
Tuesday 4 February 2014

(107) Allgood of Nunwick Hall and The Hermitage

Allgood of Nunwick
The fortunes of the Allgood family were founded on their role as merchants and lawyers in Newcastle and Hexham in the 17th century, and on the decline of the Herons of Chipchase Castle, who were obliged to mortgage and then sell their estate between 1696 and 1727. Robert Allgood (b. 1653) bought the outlying portions of the estate in 1696 and his brother George Allgood (1659-1727) acquired Chipchase Castle in 1725-27, having already bought the nearby Seghill estate some years earlier. Since George had no surviving children, their original plan was probably for them to reunite the estate by bequeathing their respective shares to Robert's daughter by a late second marriage, Jane Allgood (1721-78), who would then have been a considerable heiress. Unfortunately, the brothers fell out over unpaid loans and other slights, and George (who died first) left a will in which he cut Robert off with the proverbial shilling, vested Chipchase in trustees for sale, and bequeathed his Seghill estate to his nephew, George Smith (d. 1749), on condition that he took the name Allgood.

Jane Allgood (1721-78) inherited her father's share of the estate and in fact in 1749 the operation of the remainders under George's will brought her the Seghill property also. All this property she carried in marriage to her third cousin once removed, Lancelot Allgood (1711-82). Sir Lancelot, as he became in 1760, was by far the most successful member of the family, and established the Allgoods as one of the leading gentry families in the county. His father, who died in 1725, seems to have lived a life of some dissipation with a wife and son in Northumberland and a mistress and family in London. (The only survivor of his illegitimate children was in fact the cookery writer, Hannah Glasse, whose The Art of Cookery was the most successful cookery book of the 18th century). Lancelot was orphaned at 14 and it is not clear which of his relations paid for his education, and paid handsomely as his schooling and education at Oxford and Grays Inn was topped off by a three year Grand Tour through France and Italy. Following his return and marriage to Jane he built a new and fashionable house at Nunwick, almost certainly to the designs of Daniel Garrett, in 1746-50. He was the first of his family to serve as High Sheriff of the county, and his year of office coincided with the Jacobite rebellion of 1745-46. Although he had numbered well-known Jacobites among his Grand Tour companions, he demonstrated loyalty to the Hanoverian dynasty so clearly that, two years later, when he stood for Parliament as a Tory, his Whig opponents were unable to portray him as a closet Jacobite, and he was elected for the county. In Parliament, he was an effective promoter of turnpiking and road-building schemes which benefited the county but also made his own estate much more accessible and valuable, and he improved the roads on the estate and laid out a park around the new house in the 1760s.

Nunwick descended from Sir Lancelot to his son James Allgood (1749-1807) and grandson Robert Lancelot Allgood (1794-1854). They both contracted marriages with the Reed family who had acquired Chipchase Castle from George Allgood, perhaps in the hope that the long-sought reunion of the estates would follow, but it never did. Robert's second wife instead brought him The Hermitage at St John Lee, near Hexham, which became the family's secondary seat until 1922, when it was leased to the Morant family, who remained there until 2013.  Nunwick itself descended in the male line to Lancelot Guy Allgood (1944-99) and is currently occupied by his widow.

Nunwick Hall, Northumberland

Nunwick Hall; south front, c.1936. Image: Northumberland Archives

A very fine stone-built L-plan house of two-and-a-half storeys, with five bay fronts to the south and east, built for Sir Lancelot Allgood MP in 1746-50. The house was almost certainly designed by Daniel Garrett (a protégé of Lord Burlington with an extensive practice in the north of England, to whom there are payments in the accounts), and is perhaps his finest design, with the severely plain Palladian exteriors concealing rich Rococo interiors. 

The servants' quarters and offices are set around a small court to the north and north-west of the house. The south front of the court has a low central section between two-storey end pavilions, and a central cupola and clock dated 1764. The east front of the service court is similar, except that here the centre range was raised an extra storey in the mid 19th century. The end pavilions have Venetian windows and the centre a tripartite doorway.

Nunwick Hall from the south, showing the facade of the service court, 1956. Image: Northumberland County Council.

The four-column Roman Doric porch on the south front of the house is an addition of c.1829 by Ignatius Bonomi, who may also have been responsible for the broad swept architrave of the centre first-floor window, with ball finials at its feet, which would have made no sense before the addition of the porch.  On the east front Bonomi was presumably responsible for lowering the sills of the ground-floor windows when he added the two-storey canted dining room at the north end.

Nunwick Hall: east front in 2007. Image: Neil H, via Panoramio

The interior is unusually well preserved, with very fine original fireplaces and Rococo ceilings; the plasterer here was Philip Daniel.  The staircase opens off the entrance hall behind a Doric screen and is lit by a large Venetian window, which may be a later 18th century insertion.

In addition to building the house, Sir Lancelot Allgood laid out the estate. In 1769 it was said that "Sir Lancelot has given a new face, as it were, to the country about Nunwick, within the space of a very few years, by making plantations, enclosures and good roads", and nearer the house he laid out gardens: "a grove to the west, a grass-lawn to the south, and a terraced gravel-walk to the east, which commands a view to Chipchase at one end, and a variety of prospects on the other." A ha-ha was constructed to separate the lawns from the park and a drive was laid out to the south of the house, leading over Proctor's Burn. 

Watercolour by W. Beilby of the 'dog kennel' at Nunwick Hall, 1768

An old watermill in the grounds was given a Gothick makeover by1768 with Y-tracery in lancet windows as an eyecatcher from the house, and became the estate kennels. Simonburn Castle, a small medieval castle in the neighbouring village, was also rebuilt in 1766 as a Gothick eyecatcher, but the 18th century part collapsed in the 1940s.

Simonburn Castle as a Gothick eyecatcher for Nunwick Hall, c.1900. Image: Northumberland Archives

The Hermitage, St. John Lee, Northumberland

The Hermitage in 2013

The house stands on the reputed site of the 7th century hermitage of St. John of Beverley, and a building called the 'Armytage' is recorded in 1496.  The present house seems to date from two phases of work in the mid 18th century and was further altered about 1890. The seven bay two-storey south front has a projecting centre with a Diocletian window within an open pediment and a balustraded parapet to either side. The first floor windows all have rather heavy bracketed hoods, which may be a 19th century alteration. To the right is a late 19th century addition with a canted bay window facing east, and the entrance block on the west is also late 19th century.  Inside the house has some early and mid 18th century fireplaces and a good mid 18th century staircase.  The drawing room, within the canted bay, has a late 19th century coffered ceiling which is reminiscent of the woodwork in the church. It is therefore possible that the late 19th century alterations are the work of W.S. Hicks, who remodelled the church in 1886. The stable block, to the west of the house dates from c.1760 and has a central arched gateway and pyramid-roofed end pavilions.

The house was leased from 1922 until recently to Brig-Gen. Hubert Horatio Morant and his children, and on the death of the last of his daughters in 2013 was a remarkable time-capsule, but the contents have been dispersed by auction and the house itself is now for sale. Fortunately the appearance of the interiors was captured in a photo-shoot for the Daily Mail.

Descent: John Hunter (d. 1821); to daughter, Elizabeth Hunter (1792-1864), wife of Richard Lancelot Allgood (1794-1854); to younger son, Rev. William Isaac Allgood (1836-68); to sister, Ann Jane Allgood (1829-1922); leased 1922 to Brigadier General Hubert Horatio Morant; to son Maj. John Locke Straker Morant (d. 1971); to sisters, Alice Bettine Morant (d. 2008) and Doreen Shirley Morant (d. 2013); for sale in 2014.

Allgood family of Nunwick Hall

Allgood, Robert, of Bradley, Wolsingham (Durham). He married a daughter of Rev. Mr. Pye of Morpeth (Northbld) and had issue:
(1) Lancelot Allgood (d. 1652) (q.v.);
(2) George Allgood (d. 1669) (q.v.);
(3) Richard Allgood;
(4) Jane Allgood; married [forename unknown] Briggs;
(5) Margaret Allgood; married [forename unknown] Dodd.
His date of death is unknown.

Allgood, George (d. 1669). Second son of Robert Allgood of Bradley and his wife, a daughter of Rev. Pye of Morpeth. Barrister-at-law. He married Isabel Robins (d. 1695) of Hexham (Northbld) and had issue:
(1) Alice Allgood (b. 1649); baptised 24 November 1669; married 29 May 1669, Sampson Hudspeth of Corbridge (Northbld) and had issue two sons and two daughters;
(2) Lancelot Allgood (1651-55), baptised 12 March 1651; died young and was buried at Hexham, 9 December 1655;
(3) Robert Allgood (b. 1653) (q.v.);
(4) Margaret Allgood; married [forename unknown] Smith of Seghill and had issue a son, George (d. 1749);
(5) Lancelot Allgood (b. 1657), baptised 26 August 1657; perhaps died 1707;
(6) George Allgood (1659-1727) (q.v.);
(7) Thomas Allgood (1662-1735), baptised 29 January 1661/2; educated at Inner Temple (admitted 1687; called to bar, 1692); barrister-at-law; buried at Hexham, 30 January 1735;
(8) John Allgood (b. 1664), baptised 4 February 1664.
He lived at Hexham.
He died and was buried at Hexham, 21 April 1669; his will was proved at York, 20 January 1669/70.

Allgood, Robert (b. 1653), of Nunwick Hall. Eldest surviving son of George Allgood (d. 1669) and his wife Isabel Robins of Hexham, baptised 3 May 1653. Educated at Inner Temple (admitted 1682; called to bar 1688); barrister-at-law in Newcastle-on-Tyne. He probably married (it is not quite clear that both these marriages relate to the same Robert Allgood) 1st, 28 February 1692, Susannah Heseltine, and 2nd, 1719, Jane Manner, and had issue:
(2.1) Jane Allgood (1721-78), born 13 December 1721; married, 22 February 1738, Sir Lancelot Allgood (1711-82) (q.v.) and had issue three sons and five daughters; died 25 and was buried 31 March 1778.
He purchased the outlying portions of the Chipchase Castle estate from the Heron family in 1696. At his death they passed to his daughter and her husband.
His date of death is unknown, but was after 1727.

Allgood, George (1659-1727), of Chipchase Castle. Third surviving son of George Allgood (d. 1669) and his wife Isabel Robins of Hexham, baptised 19 October 1659. Educated at Inner Temple (admitted 1687). Probably a merchant at Newcastle. He married about September 1696 Elizabeth Quintry of London, and had issue a daughter, who died young.
He purchased the Seghill estate from Robert Mitford in 1723 and Chipchase Castle from Sir Harry Heron in 1725-27. At his death Chipchase was sold in 1734 to John Reed and Seghill passed to his nephew, George Smith (later Allgood) (d. 1749) and then to his brother Robert's daughter, Jane (1721-78), wife of Sir Lancelot Allgood.
He died in 1727 or 1728; his will was proved 12 March 1727/8.

Allgood, Lancelot (d. 1652). Eldest son of Robert Allgood of Bradley and his wife, a daughter of Rev. Pye of Morpeth. Bailiff of Hexham, 1646-52. He married Alice (d. 1691), daughter of Thomas Lewen of Amble (Northbld) and had issue:
(1) Rev. Major Allgood (c.1637-96) (q.v.);

(2) Thomas Allgood (d. 1713) of Hexham, gent.; bailiff of Hexham, 1690-1713; married, 16 May 1667, Isabel, daughter of George Crow of Hexham and had issue six sons and three daughters; will proved at York, 17 June 1713;
(3) Lancelot Allgood (1644-1703) of Brandon, baptised 12 June 1644; married, 1668, Margaret (1651-1707), daughter and co-heir of Robert Lewen of Newcastle-on-Tyne, merchant adventurer, but died without issue, 8 October 1703, when his property at Brandon passed to his nephew, Isaac Allgood (1683-1725);
(4) Richard Allgood (1645-52), baptised 12 August 1645; died young and was buried at Hexham, 27 August 1652;
(5) William Allgood (b. 1647) of Wisbech (Cambs), baptised 5 January 1646/7; married and had issue;
(6) Catherine Allgood (b. 1649), baptised 19 January 1648/9; died in infancy;
(7) Dorothy Allgood (b. & d. 1650), baptised 9 March 1649/50; buried at Hexham, 26 November 1650;
(8) George Allgood (1651-54), baptised 12 October 1651; died young and was buried at Hexham, 31 May 1654;
(9) Rev. Bartholomew Allgood (1652/3-1716), baptised 7 March 1652/3; educated at Hexham and Christ's College, Cambridge (admitted 1673; BA 1676/7); ordained deacon, 1676 and priest, 1677; vicar of Wiggenhall St Germans, 1677-78; rector of Ashwicken 1680-1716; married 25 April 1677, Elizabeth Hunston and had issue; died about May 1716.
He lived at Hexham (Northbld.)
He died and was buried at Hexham, 26 August 1652. His widow was buried in the same place, 27 November 1691.

Allgood, Rev. Major (c.1637-96). Son of Lancelot Allgood (d. 1652) of Bradley (Durham) and Hexham (Northbld), bailiff of Hexham, and his wife Alice, daughter of Thomas Lewen of Amble (Northbld), born about 1637. Educated at Hexham and Christ's College, Cambridge (BA 1662/3; MA 1667)  Rector of Simonsburn (Northbld), 1666-96. Married 1st, 6 June 1666, Ann (fl. 1669), widow of Capt. Downs, and 2nd, 4 March 1678/9, Mary (d. 1712/3), daughter of Rev. John Pye of Morpeth and had issue:
(1.1) Catherine Allgood; married Wilfrid Dykes of Hexham (Northbld), excise officer;
(1.2) Frances Allgood (d. 1732/3); married c.1706, Ralph Brandling esq. (d. 1717) of Hoppen (Northbld); buried at Alnwick, 15 February 1732/3;
(2.1) Isaac Allgood (1683-1725) (q.v.);
(2.2) Major Allgood (1685-1749) of Brandon White House, baptised 10 March 1684/5; married 18 February 1723/4, Martha, daughter of Rev. Charles Stoddart and had issue three sons and four daughters; buried at Eglingham (Northbld), 2 May 1749;
(2.3) Mary Allgood (1689-1746), born 16 April 1689; died unmarried and was buried at Hexham, 3 February 1746;
(2.4) Lancelot Allgood (1691-1735), baptised 1 May 1691; attorney at Hexham; bailiff of Hexham, 1725-34; married 1st, 1714/5, Ann Cook and 2nd, 13 February 1728/9, Esther (c.1696-1763), daughter and heir of William Varey of Newcastle-on-Tyne, notary public and widow of Thomas Teasdale of Steel Hall, Slaley (Northbld), and had issue two daughters; died 1734/5 and was buried at All Saints, Newcastle; will proved at York, 27 February 1734/5;
(2.5) Margaret Allgood (1693-1777); married, July 1726 at Chipchase, Henry Widdrington (d. 1727/8) of Colt Park, East Ritton (Northbld); died at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 7 December 1777, aged 85.
He was probably responsible for rebuilding Simonburn rectory in 1666; it was largely rebuilt again in 1725.
He died in 1696 and was buried at Simonburn, where he is commemorated by a mural monument in the chancel.

Allgood, Isaac (1683-1725). Son of Rev. Major Allgood (c.1637-96) and his second wife, Mary, daughter of Rev. John Pye of Morpeth, baptised 29 March 1683. Educated at Newcastle and St. John's College, Cambridge (admitted 1703); He married Hannah (d. 1724), daughter of Isaac Clark of London, vintner, and had issue:
(1) Sir Lancelot Allgood (1711-82), kt. (q.v.);
He also had a mistress, Hannah Reynolds, with whom he lived when in London, and by whom he had issue:
(X1) Hannah Allgood (1708-70), born in London, 24 March 1707/8; married secretly, 1724, John Glasse (d. 1747), a half-pay officer in the army and had issue four sons and six daughters of whom five children died in infancy; despite not being a professional cook, she published as Hannah Glasse, The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy (London, 1747); The Compleat Confectioner (c.1760) and The Servant's Directory or Household Companion (London, 1760), all reprinted many times; after her husband died she established herself as a costumier in Covent Garden and numbered the Princess of Wales among her customers; however she borrowed money heavily and was bankrupted in 1754, only being discharged in 1755 after selling the copyright in The Art of Cookery to a group of publishers; she was briefly imprisoned for debt in 1757; she died in Newcastle, 1 September 1770 and was buried at Broomfield (Essex) where her husband had been estate steward;
(X2) Mary Allgood (1709-17), baptised 18 November 1709; died young and was buried at Morpeth, 13 November 1717;
(X3) Isaac Allgood (b. 1712); baptised 31 July 1712; died young while at Durham School.
He lived in London and at Brandon White House near Powburn (Northbld). When he was ‘in liquor’ on 10 February 1714 he signed a deed transferring most of his London property to Mrs Reynolds. When he realized what he had done he turned her out, but it was too late, and his foolish act was to trouble the family for many years to come; it was not until 1740 that it was finally settled by his son and Hannah was provided with annuities as well as some capital.
He died 29 July 1725 and was buried at Simonburn. 

Allgood, Sir Lancelot (1711-82), kt of Nunwick Hall. Son of Isaac Allgood of Brandon White House, born 11 February 1711. Educated at Brasenose College, Oxford (admitted 1730) and Grays Inn (admitted 1731); undertook a Grand Tour through France and Italy, 1736-38, visiting Rome, Padua and Turin in 1738. High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1746-47; Tory MP for Northumberland, 1748-54; while an MP he promoted bills for turnpiking roads in Northumberland, much to the benefit of his own estates as well as of the county in general; knighted, 9 December 1760. He is known to have had Jacobite contacts (part of his Grand Tour was undertaken with Robert Forster), but during the '45 rebellion he demonstrated manifest loyalty to the Hanoverian dynasty, and attempts during the 1748 election campaign to portray him as a closet Jacobite were unsuccessful. He married, 22 February 1738/9, his distant cousin Jane (1721-78), daughter and heir of Robert Allgood of Lambley, Nunwick and Simonburn (Northbld) and had issue:
(1) Robert Allgood (1740-56), born 1 March 1739/40 and baptised 8 April 1740; educated at Eton but drowned there while bathing, 1 July 1756; buried at Eton, 10 July 1756;
(2) Jane Allgood (1743-47), born 30 July and baptised 31 August 1743; died young, 26 September 1747 and was buried at Hexham, 29 September 1747;
(3) Lancelot Allgood (1744-47), born 29 November 1744 and baptised 1 January 1744/5; died young, 6 September 1747 and was buried at Simonburn;
(4) Margaret Allgood (1746-47), born 26 February 1745/6 and baptised 1 April 1746; died young 28 September 1747 and was buried at Hexham, 2 October 1747;
(5) James Allgood (1749-1807) (q.v.);
(6) Jane Allgood (1751-76), born 26 August and baptised 4 October 1751; died unmarried at Bath (Somerset), 14 February 1776;
(7) Hannah Allgood (1753-97), born 3 January 1753; married 19 October 1778, Sir William Loraine (1749-1809), 4th bt. of Kirkharle Hall (Northbld) and had issue; died 5 June 1797 and was buried at Kirkharle (Northbld), 11 June 1797, where she is commemorated by a monumental inscription;
(8) Isabella Allgood (b. 1754), born 13 May 1754; married, 19 October 1776, Rev. Lambton Loraine (1752-1821), rector of Milton Keynes (Bucks), and had issue one son and four daughters.
He inherited Brandon White House from his father in 1725 and acquired Nunwick through his marriage, building the present house there in 1748-52, probably to the designs of Daniel Garrett. He inherited further property from his wife's cousin, George Allgood of Seghill (Northbld.) in 1749 and Colt Park, East Ritton and the associated lands of Birkheads and Coldrife from his great-aunt in 1777, but later sold them.
He died 26 April 1782 and was buried at Simonburn (Northbld). His wife died 25 March 1778.

Allgood, James (1749-1807) of Nunwick Hall. Only surviving son of Sir Lancelot Allgood (1711-82) and his wife Jane, daughter and heir of Robert Allgood of Nunwick and Simonburn, born 31 August and baptised 12 October 1749. Educated at Brasenose College, Oxford (matriculated 1768; MA 1771; DCL 1773; LLD). High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1786. He married, 2 October 1790, Martha (1767-1802), daughter of Christopher Reed of Chipchase Castle (Northbld) and had issue:
(1) Sarah Allgood (1792-1868), born 30 and baptised 31 March 1792; died unmarried at Lincoln Hill (Northbld), and was buried 1 August 1868; will proved 24 October 1868 (estate under £8,000);
(2) Jane Allgood (1793-1874), born 27 June and baptised 6 July 1793; died unmarried at Lincoln Hill (Northbld), 1 November and was buried at Humshaugh (Northbld), 5 November 1874; will proved 14 December 1874 (estate under £10,000);
(3) Robert Lancelot Allgood (1794-1854) (q.v.);
(4) Rev. James Allgood (1796-1850), born 29 January and baptised 8 April 1796; educated at University College and St Mary's Hall, Oxford (matriculated, 1813; BA 1819; MA 1821); ordained deacon, 1819 and priest, 1821; curate in Dorset, 1821-27; vicar of Felton, 1827-50 and rector of Ingram (Northbld), 1829-50; domestic chaplain to Viscount O'Neill, 1829-41; died unmarried at Felton, 28 April 1850 and was buried there 4 May 1850;
(5) Margaret Hannah Allgood (1800-62), born 27 and baptised 31 May 1800; died unmarried at Lincoln Hill (Northbld), 16 and was buried at Felton 22 March 1862; will proved 23 April 1862 (estate under £6,000).
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his father in 1782.
He died 14 May 1807 and was buried at Simonburn, 18 May 1807; his will was proved 21 August 1807. His wife was buried at Simonburn, 26 December 1802.

Allgood, Robert Lancelot (1794-1854) of Nunwick Hall. Elder son of James Allgood (1749-1807) and his wife Martha, daughter of Christopher Reed of Chipchase Castle (Northbld), born 17 September and baptised 19 September 1794. Educated at Oakham and Christ's College, Cambridge (admitted 1812). DL for Northumberland; High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1818. He married 1st, 2 May 1816, Mary Neville (1791-1816),  eldest daughter of John Reed of Chipchase Castle (Northbld) and 2nd, 26 August 1820, Elizabeth (1792-1864), second daughter and co-heiress of John Hunter of The Hermitage (Northbld) and had issue:
(2.1) Elizabeth Martha Allgood (1821-1892), born and baptised 5 July 1821; married, 26 August 1840, Gen. Henry Eyre (d. 1889) of Middleton Tyas (Yorks); died 8 June and was buried at Middleton Tyas, 14 June 1892; will proved 25 October 1892 (estate £4,071);
(2.2) Lancelot John Hunter Allgood (1823-85) (q.v.);
(2.3) Robert James Allgood (1825-42), born 18 March 1825; served as ensign in 98th Regiment; died unmarried and was buried at Simonburn, 2 August 1842;
(2.4) Rev. James Allgood (1826-1910) (q.v.);
(2.5) Maj-Gen. George Allgood (1827-1900) of Blindburn, Wark-on-Tyne (Northbld), born 1 November 1827; educated at Rugby; served in Bengal Staff Corps and with Bengal Native Infantry, 1857-69 (Maj-Gen., 1866); appointed CB 1864; married, 1862, Elizabeth (d. 1874), daughter of Rev. Richard Clayton and had issue two sons and one daughter; died 18 October 1900;
(2.6) Ann Jane Allgood (1829-1922) of The Hermitage (Northbld), born 22 February 1829; died 11 March 1922, aged 93; will proved 25 July 1922 (estate £29,890);
(2.7) Isabella Allgood (1831-96), born 1 February 1831; married, 26 or 29 June 1849, Henry Baker Baker (1822-71) of Elemore Hall (Durham) and had issue; died 2 March and was buried at Pittington (Durham), 5 March 1896; will proved 27 April 1896 (estate £34,781);
(2.8) Mary Frances Allgood (1835-41), born 10 July 1835; died young, 26 December 1841 and was buried 4 January 1842;
(2.9) Rev. William Isaac Allgood (1836-68) of The Hermitage (Northbld), born 1 November and baptised 7 November 1836; educated at Brasenose College, Oxford (matriculated 1856; BA 1861; MA 1863); died 20 April and was buried at Simonburn, 25 April 1868; will proved 5 June 1868 (estate under £10,000).
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his father in 1807 and employed Ignatius Bonomi to alter it in 1829. He also rebuilt Brandon Farm near Ingram in 1831.
He died at Brighton (Sussex), 25 May 1854 and was buried at Simonburn, 1 June 1854. His first wife was buried at Chollerton, 11 September 1816. His widow died 7 September 1864 (will proved 15 December 1864 (estate under £16,000)) and was also buried at Simonburn, where they are commemorated by a mural monument by Matthew Noble, 1866.

Allgood, (Lancelot John) Hunter (1823-85) of Nunwick Hall. Eldest son of Robert Lancelot Allgood (1794-1854) and his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of John Hunter of The Hermitage (Northbld), born 22 February 1823. Served as an officer in 13th Light Dragoons; JP and DL for Northumberland; High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1858. He married, 17 May 1845, Louisa Charlotte (d. 1899), daughter of Col. Sir Thomas Noel Hill KCB, but had no issue.
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his father in 1864. At his death the estate passed to his oldest surviving brother.
He died 23 January and was buried at Simonburn, 28 January 1885; his will was proved 17 March 1885 (estate £37,402). His widow died 26 December and was buried at Simonburn, 30 December 1899; her will was proved 10 March 1900 (estate £17,073).

Allgood, Rev. James (1826-1910) of Nunwick Hall.  Third son of Robert Lancelot Allgood (1794-1854) and his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of John Hunter of The Hermitage (Northbld), born 30 June 1826. Educated at Brasenose College, Oxford (matriculated 1846; BA 1850; MA 1852). Ordained deacon, 1851 and priest, 1852; rector of Ingram near Alnwick (Northbld), 1852-87. He married, 4 April 1854, Isabella (d. 1876), daughter of Charles Alexander Williamson of Balgray (Dumfriess) and had issue:
(1) Robert Lancelot Allgood (1855-1916) (q.v.);
(2) George Guy Hunter Allgood (1857-90), born 6 November and baptised 27 December 1857; educated at Wellington College; Capt. in King's Royal Rifle Corps; died unmarried by being accidentally killed at Allahabad (India), 22 March 1890; administration of goods granted, 11 February 1891 (estate £618);
(3) Alice Whittingham Allgood OBE (1859-1949), born 6 June and baptised 22 June 1859; JP for Northumberland; married, 2 October 1884, John Coppin Straker (1847-1937) of Stagshaw House (Northbld) and had issue; died 31 December 1949, aged 90; will proved 13 June 1950 (estate £14,518);
(4) Elaine Elizabeth Allgood (1861-65), born 10 February 1861; died young, 2 September 1865; buried at Ingram, 4 September 1865;
(5) James Charles Allgood (1862-76), born 21 July 1862; killed in a railway accident at Abbots Ripton (Hunts), 21 January 1876; buried at Ingram, 29 January 1876;
(6) David Williamson Allgood (1864-76), born 19 April 1864; killed in a railway accident at Abbots Ripton (Hunts), 21 January 1876; buried at Ingram, 29 January 1876;
(7) Alfred Major Allgood (1866-1949) of Walwick Grange, born 15 August and baptised 28 September 1866; educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge (matriculated 1885; BA 1893); land agent; married, July 1910, Margaretta (d. 1952), daughter of W. Murray MD of Scourbank, Longtown (Cumbld) but died without issue, 13 March 1949; will proved 20 May 1949 (estate £17,567);
(8) Brig-Gen. William Henry Loraine Allgood (1868-1957), born 16 February and baptised 15 April 1868; educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge (matriculated 1887); served in Kings Royal Rifle Corps (Burma Expedition, 1891-92; South African War, 1899-1900; WW1, 1914-18); Brigade Commander, 1916-18; Commander, Ripon Reserve Centre, 1918-20; Commanding Officer, Londonderry Infantry Brigade, 1920-22 and 140th Brigade, Territorial Army, 1922-25; retired as Brig-Gen., 1925; awarded CB; CMG; DSO; Legion d'honneur; married, 29 July 1914, Sophie Beryl Sheila (d. 1957), daughter of Col. John Henry Graham Holroyd Smyth CMG DL, but had no issue; died 27 December 1957; will proved 10 March 1958 (estate £16,453);
(9) Edith Gertrude Allgood (1869-1944), born 2 December 1869 and baptised 9 January 1870; married, 6 June 1895, Frederic Straker (1862-1941) of Angerton Hall (Northbld) and had issue; died 7 July 1944; will proved 11 November 1944 (estate £71,793);
(10) Mary Evelyn Allgood (1871-1943), born 7 November and baptised 17 December 1871; married September 1910, Richard George Bell (d. 1943) of Broomhouse near Morpeth (Northbld) and had issue; died 14 February 1943; will proved 25 August 1943 (estate £30,324);
(11) Rev. Roland Frederick Allgood (1873-1948), born 3 August and baptised 7 September 1873; educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge (matriculated 1893; BA 1899); ordained deacon, 1901 and priest, 1903; curate of Sedbergh (Yorks), 1901-09; rector of Ingram, Powburn (Northbld), 1909-47 and of Ilderton, 1938-47; rural dean of Glendale, 1937-47; Hon. Canon of Newcastle Cathedral, 1942-47; married, 17 December 1908, Edith Marion Porter (d. 1948), daughter of William Robinson of Greenbank, Sedbergh (Yorks) and had issue one son and one daughter; died 17 March 1948; will proved 14 July 1948 (estate £3,367).
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his elder brother in 1885.
He died 20 May 1910; his will was proved 20 October 1910 (estate £39,508). His wife was killed in a railway accident at Abbots Ripton (Hunts) with two of her sons, 21 January 1876, and was buried at Ingram, 29 January 1876.

Allgood, Robert Lancelot (1855-1916) of Nunwick Hall. Eldest son of Rev. James Allgood (1826-1910) of Nunwick Hall and his wife Isabella, daughter of Charles A. Williamson of Balgray, born 18 October 1855 and baptised 24 January 1856. Educated at Eton. He married, 14 July 1891, Isabel Evelyn (d. 1952), daughter of Nathaniel George Clayton of Chesters (Northbld), and had issue:
(1) Guy Hunter Allgood (1892-1970) (q.v.);
(2) Nathaniel James Allgood (1894-1957), born 27 December 1894 and baptised 17 March 1895; served in WW1 (Lt. in Royal Northumberland Fusiliers and Royal Flying Corps) and WW2 (F/Lt., Royal Air Force); died unmarried, 2 December 1957; his will was proved 31 March 1958 (estate £37,719);
(3) Maud Allgood (1896-1973), born 11 March and baptised 3 May 1896; died unmarried, Oct-Dec 1973;
(4) Rosamond Allgood (1897-1943), born 31 December 1897 and baptised 30 June 1898; died unmarried, 7 November 1943; her will was proved 3 April 1944 (estate £2,459).
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his father in 1910.
He died 10 October 1916; administration granted to his widow 17 May 1917 (estate £22,408). His widow married 2nd, 6 April 1918, Francis John Douglas (d. 1934), and died 23 February 1952; her will was proved 1 August 1952 (estate £2,697).

Allgood, Guy Hunter (1892-1970) of Nunwick Hall. Elder son of Robert Lancelot Allgood (1855-1916) and his wife Isabel Evelyn, daughter of Nathaniel George Clayton of Chesters (Northbld), born 4 October and baptised 27 November 1892. Educated at Winchester and Trinity College, Cambridge (BA 1914). Served in WW1 (Capt., 3rd Bttn., Northumberland Fusiliers, 1914-19) and WW2 (ADC 1939-41; Staff Captain, War Office, 1941-44); JP and DL for Northumberland; High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1954. He married, 26 September 1942, Mary (d. 1952), eldest daughter of Maj. Hon. Charles Noel of Pitkerro (Angus) and had issue:
(1) Lancelot Guy Allgood (1944-98) (q.v.);
(2) Charles Noel Allgood (b. 1945), born 1 May 1945; educated at Ampleforth;
(3) James Major Allgood (1948-49), born 27 June 1948; died in infancy, 15 March 1949.
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his father in 1916.
He died 1 June 1970. His wife died 7 March 1952.

Allgood, Lancelot Guy (1944-98) of Nunwick Hall. Eldest son of Guy Hunter Allgood (1892-1970) and his wife Mary, eldest daughter of Maj. the Hon. Charles Noel of Pitkerro (Angus), born 1 February 1944.  Educated at Ampleforth. High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1984. He married, 1972, Veronica Sybil Pitman (b. 1950) and had issue:
(1) Jane Elizabeth Allgood (b. 1977), born 3 April 1977; educated at St Anne's School, Windermere and Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester; married, October 2008, James Robert Lamb of Biggar (Lanarks);
(2) George Hunter Allgood (b. & d. 1979), born 1 May and died 18 May 1979;
(3) Alice Louise Allgood (b. 1980), born 14 August 1980; educated at St Anne's School, Windermere and Oxford Brookes University; married, August 2006, David Alastair George Murray;
(4) Mary Rosamund Allgood (b. 1983), born 21 February 1983; married, July 2011, Henry Hunter Lobb, solicitor, son of Rev. Edward Lobb of Middleton House, Beith (Ayrshire).
He inherited Nunwick Hall from his father in 1970. At his death the estate passed to his widow.
He died 24 December 1998; his will was proved 1 March 1999.


Burke's Landed Gentry, 1965, pp. 12-13; J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland in three parts, 1827, part 2, vol. 1, p. 322; R. Welford, Men of Mark 'Twixt Tyne and Tweed, 1895, vol. 1, pp. 40-42; F. Graham, The Old Halls, Houses and Inns of Northumberland, 1977, pp. 203-04; Sir N. Pevsner, I. Richmond et al, The buildings of England: Northumberland, 1992, pp. 533-34, 571; J. Ingamells, A dictionary of British and Irish travellers in Italy, 1701-1800, 1997, p. 16; Sir H.M. Colvin, A biographical dictionary of British architects, 4th edn., 2008, pp. 138, 410-12;;

Location of archives

Allgood family of Nunwick: deeds, 1468-19th cent; manorial and estate records, 1601-1937; legal papers 1657-1812; wills and settlements, 1537-1916; family papers, 17th cent.-1900; household papers, 18th-19th cents [Northumberland Archives, ZAL, O3256]

Coat of arms

Argent, a cross engrailed gules, between four mullets azure, on a chief or, three damask roses, barbed and seeded proper

Revision and acknowledgements

This post was first published 4 February 2014 and was updated 25 December 2022 and 25 October 2023.


  1. Greetings, Mr. Kingsley
    I came across your site with the history of the Allgood family.
    Wondering if you had come across a Mary Allgood of Branton ( which is close to Brandon, and Eglingham) that married the Revd Dr William Rastall? Time frame about 1750.

  2. I'm afraid not. The only William Rastalls in the Clergy of the Church of England database ( seem to come from Nottinghamshire; the information given there may provide a clue.

  3. I am connected to a Turnbull line in which every generation back to at least 1800 has a son named Lancelot Allgood Turnbull. Have you come across any other families taking these names? Mine were shepherds later farmers and I wondered if they worked for your Allgood line and adopted the forenames as a signof respect to their employer?

  4. Just tried to publish but seems to have disappeared.
    My name is Deborah Jane Allgood, my father Albert Barnet Allgood was born in Hexham, Northumberland and later settled in Cambridge. He is now deceased but spoke of barristers, vicars etc in the family years back and of summers spent in country homes. Just me left now so no one to ask. Do you know anything more?

    1. If you order a copy of your father's birth certificate (which you can do here:, it should give you the name of his father, which you might be able to connect with one of those name above.

  5. Thank you, I have my father’s birth certificate and my grandfathers, all tie back to Jane and Lancelot. I wish I had the time to reach out to remaining relatives.

  6. My grandmother Mary Turnbull (nee Waugh) was nursemaid to the Allgoods. She was born in 1881. Three of her daughters also became nursemaids. Her oldest daughter Norah Turnbull was nursemaid to the Countess of Durham.

  7. Allgood, Lancelot Guy (1944-99) in fact died 24 December 1998, according to a death notice in The Telegraph, 30 Dec 1998, Wed · Page 22

    1. Many thanks for this correction, which I have made above.

  8. Having acquired the Purdey 16-bore double rifle that George Allgood bought on December 9th, 1846, just before leaving as an 'ensign' of the East India Company to India, I'd much like to have access to the letters George wrote to his mother BEFORE leaving to China early 1860. I am particularly interested in his sporting adventures with this rifle.


Please leave a comment if you have any additional information or corrections to offer, or if you are able to help with additional images of the people or buildings in this post.