Saturday 20 April 2013

(28) Forbes Adam of Escrick Park, baronets

James Graham Adam (1800-60), a cotton printer from Glasgow, bought Denovan House, Dunipace (Stirlingshire) in the 1830s and remodelled it in 1843-45 in an Italianate style with Jacobethan interiors; he had had a printing works nearby since 1830.  In 1858 he became bankrupt and the house and lands were sold.  His son, Sir Frank Forbes Adam (1846-1926), 1st baronet, went to India as a merchant in 1872 and on his return to England in 1890 settled in Manchester, where he became chairman of the Manchester and County Bank and prominent in civic affairs.  He rented a number of small country houses in Cheshire including Mere Old Hall, Knutsford (c.1906-10), Hankelow Court, Audlem (c.1914-19) and Pownall Hall (c.1924).  His eldest son, General Sir Ronald Forbes Adam (1885-1982), 2nd bt., was a career soldier who briefly occupied Hankelow Court after his father vacated it, but otherwise did not have a country house.  However, Sir Frank’s third son, Colin Gurdon Forbes Adam, married Irene Constance Lawley (d. 1976), daughter and heir of the 3rd Baron Wenlock, who had inherited her family’s Escrick Park estate in Yorkshire.

On the death of the General in 1982, the family baronetcy passed first to the only son of the 1st baronet’s second son, Sir Christopher Eric Forbes Adam (1920-2009), but on his death it passed to the eldest son of Colin Forbes Adam and Irene Lawley, the Rev. Sir (Stephen) Timothy Beilby Forbes Adam (1923-2019), who lived on the Escrick estate.  The ownership of the estate passed from Mrs Forbes Adam to her third son, now Sir Nigel Colin Forbes Adam (b. 1930), who handed it over to his eldest son, Charles David Forbes Adam (b. 1957) in 1988.  Escrick Park itself is now Queen Margaret School; Charles Forbes Adam lives at Skipwith Hall nearby.

Denovan House, Dunipace, Stirlingshire

Robert Adam's designs for Denovan House, now in the Soane Museum (Adam drawings 23/45).  Image RCAHMS

A two-storey villa with a complex building sequence.  It has at its core a mid 18th century house (first recorded on a plan of c.1755-68), which was probably rebuilt or remodelled by Robert Adam for John Johnstone, who acquired the estate in 1773.  Adam's designs for the house are in the Soane Museum, but we cannot be completely confident they were executed.  However, Johnstone also employed Robert Adam to design mausolea for both his parents (at Westerkirk, Dumfriesshire), 1790 and himself (at Alva, Clackmannanshire), 1789, so it seems likely that the house was built too.  

Denovan House as remodelled in 1843-45.  © RCAHMS

This house was substantially recast in a loosely Italianate style in 1843-45 for James Graham Adam (1800-60), with an entirely new south front and some new interiors.  The new work is of cream polished ashlar with channelled rustication on the ground floor and a projecting left-hand bay with canted bow window; the west side has a further projecting bay, and the main entrance is in the angle between the two.  The windows are a mix of standard plate glass sashes and tripartite windows.  To the right of the south front is a late 19th century conservatory, built on the site of an earlier wing, and at the rear are large harled additions of 1911.  Inside there are a staircase hall, drawing room, billiard room and dining room with elaborate Jacobethan decoration.

Descent: David Forrester sold 1773 to John Johnstone MP (1734-95); to son, James Johnstone (1768-1830); to son, James Johnstone (b. 1801), who sold in 1839 to William Forbes of Callendar; he sold the house and a small part of the estate c.1843 (and more land in 1849) to James Graham Adam (1800-60); who was sequestrated in 1858 and sold to Messrs Auld & Buchanan, merchants of Glasgow; sold 1893 to William Baird & Co. Ltd., ironmasters of Glasgow.

Mere Old Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire

An earlier house on the site was rebuilt in the 17th century by Peter Brooke, a son of the Brookes of Norton Priory, who had bought the house from the Mere family. The house was extended in stages, until in the early 18th century it had become a large brick house with eleven bays by nine bays.  This house was remodelled in 1809-16 by Lewis Wyatt with a two-storey bow forming an entrance porch, and later extended with polygonal pavilions.  After a fire in the early 19th century the family built Mere New Hall (to the designs of Thomas Johnson of Lichfield) and greatly reduced the size of the Old Hall in 1836.  It is now an L-shaped two- and three-storey building, with a seven-bay east front comprising the centre and left side of the original main front; the domed bow and pavilions have gone.  Inside, the ground floor is largely decorated in an Edwardian ‘Adam style’; the finest survivals are the open-well staircase with a latticed iron balustrade which could be by Wyatt, and a first-floor room with a coved ceiling and excellent mahogany library bookcases which were obviously made for another room.  The grounds may have been laid out by John Webb c.1815.

Descent: Sir Peter Brooke (d. 1685) purchased the estate in 1652; to son, Thomas Brooke (fl. mid 17th cent.); to son, Peter Brooke (1663-95); to son, Peter Brooke (1695-1764); to son, Peter Brooke (1722-83); to Thomas Langford Brooke (1769-1815); to son, Peter Langford Brooke (1793-1840); to brother, Thomas Langford Brooke (1794-1848); to nephew, Thomas Clough (1820-65), who took the name of Langford-Brooke; to son, Thomas William Langford Brooke (1843-72); to mother, Catherine Mary Langford-Brooke, for life and then to cousin Maj. Henry Lewis Brooke White (from 1874 Langford-Brooke) (1843-1907); to brother, William Prinsep White (from 1908 Langford-Brooke) (1857-1927); to son, Colonel Ronald Langford-Brooke (d. 1980); to widow (d. 1993); sold May 1994 after her death.

Hankelow Court, Cheshire

Hankelow Court before the alterations of c.1958.
A big brick and semi-timbered house, built as Hankelow Villa for Hilton Greaves of Oldham, cotton spinner, in 1875.  Could it have been designed by John Douglas of Chester as it is much in his style and he worked for another member of the Greaves family at The Wern, Tremadoc in 1892? It was enlarged in 1901 for W.L. Chew, who renamed the house as Hankelow Court, and altered again c.1958.

Descent: Hilton Greaves (1822-95); to son, James Greaves (fl. 1896); sold 1900 to William Laurence Chew JP (fl. 1902-10); sold to Sir Frank Forbes Adam, 1st bt. (1846-1926), c.1914-19; sold to William Myrtle Killick (1884-1929); to widow, Gladys Harriet Killick (d. 1961) who left it unoccupied; used by US Army during WW2; sold 1951 to John Wilfrid Cliff, who sold 1953...John Goodwin (1927-92); to John & Elizabeth Goodwin (fl. 2012).

Pownall Hall, Cheshire

Pownall Hall, Cheshire

In origin a five-bay Georgian house, although the skewed orientation of the left wing suggests that it incorporates earlier work.  This was remodelled first by James Pownall c.1830, which accounts for the yellow brick on the sides and back and the mildly Gothick stone front, and then more importantly between 1885 and 1891 for Henry Boddington, the Manchester brewer.  He employed William Ball (of Ball & Elce), the stained glass firm of Shrigley & Hunt, and Arthur Mackmurdo and the Century Guild to transform his new home and create a sumptuous interior; Pownall is the major work of the Guild.  A beam in the heavily timbered hall tells us that John Millson of Manchester did all the carving, including the fireplace with the Norse days of the week.  The stained glass is excellent, especially the signs of the zodiac in the front windows (1886), and the Four Winds on the staircase (1887).  Other good rooms include the dining room (now headmaster’s study), with a Mackmurdo fireplace, the drawing room, the morning room (more excellent glass) and the library – the last a complex room, partly divided by an openwork partition, with an inglenook fireplace and a big square bay and much built-in furniture.  On the first floor is the day nursery, with an open timber roof and delightful glass depicting nursery rhymes.  The picture gallery (now theatre) behind the house has been altered and denuded, but retains some original woodwork; the chapel has been demolished.  Boddington had advanced aesthetic tastes (his picture collection included 33 works by Ford Madox Brown) and some of the furniture from the house is now in the V&A and Manchester City Art Gallery.  The house has been a school since about 1935.

Descent: sold 1830 to James Pownall (b. 1791; fl. 1850); sold to Hugh Shaw (fl. 1861); sold 1869 to Thomas Hobson (1815-86); sold to Henry Boddington (1849-1925); to son, Henry Boddington (b. 1881), who sold c.1935 to Wilmslow Grammar School (thereafter Pownall Hall School).

Escrick Park, Yorkshire (ER)

A manor-house at Escrick existed in 1323, and in 1557 was called Escrick Hall.  By the 1670s it was a substantial house with seventeen hearths, but it was rebuilt by Henry Thompson (d. 1700) in about 1680-90.  An early drawing shows a two storey seven-by-three bay house, presumably of brick, with basement and attics, and four dormer windows on the south front. The building was later re-fronted and raised to three storeys, perhaps in 1758, the date on the rainwater heads. 

Escrick Park in 2008. © Nicholas Kingsley.  All rights reserved.

In 1763 John Carr of York designed the long range on the north front with four bays projecting to either side of the original house; this has two large canted bays, a standard Carr feature.  The quadrangular stable block was built by Carr c.1775, although the designs may have been agreed in 1763. Repairs and alterations were carried out c.1835 by Edward Blore, but the plans he drew up for a new south front in the Tudor style c.1839 were not implemented.  However a north-west wing was added in 1846-8, and a north-east wing, linking the house to the stables, by 1850.  In 1851 the east side was extended to provide an enlarged dining room, an entrance hall and an Ionic portico, and the single-storey bay including the loggia was added to the west side.  The exterior is now cement-rendered with stone dressings.  

Escrick Park: staircase.  © Nicholas Kingsley.
All rights reserved

Escrick Park: staircase ceiling. © Nicholas Kingsley. All rights reserved
The interior is more rewarding, with several features of the Carr period, including the main staircase in the centre of the house; this dates from the 1760s and has rod-on-carved-vase balusters; above is a rich Rococo stucco ceiling with a geometrical framework and corner medallions representing Greek philosophers.  In the former drawing room at the south-east corner is an equally rich neo-classical ceiling of the 1770s, which based on a pattern by George Richardson and must again be by Carr, who was working for Thompson again in the 1770s.  

There are several good chimneypieces in Carr style – earlier ones on the first floor (1760s) and later ones on the ground floor (late 1770s).  The library on the west side was probably refitted by Blore in the 1830s.  The main late 19th century contribution was the so-called Winter Garden, a conservatory constructed behind a screen of giant columns on the first landing of the main stair, which has a large Venetian window filled with stained glass.  The Hall was converted into flats in 1935, but has been let to Queen Margaret's School since 1949.  Conversion for school use has resulted in some new building, notably a new laboratory block on the north-west, but much of the dormitory and classroom accommodation has been contrived within the old stables and secondary rooms, leaving the principal rooms intact.  The grounds were landscaped in the 18th and early 19th centuries.  John Carr had laid out a way to the menagerie a mile to the south of the house in the 1760s.  Following enclosure in 1781 the church, rectory and 26 houses were demolished, three roads moved, and a small park created.  This was enlarged in 1825 when the roads were moved again, and it was seemingly at this date that the Temple north of Menagerie Farm was erected.  

Escrick Park: former drawing room. © Nicholas Kingsley. 
All rights reserved

Descent: Christopher Pickering (d. early 16th cent.); to daughter Anne, wife of Sir Henry Knyvett...Sir Thomas Knyvett (d. 1622), 1st Baron Knyvett of Escrick; to brother, Sir Henry Knyvett; to daughter, Catherine, wife of Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk; to son, Edward Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Escrick, who sold 1668 to Sir Henry Thompson (1625-83); to son, Henry Thompson (1659-1700); to son, Beilby Thompson (c.1686-1750); to son Beilby Thompson (1742-99); to brother, Richard Thompson (d. 1820); to nephew, Paul Beilby Lawley, 1st Baron Wenlock (1784-1852); to son, Beilby Richard Lawley (1818-1880); to son, Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock (1849-1912); to daughter, Irene Constance Lawley (d. 1976), wife of Charles Gurdon Forbes Adam (1889-1982); to third son, Sir Nigel Colin Forbes Adam (b. 1930), 5th bt.; given 1988 to eldest son, Charles David Forbes Adam (b. 1957).

Skipwith Hall, Yorkshire (ER)

Skipwith Hall. ©  Stephen Richards and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

A seven bay, three-storey house of c.1725, built of brown brick with red brick and stone dressings and a hipped slate roof.  The plain front is articulated by platbands separating the floors and by the vertical connection of the central doorcase with the window above.  To this house, two storey three bay wings were added in 1904 and 1930 by Owen Little, which match the main block perfectly.  At the rear is a doorway with a broken segmental pediment added by Little in 1930.  The interior has 18th century pilastered panelling and a handsome staircase hall containing an open-well staircase, with a handrail with two carved balusters to each tread.  The service wing at the rear has a late closed-string staircase and may be a smaller house built on the site in the late 17th century for Richard Herbert.  The house was restored and internally remodelled c.2000.

Descent: Richard Herbert (d. c.1700); to widow Elizabeth, later wife of George Toulson (fl. 1706)... George Toulson (d. 1766); to daughter, Jane (d. 1819), wife of Banastre Walton (d. 1781) and later Robert Hudson (d. 1808); to cousin, John Parker (later Toulson) (d. 1824); to son, John Arthur Parker Toulson (1806-89); to son, J.G. Toulson (fl. 1928) ?let to Mary M. Parker (fl. 1892) and sold 1898 to Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock (1849-1912); to daughter, Irene Constance Lawley (d. 1976), wife of Charles Gurdon Forbes Adam (1889-1982); to third son, Sir Nigel Colin Forbes Adam (b. 1930), 5th bt.; given 1988 to eldest son, Charles David Forbes Adam (b. 1957)

Adam (later Forbes Adam) family of Denovan House, Hankelow Court and later of Escrick Park

Adam, James Graham (1800-60) of Denovan House.  Son of Francis Adam (d. 1844) of Glasgow; born 30 July 1800.  Cotton printer with works at Dunipace (Stirlingshire); bankrupted in 1858.  He married 4 December 1835 Jane Brown (d. 1891), daughter of Charles McIndoe of Carbeth, Strathblane (Stirlingshire) and had issue (possibly among others):
(1) Sir Frank Forbes Adam (1846-1926), 1st bt. (q.v.).
He died 24 February 1860.

Adam, Sir Frank Forbes (1846-1926), 1st baronet, of Hankelow Court.  Son of James Graham Adam (1800-60) and his wife Jane Brown, daughter of Charles McIndoe of Carbeth (Stirlingshire); born 17 June 1846.  Educated at Loretto School.  Went to India as a merchant in 1872; President of Bombay Chamber of Commerce 1884–89, Trustee Port of Bombay 1884–90, Member of the Legislative Council of Bombay 1884–90, Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire, 1888; returned and settled in Manchester, 1890; knighted (KB) 1890; Chairman of Council, Manchester Univ 1904 (Hon LLD 1908); President of the Bank of Bombay, President of Manchester Chamber of Commerce 1894–99 and 1903–05, Chairman of Manchester and County Bank, 1914; created a baronet, 15 February 1917.  He married 31 August 1883, Rose Frances (d. 1944), daughter of Charles Gurdon Kemball, judge of High Court in Bombay and had issue:
(1) General Sir Ronald Forbes Adam (1885-1982) (q.v.); 
(2) Eric Graham Forbes Adam (1888-1925) (q.v.); 
(3) Colin Gurdon Forbes Adam (1889-1972) (q.v.); 
(4) Hetty Reay Clifford Forbes Adam MBE (1896-1977), dsp.
He rented various country houses in Cheshire, including Mere Old Hall, Rostherne, Hankelow Hall and latterly Pownall Hall.
He died 21 December 1926, aged 80.  Will proved 10 March 1927 (estate £20,365)

Adam, Sir Ronald Forbes (1885-1982), 2nd baronet, of Hankelow Court.  Eldest son of Sir Frank Forbes Adam (1846-1926), 1st bt., and his wife Rose Frances, daughter of Charles Gurdon Kemball; born 30 October 1885.  Educated at Eton and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.  He entered the army in 1905 (served WW1 France and Italy (Despatches) and DSO, 1918; OBE 1919; GSO (1), Staff College 1932–35 and War Office, 1935; T/Brig and Deputy Director of Military Operations 1936, Commander 1st Division, Royal Artillery, 1936–37, T/Maj-Gen and Commandant of Staff College Camberley, 1937, Maj-Gen 1937; Deputy Chief Imperial General Staff from 1938 with local rank of Lt-Gen; Gen 1942; served WW II 1939–41 (despatches); CB (1939); KCB (1941); GCB (1946); , commanded 3rd Corps France, 1939–40; Commander in Chief, Northern Command, 1940, Adjutant-General of the Forces, 1941; Colonel-Commandant Royal Artillery and Army Education Corps 1940; ret 1946); Chairman British Council 1946–54, President, MCC 1946–47; President, British Institute of Adult Education 1948–64, Chairman, National Institute of  Industrial Psychology 1947–52, Chairman of Executive Board, UNESCO 1952–54; Chairman of University of London, Institute of Education 1946–67; Chairman of Executive Committee UN Assocation 1956–61; President of UN Association, 1961.  He married 7 Jan 1915, Anna Dorothy (d. 1972), daughter of Frederic Islay Pitman of Searlets, Twyford (Berks) and had issue:
(1) Barbara Adam (1917-2002), m. 1953 Sir Philip Dennis Proctor, KCB (d. 1983), son of Sir Philip Bridger Proctor, KBE, of Thursley House, Mayfield, Sussex, having adopted two sons and one daughter; 
(2) Margot Forbes Adam (1918-37), d. unmarried; 
(3) twin, Col. Bridget Islay Forbes Adam MBE (1927-2013), Col. WRAC, d. unmarried; 
(4) twin, Isobel Forbes Adam (b. 1927)
He lived at Hankelow Court in his father's lifetime but later in London.
He died 26 December 1982, aged 97.

Adam, Eric Graham Forbes (1888-1925).  Second son of Sir Frank Forbes Adam (1846-1926), 1st bt., and his wife Rose Frances, daughter of Charles Gurdon Kemball; born 3 October 1888.  Educated at Eton and Kings College, Cambridge (BA); First Secretary in the Foreign Office.  He married 23 November 1918 Agatha Perrin (d. 1956), eldest daught of Reginald Waltar Macan DLitt, Master of University College, Oxford, and widow of Sidney Spooner, and had issue:
(1) Sir Christopher Eric Forbes Adam (1920-2009) (q.v.)
He died in Constantinople, Turkey, 7 July 1925, aged 36.  Grant of administration of effects, 15 September 1925 (effects £1,243).

Adam, Sir Christopher Eric Forbes (1920-2009), 3rd baronet.  Only son of Eric Graham Forbes Adam (1888-1925) and his wife Agatha Perrin, daughter of Reginald Walter Macan of University College, Oxford; born 12 February 1920.  Educated at Abinger Hill School, Surrey and privately; journalist on Yorkshire Post.  He succeeded his uncle as 3rd bt., 1982.  He married, 17 September 1957, Patricia Anne, younger daughter of John Neville Wreford Brown of Maltings, Abberton (Essex) and adopted a daughter:
(A1) Sarah Anne (b. 1960), m. Andrew J. Allen (formerly Eden), son of Prof. Alec Eden and had issue 1 son and 1 daughter.
He lived in London.
He died 17 January 2009, aged 88.

Adam, Colin Gurdon Forbes (1889-1982), of Escrick Park.  Third son of Sir Frank Forbes Adam (1846-1926), 1st bt., and his wife Rose Frances, daughter of Charles Gurdon Kemball; born 18 December 1889.  Educated at Eton and Kings College, Cambridge.  Entered Indian Civil Service, 1912 (Assistant Collector and Magistrate, 1913-18; served in WW1 as Temp. Lieutenant with Indian Expeditionary Force to Mesopotamia and Palestine; Under-Secretary to Governor of Bombay, 1919; Private Secretary to Governor of Bombay, 1920-24; Companion of the Order of the Star of India, 1924; JP for East Riding of Yorkshire, 1936; DL for Hull, 1958-66; Chairman of Yorkshire Post Newspapers Ltd; published Life of Lord Lloyd, 1948.  He married 3 December 1920, The Hon. Irene Lawley (1889-1976), daughter of Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock of Escrick Park (Yorks) and had issue:
(1) Rev. Sir (Stephen) Timothy Beilby Forbes Adam (b. 1923), 4th bt. (q.v.); 
(2) Desmond Francis Adam (1926-58), m. 1949, Vivien Elizabeth (1921-2002), daughter of Sir Oswald Mosley, 6th bt. and had issue 1 son and 2 daughters; died in a motor accident, January 1958;
(3) Sir Nigel Colin Forbes Adam (1930-2022) (q.v.); 
(4) Virginia Mary Adam (1922-2012), m. 1948 Capt Hugo Francis Guy Charteris (1922-70) and had issue 2 sons and 3 daughters
His wife inherited the Escrick Park estate from her father in 1912.  It was converted into flats in 1935 and used as a school from 1949.  On his wife's death the estate passed to their third son.
He died 12 November 1982, aged 92.

Forbes Adam, Rev. Sir (Stephen) Timothy Beilby (1923-2019), 4th bt.  Eldest son of Colin Gurdon Forbes Adam (1889-1982) and his wife, the Hon. Irene, daughter of 3rd Baron Wenlock, of Escrick Park, born in Bombay (India), 19 November 1923.  Educated at Eton, Balliol College, Oxford, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and Chichester Theological College.  Served in WW2 as Capt, Rifle Brigade, 1942-47.  Ordained 1962; rector of Barton-in-Fabis with Thrumpton (Notts), 1964-70; priest-in-charge, Southstoke, 1974-84.  He married 28 September 1954, the actress Penelope (sep. and later div.), daughter of George Campbell Munday MC of Leverington Hall (Cambs) and was later the partner of Mary Rose Blacker (nĂ©e O'Neill) (d. 2016). He and his wife had issue:
(1) Anna Victoria Forbes Adam (b. 1955);
(2) Catherine Mary Forbes Adam (1956-2018), m. 1991 StoneKristan, son of Stanley Stone; died 2018;
(3) (Teresa) Lucy Forbes Adam (b. 1960);
(4) Sonia Clare Forbes Adam (b. 1966); married the actor, James Nesbitt.
He lived on the Escrick estate.
He died 22 March 2019, aged 95. His wife died in 2016.

Forbes Adam, Sir Nigel Colin (1930-2022), 5th bt.  Third son of Colin Gurdon Forbes Adam (1889-1982) and his wife, the Hon. Irene, daughter of 3rd Baron Wenlock, of Escrick Park, born 7 December 1930.  Educated at Eton and Kings College, Cambridge.  Captain in Yorkshire Hussars.  High Sheriff of North Yorkshire, 1976.  Heir apparent to his brother's baronetcy.  He married 1st, 7 May 1954, Teresa Hermione Idena (known as Toppet) (d. 2005), daughter of Commander David Lambert Robertson RN and 2nd, 1987, (Mildred) Malise Hare, daughter of Col. George Armitage and formerly wife of David Ropner, and had issue:
(1.1) Sir Charles David Forbes Adam (b. 1957), 6th bt. (q.v.); 
(1.2) Titus Desmond Forbes Adam (b. 1960);
(1.3) Julian Nigel Peregrine Forbes Adam (b. 1961), m. 1986 Christina Maria (d. 1999), daughter of Colin Woodiwiss and had issue one son;
(1.4) Harry Crispin Forbes Adam (b. 1962).
He inherited the Escrick Park estate from his mother in 1976, but gave it to his eldest son in 1988.  He lives at Brook House, Byland Abbey, North Yorkshire.
He died 8 January 2022. His first wife died in 2005. His widow is now living.

Forbes Adam, Sir Charles David (b. 1957), 6th bt. Eldest son of Sir Nigel Colin Forbes Adam (1930-2022), 5th bt., and his first wife, Teresa Hermione Idena (d. 2005), daughter of Commander David Lamberton Robertson RN, born 8 October 1957. Farmer and landowner. He married, 1982, Rosalind Cecilia (b. 1958), daughter of Geoffrey Francis Colvile and had issue:
(1) Crispin Beilby Forbes Adam (b. 1987), born 20 April 1987; 
(2) Hal Francis Forbes Adam (b. 1989), born 5 December 1989;
(3) Charlotte India Forbes Adam (b. 1992), born 21 October 1992.
He was given the Escrick Park estate by his father in 1988.
Now living.


London Gazette, 12 October 1858, p. 4457; J.C. Gibson, Lands and lairds of Larbert and Dunipace parishes, 1908, pp. 160-66; VCH Yorkshire East Riding, vol. 3, 1976, pp. 89-101; P. de Figueiredo & J. Treuherz, Cheshire Country Houses, 1987, p. 255; J.M. Robinson, A guide to the country houses of the North-West, 1991, pp. 40, 52, 59; T. Mowl & M. Mako, The historic gardens of England: Cheshire, 2008, p. 105; Hartwell, Hyde, Hubbard & Pevsner, The buildings of England: Cheshire, 2nd edn., 2011, pp. 388, 479.

Location of archives

Forbes Adam baronets, of Escrick Park, and predecessors: deeds, manorial and estate records relating to property in Yorkshire (Riccall etc.), chiefly relating to predecessor Lawley family, 12th-20th cents. [York University, Borthwick Institute for Archives, Wenlock deeds]; deeds, estate records relating to property in Yorkshire (Escrick, Riccall etc.) and family papers, 16th cent-1999 [Hull History Centre, DDFA]

Coat of arms

Argent a mullet azure pierced of the field between three cross crosslets fitchée gules with a bordure of the last

Revision & Acknowledgements

This account was first published on 20 April 2013 and was revised 2 May 2015, 31 March and 12 June 2019, 6 February 2022 and 15 September 2024. I am grateful for Pamela Gadston for additional information.

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