durham) and had issue:
(2.1) Mary Jane Warde (c.1856-82); died unmarried;
(2.2) Sarah Julia Warde (1857-1931) MBE ARRC L.G.St.J.; amateur artist, who recorded her travels in England, Scotland and on the Continent; married, 30 April 1878, William Wright Aldam (later Warde-Aldam) (q.v.) and had issue two sons and one daughter; died, 18 July 1931.
He inherited Hooton Pagnell Hall from his father.
He died 27 May 1868; his will was proved, 23 July 1868 (estate under £18,000).

Aldam family of Frickley Hall and Warde-Aldam family of Frickley, Hooton Pagnell, Healey Hall and Ederline House

For more information on the earlier generations of the Aldams of Warmsworth see

Aldam (né Pease), William (1779-1855), of Leeds.  Son of Thomas Pease (1743-1811) of Darlington (Durham) and his wife Susannah (1741-1816), daughter of Gervase Benson (1713-58) of Leeds and his wife Barbara (1710-97), daughter of Thomas Aldam (b. 1674) of Warmsworth near Doncaster; born 28 May 1779.  Stuff merchant in Leeds with Aldam, Pease & Co.  In 1807 he assumed the name of Aldam in lieu of Pease in accordance with the will of his great-aunt, Katherine Aldam (1721-1807).  He married, 28 September 1808, Sarah (1787-1824), daughter of Joseph Jowitt of Leeds and had issue:
(1) Thomas Aldam (1810-11), died in infancy;
(2) Thomas Aldam (1812-14), born 29 January 1812; died 30 January 1814, aged 2;
(3) William Aldam (1813-90) (q.v.);
(4) Katharine Aldam Aldam (1815-68), born 12 October 1815; married, 18 October 1843, William Backhouse (1807-69), MP for Leeds 1841-47, son of William Backhouse, and had issue four sons and one daughter; 
(5) Isabella Aldam (1818-46); born 4 September 1818; died unmarried, 13 December 1846, aged 28;
(6) Thomas Aldam (1820-22); born 20 September 1820; died 20 January 1822, aged 1;
(7) Susanna Aldam Aldam (1822-1911), born 14 June 1822; married, 26 October 1852, William Pashley (d. 1884), son of Gamaliel Milner of Burton Grange and had issue one son; died 6 July 1911; will proved 17 August 1911 (estate £19,617).
He inherited through his mother the estate of Warmsworth, which had reputedly been in the possession of the Aldam family since the reign of King Edward II and more certainly since the time of Ralph Aldam (d. 1579).  In 1844 he purchased Frickley Hall as a wedding present for his son.
He died at Warmsworth, 25 February 1855.

Aldam, William (1813-90), of Frickley Hall.  Eldest son of William Aldam (né Pease) (1779-1855) and his wife Sarah, daughter of Joseph Jowitt of Leeds, born 20 August 1813. Born a Quaker but converted to Anglicanism; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (admitted 1832; 4th Wrangler, 1836, but did not take a degree) and Middle Temple (admitted 1834; called to the bar, 1839); barrister at law; MP for Leeds, 1841-47; JP and DL for West Riding of Yorkshire; chairman of West Riding Quarter Sessions, 1877-90; High Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1878; Chairman of the Aire & Calder Navigation Co; a director of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co.  He married, 13 November 1845, Mary Stables (c.1822-67), daughter of Rev. Godfrey Wright of Bilham House near Doncaster, and had issue:
(1) Mary Sarah Aldam (1847-1908), of Uckfield (Sussex); died unmarried, 7 December 1908; will proved 8 February 1909 (estate £16,424);
(2) Isabella Aldam (1848-56), died young;
(3) William Wright Aldam (later Warde-Aldam) (1853-1925) (q.v.)
(4) Godfrey Ormston Aldam (b. & d. 1857), died in infancy;
(5) Katharine Aldam (1859-1938); died unmarried, 11 November 1938; will proved 7 January 1939 (estate £14,024).
He was given Frickley Hall by his father on his marriage in 1845.  He inherited Healey Hall (Northumberland) in 1882 under the will of his kinsman, Robert Ormston, who was a great-grandson of Thomas Aldam (b. 1674).
He died at Healey Hall, 27 July 1890; his will was proved 8 September 1890 (estate £195,870).  For an account of his funeral with useful biographical details, see here. His wife died 4 October 1867.

Warde-Aldam (né Aldam), William Wright (1853-1925), of Frickley Hall, Healey Hall, Hooton Pagnell Hall and Ederline House.  Elder and only surviving son of William Aldam (1813-90) and his wife Mary Stables (d. 1887), daughter of Rev. Godfrey Wright of Bilham House, born 10 December 1853.  Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (BA 1876; MA 1879).  He assumed the additional name of Warde by royal licence in 1878 when he married, 30 April 1878, Sarah Julia (c.1857-1931), daughter and co-heiress of Rev. William Warde (c.1801-68), and had issue:
(1) Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958) (q.v.);
(2) John Ralph Patientius Warde-Aldam (1892-1973) (q.v.);
(3) Marian Juliet Warde-Aldam (d. 1897), born and died, 30 September 1897.
His wife was, from 1882, sole owner of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  He inherited Frickley Hall and Healey Hall from his father in 1890, and purchased Ederline House in 1899.  
He died 23 April 1925; his will was proved 19 August 1925 (estate £48,172).  His widow died 18 July 1931; her will was proved 30 January and 9 November 1932 (estate £139,987).

Warde-Aldam, Col. William St. Andrew (1882-1958), of Hooton Pagnell Hall, Healey Hall and Ederline House.  Elder son of William Wright Warde-Aldam (1853-1925) and his wife Sarah Julia (c.1857-1931), daughter and co-heiress of Rev. William Warde, born 10 May 1882.  Educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (BA 1903).  JP and DL for Northumberland and West Riding of Yorkshire; High Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1940. Served in the Army and Territorial Forces as Lt-Col. commanding 2/20th London Regiment of TF, 1916-19; Lt-Col, 3rd battalion, Coldstream Guards, 1921-25, Hon. Colonel, various units, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1935-58; during WW2 Commander of Doncaster Zone and Sector, 1941-42.  President, Royal English Forestry Society, 1934-36; Yorkshire Agricultural Society, 1937-38.  Appointed an officer of the Légion d'Honneur, 1917.  He married, 29 April 1908, Clara (1875-1952), daughter of George Macavoy of Hauxton (Cambs) and had issue:
(1) Mary Betty Warde-Aldam (later Warde-Norbury) (1909-78) (q.v.)
(2) John Warde-Aldam (1911-57), born 25 May 1911; educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge; served in WW2 with Durham Light Infantry, 1940-45; succeeded to his father's share of Ederline House by deed of gift, 1948; died unmarried, 19 November 1957;
(3) Geoffrey St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1914-43), born 10 October 1914; educated at Eton and University College, Oxford; served in WW2 with Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry; killed in action in Sicily, 13 July 1943; will proved 26 November 1943 (estate £16,893);
(4) David Julian Warde-Aldam (1919-95) (q.v.);
He received Healey Hall as a gift from his father in 1920, and inherited a half share in Ederline House from his father in 1925, and Hooton Pagnell Hall from his mother in 1931.
He died at Hooton Pagnell Hall, 14 September 1958; his will was proved 28 January 1959 (estate £44,206).  His wife died 23 October 1952; her will was proved 13 January 1953 (estate £8,324).

Warde-Aldam, Maj. David Julian (1919-95), of Healey Hall.  Third but only surviving son of Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958) and his wife Clara, daughter of George Macavoy of Hauxton (Cambs), born 10 October 1919.  Educated at Eton and RMC Sandhurst, and Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester; served in Coldstream Guards, 1939-49 (Major, 1947).  High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1964.  He married, 26 November 1955, Elizabeth Virginia (1927-96), elder daughter of Albert James Sutcliffe of Priory Gate, Raby Mere, Bebington (Cheshire) and had issue: 
(1) James Julian Warde-Aldam (b. 1957), now of Healey Hall; educated at University of East Anglia (BA); advertising copywriter; married, 1998, Amynta (b. 1956), daughter of David Wood-Gush and has issue one son and one daughter;
(2) Thomas St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (b. 1959), farmer in Northumberland; married 1989, Harriet Anne Mackenzie (b. 1958) and has issue three daughters;
(3) Katharine Betty Warde-Aldam (b. 1962); married 1993, Alexander C. Beard, son of C.H. Beard of London and had issue one son and one daughter.
He inherited Healey Hall from his father in 1958; at his death it passed to his elder son.
He died in November 1995.  His widow died in 1996.

Warde-Norbury (née Warde-Aldam), Mary Betty (1909-78), of Hooton Pagnell Hall.  Only daughter of Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam (1882-1958) and his wife Clara, daughter of George Macavoy of Hauxton (Cambs), born 27 March 1909.  She married, 7 January 1930, Maj. Harold George Norbury DL JP RA (1899-1974), son of George Norbury of Delaport, Wheathampstead (Herts), who took the additional name Warde by deed poll in 1958, and had issue: 
(1) Josephine Anne Warde-Norbury SRN (b. 1932), married, 14 December 1963, David Philip Jeffcock (1933-2002) of London SW1, son of William Philip Jeffcock of Worlingham Grove, Beccles (Suffolk) and has issue two sons and two daughters;
(2) William George Anthony Warde-Norbury (b. 1936) (q.v.).
She inherited Hooton Pagnell Hall from her father in 1958.
She died in 1978.

Warde-Norbury, (William George) Anthony [Tony] (1936-2014), of Hooton Pagnell Hall. Only son of Maj. Harold George Norbury (later Warde-Norbury) and his wife, Mary Betty, daughter of Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam of Hooton Pagnell Hall, born 13 March 1936.  Educated at Eton and RMC Sandhurst; Captain in Coldstream Guards. He married, 15 April 1961, Philippa Margery (1938-2015), only daughter of Col. Philip Ralph Davies-Cooke CB TD JP of Gwysaney, Mold (Flints) and Owston Hall (Yorks) and had issue:
(1) Mark William Anthony Warde-Norbury (b. 1962) (q.v.); 
(2) Alastair George Warde-Norbury, born 8 April 1966; died 1999, aged 33.
He inherited Hooton Pagnell Hall from his mother in 1958, and subsequently transferred ownership to his elder son.
He died 1 January 2014. His wife died 10 January 2015.

Warde-Norbury, Mark William Anthony (b. 1962) of Hooton Pagnell Hall. Elder son of Tony Warde-Norbury (1936-2014) and his wife Philippa Margery, only daughter of Col. Philip Ralph Davies-Cooke of Gwysaney, Mold (Flints) and Owston Hall (Yorks), born 29 July 1962. Investment banker; Chairman of Marechale Capital plc. He married, 1999, Lucianne Clare (b. 1972), daughter of Edgar Wainwright of Shawford (Hants) and had issue:
(1) Isabel Warde-Norbury (b. 2001);
(2) William Warde-Norbury (b. 2003).
He was given the Hooton Pagnell Hall estate before his father's death but lives mainly in London.
Now living.

Warde-Aldam, Lt-Col. John Ralph Patientius (1892-1973), of Frickley Hall.  Second son of William Wright Warde-Aldam (1853-1925) and his wife Sarah Julia (c.1857-1931), daughter and co-heiress of Rev. William Warde, born 15 August 1892.  Educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford (BA 1914, MA 1919). JP 1930 and DL 1952 for West Riding; High Sheriff of Yorkshire 1936-37; served in Queens Own Yorkshire Dragoons from 1914 (Lt-Col., 1939).  He married, 30 April 1924, Joyce Etheline, younger daughter of Percy Sandford Neville of Skelbrooke Park (Yorks) and widow of Richard Edward Clifton Gordon, and had issue: 
(1) William Warde-Aldam (b. 1925); 
(2) Christopher Ralph Warde-Aldam (1926-95) of The Manor House, Kirtlington (Oxon); born 27 August 1926; educated at Eton and Trinity College, Oxford (BA 1952, MA 1956); served with KRRC 1946-48, Lt Yorkshire Dragoons TA 1953; married, 10 September 1955, Jane Claire, elder daughter of Sir Hubert Ashton KBE, MC, DL, MP of Wealdside, South Weald (Essex) and had issue two sons and one daughter; died May 1995;
(3) Patience Warde-Aldam (b. 1927), born 28 April 1927; married, 24 September 1958, Maj. Ralph Alverne Cyril Cameron MC TD MA of Tasmania and has issue one son; 
(4) Julia Joyce Warde-Aldam (b. 1931), born 29 January 1931; married, 11 August 1956, Michael Mackenzie Smith MA, son of Col. Leonard Kirke Smith CBE DSO of Hooton Pagnell and has issue two sons.
He inherited Frickley Hall and a half-share in the Ederline estate (which he made over to his elder son in 1958) from his father in 1925.
He died in 1973.

Warde-Aldam, Maj. William (1925-2015) of Frickley Hall and Ederline House.  Elder son of John Ralph Patientius Warde-Aldam (1892-1973) and his wife Joyce Etheline, younger daughter of Percy Sandford Neville of Skelbrooke Park (Yorks), born 14 June 1925. Educated at Eton; served in Coldstream Guards, 1943-64; High Sheriff of Hallamshire, 1971; JP 1972.  He married, 23 April 1960, Gillian Margaret (d. 2003), younger daughter of Malcolm Scott of Lyons Hall, Great Leigh (Essex) and had issue: 
(1) Adrian William Warde-Aldam (b. 1961); 
(2) Charles Andrew Warde-Aldam (b. 1962), now of Frickley Hall, married 1997, Jayne M. (née Benson), formerly wife of the Hon. Nicholas Jopling, and has issue two daughters;
(3) Willa Clare Warde-Aldam (b. 1966); married 1992, Angus G.T. Wilson, son of Maj. W. Wilson of Doncaster and has issue two sons.
He inherited a half-share in Ederline House from his uncle, Col. William St. Andrew Warde-Aldam, in 1958 and was given the other half-share by his father the same year.  He inherited Frickley Hall from his father in 1973.  He demolished the existing houses on the Ederline estate and built a new one in 1964.
He died 22 November 2015, aged 90. His wife died 2 August 2003.


Burke's Landed Gentry, successive editions; A.G. Ruston & D. Witney, Hooton Pagnell: the agricultural evolution of a Yorkshire village, 1934; R. Harman & Sir N. Pevsner, The buildings of England: Yorkshire West Riding - Sheffield and the South, 2017, pp. 254, 332; J.B. Stephenson & S. Carmichael, Ford: a village in the West Highlands of Scotland, 1984, pp. 52-56; Sir N. Pevsner, I. Richmond et al., The buildings of England: Northumberland, 2nd edn., 1992, p. 309; Architectural History, 1997, p. 311;; S. Dunster, Women of the Nottinghamshire elite, c.1720-1820, Nottingham Univ. PhD thesis, 2003 (copy at; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography article on Sir Patience Warde   (

Location of archives

Aldam and Warde-Aldam family of Frickley Hall: deeds and estate papers, 13th-20th cents (Sheffield Archives, FrHD/1-451, 444/F1-15); diaries of William Aldam, 1848-90, family and estate papers, business records and papers rel to county and local affairs, 19th-20th cents (Doncaster Archives, DD/WA; DY/DAW/21)
Warde and Warde-Norbury family of Hooton Pagnell: deeds, estate and family papers, incl household accounts and personal corresp and diaries, 1542-1934 (Private Collection: enquiries to Doncaster Archives); estate records, 19th-20th cents (Doncaster Archives, DD/WN).

Description of arms

Aldam of FrickleyPer fesse azure and ermine in the sinister chief and dexter base an eagle displayed or, in the dexter canton issuant towards the sinister base seven rays, the centre one gold the others argent
Warde of Hooton PagnellAzure a cross patonce or.
Warde-Aldam: Quarterly, 1 and 4, party per fesse azure and ermine in the sinister chief and dexter base an eagle displayed or, in the dexter canton issuant towards the sinister base seven rays, the centre one gold the others argent (for Aldam); 2 and 3 azure, a cross flory or (for Warde).

Revision and acknowledgements
This post was first published 13 September 2013, and was revised 17 January and 25 November 2015, 2 October 2017, 10 February 2018, 25 February and 3 December 2021.


  1. Having walked in the Hooton Pagnell/ Frickley area yesterday I was delighted to come across your blog because it answered many of the questions that had arisen in my mind about the local estates, Frickley Colliery and the Warde-Aldam family. I applaud the thoroughness of your research. Keep up the good work. Historically there has been far too much silence and too much secrecy about landed families on these islands.

  2. fabulous blog thank you. St Andrew Warde was the brother of Rev. William Warde (c.1801-68), of Hooton Pagnell Hall and Son of St. Andrew Warde (fl. 1800) and his wife Maria Josepha, daughter of Stanhope Harvey of Womersley; St Andrew Warde was born in 1806 and migrated to Australia. His son Charles Warde, married Elisif Nathalie Christophersen of Norway. Charles was made the Consul General to Sweden and Norway in the Royal Gazette for Brisbane in or around 1870.

  3. Were there any other Norwegian links in the family? and did Charles live in the area or strictly in Australia?

  4. I found a calling card in my great grandfather's personal papers and in buetiful handwritten script is Hootan Pagnell.
    My paternal Ward family has Lucas cousins some of which have introduced themselves to me on Facebook Essex History groups.
    In my father's handwritten research compiled in the 1950's a Patience Warde from Colchester who had ten or so older brothers and his father wanted a girl so he insisted the next born would finally be a girl he would call Patience. This son called Patience was assisted by his uncle John in purchasing an estate. The similarity between the two are intriguing.


Please leave a comment if you have any additional information or corrections to offer, or if you are able to help with additional images of the people or buildings in this post.